Energy (soul) and consciousness (spirit) coalesce, creating New Energy.
When the subject-object split collapses, a bridge forms between humanity and divinity & a new human species is created. Here, we explore here the channels of undiluted luminosity and what it means for all souled beings in all of creation. I share eastern wisdom from a western, modern, youthful & divine feminine voice. My given name is Lauren, but I have always been Sarah. In this incarnation, I teach from direct experience of fully inhabiting new or christos consciousness and from the space of my shared experiences with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene - also yogis - and Indian master friends, Kuthumi, Morya, Yogananda, M. Babaji - all who embodied light in physicality. We are LOVE with YOU! 👉 Patreon: 👉 Books 👉 Audible Book: 👉 Subscribe To My Channel - Free Content Weekly: |