Welcome to the House of Sarah. Sarah is not really a name but a vibrational song (saaah-RA) that refers to the part of All of Us that never forgot who it was, that wasn't based on memory, wisdom, or experience. In Sanskrit, it is called Chitta.
I established New Energy Creator in 2016. New Energy is simply a modern word for Christ Consciousness. On this website, you will find tons of content. Words are an undiluted fountain that pours forth from me, and I get sick without speaking it and writing.
That being said, nothing is nothing without establishing a direct line to God Consciousness. Therefore, it must be noted that all I say here can only point to the Christ Consciousness. However, if we meet directly and physically in-person I can show it to you.
I walk around the Earth quite feral like John the Baptist did. However, this "author photo" is me after a makeup artist and hairstylist went after me for an hour. Such is modern life.
Thank you for being here in this gorgeous place - and more so, for being here on Earth.
I Am the second coming of Christ... and you are... and you are... and you are... and you are...
Recent Trip to Patagonia, Chile. Professional Puma photo by @adaminthebush & Photos of me by Marlon Du Toit.
Drinking & walking puma photos by me.
Here is a LIST of all the Light Body Materials:
ONE: Book & AudioBook Formats & Languages
The Light Body Sessions are all transcribed and printed in the book:
The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species: Carbon Altered Through Consciousness
Available on Amazon in English, German & Spanish.
Available on Audible & iTunes Books in English Audio Format - Read By The Author
TWO: All Light Body Videos in English
You can turn on auto-generated translations in YouTube
The Light Body Video Series is available in the online store.
You get all 5 videos (private YouTube links) with slides and my face and hands talking ~ on sale now for $222 USD
This helps us pay for the production of new materials in the works already. We deeply appreciate the exchange.
THREE: Kuthumi & Sarah's 365-Days of Light
A daily connectivity between Energy + Consciousness....
The 365-Days of Light includes a video chat explanation
+ Daily Musical Experience is the self-inquiry journey
which allows you to create a direct path and direct experience with the Light,
allowing it to touch and meet and change the energy of your biological form and subtle bodies.
~ It is in the store of $99 USD. Application Materials for the Light Body Sessions 1 & 2. ~
FOUR: Yogananda & Sarah's Pia Mater (Gentle Mother) Materials
How You Actually Shine Your Light in the Biology ~ Application Video
In Light Body Session 3, Paramahansa Yogananda introduces the Pia Mater,
a permeable membrane around the spinal column - that allows you to radiate light consciousness into all. your. energy.
The 40 beings in the New Human database program said this was their favorite of all the materials from the last year, and now it is available to you.
On sale now for $133 USD.
FIVE: The Sovereign Collective's Medulla Oblongata (Mouth of God) Materials
Coming Fall 2024!
NEW! All Five Light Body Sessions Videos
If you loved the Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species Book & Light Body Sessions
- AND/OR you are a visual learner and like when I talk with slides in the background -
you can now purchase access to all 5 light body sessions.
The videos are between 50-90 minutes long, have slides, and have been edited by Elleyah.
Your purchase will contain a PDF to download containing the links to all 5 videos that you will have access to for at least one year.
We trust you not to share it without exchange.
We recommend spreading out the sessions to allow them to sink and re-orient gently.
1. Light Body Session Video One: Know Before You Go
In this video Kuthumi gives us an overview on what to expect in your life as you embark on the light body expression - experience.
(50-minute video presentation)
The Light Body Sessions Video Two: Inimitable YOU!
This video highlights how the light body expression-experience will be unique to you. Kuthumi, Sarah & Yogananda share their personal experiences to give examples and the codes to unlock your inimitability are included in this video beneath the words.
(50-minute video presentation)
The Light Body Sessions Video Three: New Human Species
This video presentation session covered the 4P’s – potentials, possibilities, probabilities and passageways of and for the New Human Species. Allow the mind to expand into an open loop system and so much more.
(50-minute video presentation)
The Light Body Sessions Video Four: Creative Intelligence
This session dives deep into the characteristics of Gnost, Knowingness, and the Sovereign mind. We bridge the parallel between the third to last Atlantean lifetime and now. The experience of this reality bleed-through is often what leads to creative intelligence feeling inorganic or unnatural until the mind and nervous system relax.
(55-minute video presentation)
The Light Body Sessions Video Five: Living the Enigma (How to Live As Light)
In this fifth and final session, Sarah, Kuthumi and Yogananda talk about what it is to LIVE life unfiltered by definitions. The Light Body is the vehicle for experience and expression.
(50-minute presentation plus 30-minute musical journey)
Questions [email protected]
"With my back to the wall of fire, I feel that I have always been everything myself. I fall and I fall, then a light flow. Self meets itself. It feels like 2 selves, now reunited. That too is myself. I was here and at the same time behind the wall of fire. It seems to have dissolved, that's what it feels like at the moment. A process has been set in motion and it draws me more and more into myself. Thank you Sara`h and Kuthumi." ~ Ursula
"I fell in love with Lauren’s gift for clarity and her ability to provide first hand information about Enlightenment while reading Lauren’s book “Becoming Sar'h: A Modern Self-Realization Story.” The Lightbody Sessions is the first online course I have taken through Lauren. As a long time Shaumbra, I only found her information half a year ago, and I am so grateful that I did. This course took things to another level for me. If you feel drawn to these sessions do not hesitate in signing up! I have gotten so much out of this experience. I have listened to each session four times and, so much has shifted for me since taking it. I highly recommend this course." ~ Cheryl
"I have been wanting to write a review for this course for some time and I find it to be one of those situations where words fall short. And I realize it doesn’t matter, it’s all in here.The Lightbody Sessions Volume 1 & 2 have been a huge part of my last year. It’s a 6 month course and I took it over that time period. It is not one to be jumped into, to be gobbled up in a matter of days or weeks. I lived this course for months and it has stretched the human in very uncomfortable ways. All necessary to continue to dive deeper. It brings awareness to constructs and beliefs and does this on all levels. It will open you up if you allow it to. If you are ready to go further this course will take you there. And it’s still unfolding, I’m still living in it all. I don’t know where else you will find this fundamental, frontline, first hand experienced information. If you are experiencing your lifetime of realization, this course is so key." ~ Keiko
"For me the Light Body sessions really brought my Atlantean designed brain along with understanding how my designated ascendee in this current lifetime is moving simultaneously with my Atlantean last lifetime. How the belief systems started and why they started; why it was necessary to have the Atlantean designed mind to have this experience on earth. I have been able to identify belief patterns that have carried over from lifetime to lifetime. It is necessary to acknowledge the belief patterns that have developed over these many, many lifetimes in order to bring in the light body. Also, to understand where the evolution of the new Human species is going; from the closed loop system to the open loop system. The Light Body Sessions are structured to allow each participant to have their own personal experience with this material. The Light Body sessions continue to unfold and take me further. I am so grateful to have this information that Lauren and Koot Hoomi provide. I have never been disappointed in any of the courses I have taken through the Sovereign Collective and the Light Body sessions are another exceptional course - highly recommended." ~ Tammy
"The Light Body Series – Volume One: Some human labels: Beautiful and moving. You get excellent video quality. Is the price worth it? The volume is priceless... so YES! If you feel stuck, this material might be a way to make you move ahead. For a long time, I couldn’t find the place where to order the material, but then the human was right to access it and the money was there too. This material takes a level of ‘spiritual maturity’ or really knowingness to connect to. You must be able to laugh about your human self, and you probably get some good laughs with the guys. It puts words to what the human already knows, expands the ‘understanding’, and ensures the human that it is right in what it has experienced. Shortly after starting video two, I know video one is kind of prelude, and especially video two is so ‘rewarding’ to experience. If you can, watch the two videos in sequence with a brief break in between. Thank you to Koot Hoomi, Yogananda and Sar’h for their stories." ~ Erik
"This course tested my commitment to staying on earth. I had to be brutally honest with parts of self that I had been hiding from. The sessions supported the unwinding of relationships and acknowledging the truth of the looping stories I had been telling. It is a deep dive that continues to deepen and a life changing course when you allow it. A true commitment to you. I highly recommend these sessions." ~ Deneen
365 - Days of Bio Body Integration into the Light - S+K Videos + Plus Email Support Included
Kuthumi - in his simplistic yet never lacking depth way - told me about six months ago:
"If you feel into your biological body and simultaneously into your light body every day for a year (365 days in a row), you will begin to have a drastically tangible and grounded experience with your LIGHT BODY in your DAILY LIFE.
The light body will no longer be an intellectually cloudy concept but a biological daily life experience."
Then and only then can we ask: what's this light body all about and how does it work and transform our experiences on new and old earths combined?
This exchange includes:
- I have fixed the download issue and tested it, so the download works here so you keep the video made by Elleyah, Koot, and me.
- PERSONALIZED EMAIL SUPPORT on developing your OWN unique to you New Energy Routine. Email follow-up to answer questions in a reasonable amount. 3-5 questions answered for you personally.
Since Kuthumi brought this up, I have been doing it every day for 6 months and have felt a huge change in how I experience and express.
I have also felt big parts of my life flip upside down - always for the better but also with wobbles.
I told Koot I needed to do it myself for at least 6 months before I put it in the store. Now I feel confident doing so!
Moving from energy responding to consciousness, to New Energy responding to New Energy can feel very daunting at times. There are no guaranteed results. Life changes may occur. You are responsible for you.
No refunds. We reserve the right not to respond to aggressive or abusive emails. Emailed questions will be responded to within 10 business days and with deep dive responses from both of us.
"Thank you. Totally magnificent."
"Thank you for this opportunity. I love it!
It makes a difference to move deeper into my divinity in such a safe space as you give.
Vielen dank für diese Möglichkeit. Ich liebe es!
Es macht einen Unterschied mich tiefer in meine Göttlichkeit hinein zu bewegen, in einem so sicheren Raum wie Du ihn gibst."
" Much appreciated."
"Soooooooooo awesome and soooooo grateful for what you and kuthumi have experienced and sharing with the sovereign collective."
Disciplined Curiosity:
A Kuthumi term meaning you show up and explore ALL from a space of creative neutrality. Disciplined curiosity is a new energy routine or new energy pattern/ code that trains the old mind to come along into the new.
Instead of the reject/ accept, like/ dislike, problem/ solution mechanism of a narrow dualistic perspective, this practice calls for, and requires even, that you show up with the curiosity of a child when you are met with an experience or expression of yourself.
It develops the New Mind, the one that can comprehend the infinite. You are open to all with a state of child-like curiosity, in a disciplined practice of having fun!
New Energy Routine:
Not a repeating pattern, but a rhythm of your consciousness and energy dancing as ONE.
Rather than a repetition, it’s an experiment to go deeper and see what is changing and how it flows through the body of consciousness.
The routine would be the constant in this experiment while your conscious awareness' dynamic permanence is the variable.
A new energy routine is a way for your humanity to experience the deeply creative rhythm of the I am Consciousness.
In other words, you show up to do the same thing every day - like dance or meditate or walk - yet 'The Who' that shows up to the routine is in constant flux - this allows you to feel the dynamic permanence of your Is-ness.
Can be paid for through credit card, or electronic transfer options listed on the 'How to exchange page':
Please email us at [email protected] if you send money in this manner, so we know where to send it. PayPal, for example, is no longer showing email addresses.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This website and its content, courses, and publications are for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological support from a professional. You are responsible for all creations in your life. By participating in any course, reading our writing, you agree that you have read and understand: this content is not advice, it is purely for entertainment and informational purposes. All sales are final. No refunds. No exceptions, unless noted otherwise in the store item description. ©2023 Lauren Hutton. All Rights Reserved.
The Pia Mater - NEW!! The "Gentle Mother" - The Bio-Mechanics of Shining Your Light - 2 Videos + Transcript
Watch this to get a small sample of the materials:
"The great news about this Atlantean standardized biological
body is that it's highly, highly adaptable to Consciousness.
The biology is simply energy, thus, therefore, as a result, it's
highly adaptable to your inimitable, cannot be copied, ineffable,
cannot be described Consciousness." ~ Sarah
In the Pia Mater supplemental materials, we take the concept of the Pia Mater being the biological key to shining your light - unapologetically - as introduced by Yogananda in Light Body Session 3, and we turn it into something that can be experienced-expressed directly in your own biological carbon-based form.
Direct application. Direct experience. These materials are a dissolving bridge that resurrects for you to cross and dissolves as you make it your own!
The Pia Mater is like a cellophane shrink wrap built into the biological form to protect the spine - yet when met with the light of awareness - it becomes the expression of God Consciousness radiating from the spine.
Rarely spoken aloud and certainly never published, Yogananda gives us a key piece to this puzzle that has no box to look onto for reference as we place the pieces together.
Your purchase includes:
1) A PDF of the slides and English transcript.
2) Link to the Video Explanation with Slides, Definitions (full video of me talking and explaining with definitions and diagrams) - Recorded on June 30, 2023 for the New Human Database, 40 minutes long
3) Link to the Musical Integration Session (About 18 Minutes, Produced March 11, 2024) - to listen to over and over again
Your purchase allows the funding needed to make our next project/ production.
We deeply appreciate the exchange.
You will have access to both videos for at least one year.
With love and gratitude,
Sarah & Crew
Here New Energy Creator we champion restoring the relevance and importance of the biological body in the embodied enlightenment experience - realization from the neck down.
"New Energy Physics are great," Kuthumi said.
"But it's just mental masterbation until you fully inhabit consciousness in this highly, highly adaptable biological body."
The Pia Mater is the physical membrane inside of your bio body where the light actually radiates out of the body, but not before shining unto all parts and piece of You, first.
In other words:
Yogananda taught it to me and Yeshua taught it to him and Mary M and Bababji taught it to him. Passed down from generations of New Energy beings.
About 45 beings have been playing in these materials for months so they tested it out and grounded it, prior to a public release.
Developed in July 2023, I waited to share it with anyone until I properly experienced directly for myself first. That's how all our materials come out.
Dedicated to precision.
To understanding before posting.
To try it out on myself first and feel safe and confident to bring it to YOU.
"That's how we roll here" ~ Kuthumi
Source: The Pia Mater Supplemental Materials for the Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species.
Recorded July 2023 in Sarah's living room. Transmitted by the deep relationship between Guru (Yogananda in this case) to student/ disciple (Sarah). Kuthumi approved.
Voice: Lauren Hutton
Video Production: Elléyah Rose
All music and images used are paid for and licensed always - never stolen from the internet - we pay our artists!
Questions? Email [email protected]
The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species Audiobook
Published March 2024
The New Human Database
New Patreon Page!
It's free to join & check out.
Patrons are solely responsible for us being able to develop new materials.
We deeply appreciate you.
We also have a safe and supportive community, with no rough energy edges. Something I have strived to create over 8 years.
Divine friendships found.
The Movie. The Magi. Be You. Be Inspired.
The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species
Volume One: Carbon Altered Through Consciousness
Published February 21, 2023
The book includes a password for all audio channel experiences
🌟 Sarah, Kuthumi & Friends Website
📚 Amazon Books: https://www.amazon.com/author/laurenhutton
🎥 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NewEnergyCreator
🌱 The Patreon Page: www.patreon.com/TheDivineBlueprint
The Patreon Page is free to join & has various levels of exchange to choose from. It is what is keeping it all going. Thank you all so much.