2. The Thirty Days of Self-Love with Sarah & Morya ~ 2018 ~ English & Spanish ~ Amazon Kindle and Paperback
3. Becoming Sar'h: A Modern Self-Realization Story (Books One & Two in a Single Volume, Kindle or Hardback on Amazon) ~ 2019
4. Living in the Garden of New Life by Koot Hoomi & Sar'h ~ April 2021 ~ English & Spanish
5. The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species by Sar'h & Kuthumi ~ August 2022 (English), German (2023), Spanish (2024) Audiobook published in March 2024 on Audible & iTunes ~ All Videos Available on STORE page.
6. The Era of the Magus by Sarah and Kuthumi* ~ February 21, 2023 (English), February 2024 (Polish), September 2024 (Spanish)
* This book contains a password to access all the audio channels on our website
7. The Rhythm of Further E-Book Interactive Experience (June 2024, Available on the website & Amazon)
The Rhythm of Further
In 2023, the Magus Kuthumi along with Sarah and the Sovereign Collective gathered for six months to open up passageways into greater embodiment of the New Light on planet Earth, during a monumental event some called Heaven’s Cross, opening up passageways throughout All of Creation.
A great cosmic re-orientation around a New Light!
Each month – January to June – we covered another passageway, which included: Softness, Texture, Depth, Darkness, Depth, I Am as Identity and God-Self Absorption. A deep dive into subtle energy and how energy and consciousness coalesce. This was fresh off us finishing The Light Body Sessions and the Era of the Magus 18-month series and book, both available in book, audiobook, and video formats.
In this book, you will find the original channels, excerpts from our famous Conversations Create calls, chapters by Sovereign Collective co-creators, artwork, and so much more.
The e-book edition - AVAILABLE FOR FREE DOWNLOAD LOGIN: READER PORTAL - contains links that will walk you through all of our work, developed at New Energy Creator since it was formed in February 2016. The hardback edition (found on Amazon) features full color art in a choose your own conscious adventure format.
Enjoy this beautiful dance, friends! Na-Ma-STAY on Earth!
The Era of the Magus
~ Magi Sarah & Kuthumi & You ~
A Sovereign Collective Book
* All versions include a password to access the original audio channels on this website *
Somewhere along the line, they lost confidence in their ability to create as the God, Also. They let the guilt – I did something wrong in Atlantis – and shame – I am wrong because I left Oneness – get in the way of their divine, innate ability to Create their Sovereign Reality.
They allowed doubt – a mental construct – to obscure their view of their own divinity. They played small to protect themselves from a separate view of self and from the illusory perception of others. They allowed karma – the law of cause and effect – to dictate their trajectory.
And then one day a Banyan Tree appeared about eight degrees beyond the Classic Earth reality, beyond time and space.
The Call of the Sovereign Magus began to rise up through the roots of the majestic Banyan Tree and radiate a golden shower of light pouring from its electric blue branches. The Sovereign Collective was born.
One by one, sovereign ascended and embodied beings began to gather in, around, and above the mighty Banyan Tree. As they gathered, all that was not their true Creator nature began to burn, to incinerate.
A Flame of Clarity ignited the way for New Life as a Modern Magus...all while holding a physical representation on what was once a foreign land but now their beloved home: Earth.
These are their stories.
Sarah is an embodied magus who lives between two oceans and two countries with her giant poodle, Arjuna. She enjoys surfing waves, realm walking, and supporting, in the dream state, anyone choosing the New Energy Human experience.
Kuthumi is an ascended magus who held his so-called last lifetime in the late 1800s. He is one of few ascended masters who held a physical form on Earth after meeting the realized state of being for more than two decades.
The Magi – Sarah, embodied – and Kuthumi, ascended – come together in this series to illuminate passageways for going beyond the self-realization, last lifetime experience and into inhabiting the Totality of Your Inimitable Consciousness.
This book goes along with the Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species, and it includes a password for you to access all the corresponding audio channels on the website:
(You can use this version for translations or if you do not have access to Amazon where you live)
The Thirty Days of Self-Love Experience
This is the second book in the Becoming Sar'h Book Series. Shortly after publishing Book One, Lauren translated a message from El Morya that said, the embodied enlightenment experience is synonymous with self-love.
The statement set off a passionate fire in Lauren, so she packed her truck and traversed the western coast of the United States with her dog, Ollie, in exploration of what it means to truly love and accept oneself. These are her raw, unedited journals and an invitation to join in on the grandest love affair available: The Return to Self.
The book includes space to write your own story and prompts designed to deepen your connection with your own soul, the master wisdom, within you. This book is an opening and sovereign guide into your own 30 day journey into Self-LOVE.
Download the book on your computer and/or print it out so you can too write the story of your Return to Self!!!
"If you are willing to expand your edges, this is the book to help you do it. Lauren is a wonderful writer. I have given this book to several people." ~ Joyce
"Shared from the heart of Lauren Hutton, this book is the ultimate gift to one's self!!! Her words are raw, intimate, lively, and inspiring. Be ready to open your heart and journey inward to Self Love, my BeLoved friends!
Taking this Thirty-Day journey of Self-Love by reading Lauren’s book has taken me ever deeper into all the aspects and sensuality of my own Self Love with every word I read. That’s a supreme compliment coming from one who has been deeply immersed in Self-Love as my ultimate love affair for the past few years as many of you know from reading my poetry, blog, and my daily fb posts... you may want to invest in the paperback version because if you’re anything like me, your personal notes, that she inspires from within you, will become prolific in the space she provides with each daily chapter. I’ll be returning for a re-read, more than once!!!" ~ Sharon
"This book is distilled into the core of all that is. I felt the whole book in my core.
And even if I usually are not a good reader I will call this book a page-turner. It also arrived in divine timing. as books like this often do.Lauren Hutton is clearly in her passion when she is sharing, it is a great journey of expansion for the reader. I give thanks." ~ Eiril
"I read the book in small bits, sometimes with weeks in-between. At some point I realised the text always touched on a subject reflecting my current situation. The spaces in between the reads, was of no coincident at all. When my situation was ‘right’ I took up the reading. I AM pointed at the book when I was ready to read.
Besides from being presented with the wisdom ‘needed’ at the ‘right’ moment, the most profound experience was, when I realised, that the human was not in charge. When the mind can sit back and relax in what seems to be turmoil and chaos, life shows up in its natural flow." ~ Erik Istrup
Living in the Garden of New Life E-Book (PDF)
Namaste, friends! We invite you to drink from the fountain within, pull up your self-realization park bench, dance to the encore of New Life, and bring your simultaneous future now Self too.
It’s all just one big New Energy party.
Included are nine experiences Sar’h & Koot Hoomi recorded together in honor of You. They were recorded March through December 2020. For more information, please visit:
Sar’h lives as embodied magus on the Mexican shores of the mighty Pacific Ocean with her dog, the Professor. She enjoys surfing waves and supporting, in the dream state, anyone choosing the New Life experience.
Koot Hoomi is an ascended magus who held his so-called last lifetime in the late 1800s. He is one of a handful of ascended masters who stayed in physical form after meeting the realized state of being, and allowed energy and consciousness to combine as one while staying on Earth.
Koot Hoomi & Sar’h come together in this book to share their simultaneous walks into the Garden of New Life, a space where energy doesn’t simply respond to consciousness, but instead becomes one with it. These are their tales written in honor of anyone sailing past self-realization and into the oceanic New Energy experience.
The Era of The Magus Book (PDF Download)
Per request for those with English as a Second language or without access to Amazon, we now offer the Era of the Magus book in PDF download form. The book contains a website password for you to access all of the audio channels that go along with the book.
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, lived the Magi - a new generation of conscious beings who came to Earth in a revolutionary way, knowing that they would one day change the dynamics of the planet entirely.
Somewhere along the line, they lost confidence in their ability to create as the God, Also. They let the guilt – I did something wrong in Atlantis – and shame – I am wrong because I left Oneness – get in the way of their divine, innate ability to Create their Sovereign Reality.
They allowed doubt – a mental construct – to obscure their view of their own divinity. They played small to protect themselves from a separate view of self and from the illusory perception of others. They allowed karma – the law of cause and effect – to dictate their trajectory.
And then one day a Banyan Tree appeared about eight degrees beyond the Classic Earth reality, beyond time and space.
The Call of the Sovereign Magus began to rise up through the roots of the majestic Banyan Tree and radiate a golden shower of light pouring from its electric blue branches. The Sovereign Collective was born.
One by one, sovereign ascended and embodied beings began to gather in, around, and above the mighty Banyan Tree. As they gathered, all that was not their true Creator nature began to burn, to incinerate.
A Flame of Clarity ignited the way for New Life as a Modern Magus...all while holding a physical representation on what was once a foreign land but now their beloved home: Earth.
These are their stories.
Hello, friends!
Your story, my story, Kuthumi's story after he took a walk, our Sovereign Collective story is now in hardback and kindle e-book book forms and available on Amazon worldwide.
It is the sixth published book in the last seven years. I can't even think too much about that. It has been a labor of love. It is sometimes unfathomable that I was able to get it all out.
When I hit publish on February 21st, I had tears pouring out of my eyes. It was a little relief, a little trauma, and a lot of Joy!
There were days in the last two years when the push back from putting out something NEW was so hard, I thought Kuthumi and I would never be able to get this out.
The idea that you have to integrate and walk beyond the realization last lifetime mentality was simply too much for many to handle, and it was a paddle upstream to say the least!!!!
Book Details
This book - a full color picture, hardback book - is the written version of the Era of the Magus audio series that ran June 2021 - December 2022.
It includes a year and a half of deep dives into the Magi Experience, and thousands of hours of work.
The Book Price
Please note the e-book is $33 USD because it is a hardback with full color photos. It's really beautiful.
All editions contain a password to access ALL the audio channels as well so it is a great deal!!
Password to Access the Audio Files
Inside the book, there is a password for you to access all the audio channels to support your reading experience.
The words in the channels have been modified with notes and further insights into the Magi Experience by Kuthumi and myself.
That's a $250 USD value if you care about such things.
The book dives deeply into the we-go experience, the new soul, and ends with the connection to I Am Consciousness and what that looks like living on Earth.
Soul is simply energy responding to consciousness, and the fluid ego - we call the we-go - is how you stay on Earth in full Joy and in your Full Luminosity.
It is perhaps the most important concept to till the soil in the Garden of New Life!
POLISH E-BOOK: Era Maga (includes password for channels + original art)
This E-Book includes a password for access to all audio channels in their original form.
This book is copyrighted, so please do not pass it along to your friends without a proper exchange.
Giant thank you to Ahna who transcribed this book from pure passion for the materials. We love you, Ahna!
Dawno, dawno temu w krainie nie tak odległej, żyli Magowie – nowe pokolenie świadomych istot, którzy przybyli na Ziemię w rewolucyjny sposób, wiedząc, że pewnego dnia całkowicie zmienią dynamikę planety.
Gdzieś po drodze stracili wiarę w swoją zdolność do tworzenia jako Bóg. Pozwolili, aby poczucie winy – zrobiłem coś złego na Atlantydzie – i wstyd – mylę się, ponieważ opuściłem Jedność – stanęły na drodze ich boskiej, wrodzonej zdolności do tworzenia ich Suwerennej Rzeczywistości.
Pozwolili, aby zwątpienie – konstrukt mentalny – zaciemniło ich pogląd na własną boskość. Zachowywali się skromnie, grali małych, aby chronić się przed spojrzeniem innych z iluzorycznym postrzeganiem. Pozwolili, aby karma – prawo przyczyny i skutku – dyktowała ich trajektorię.
A potem, pewnego dnia pojawiło się Drzewo Figowe z obrotem o osiem stopni poza klasyczną ziemską rzeczywistością, poza czasem i przestrzenią.
Zew Suwerennego Maga zaczął wznosić się ponad korzeniami majestatycznego Drzewa Figowego i promieniować złotym deszczem światła wylewającym się z jego elektrycznie niebieskich gałęzi. Tak narodził się Suwerenny Kolektyw.
Jedna po drugiej, suwerenne, wzniesione i wcielone istoty zaczęły gromadzić się w, wokół i ponad potężnym Drzewem Figowym. Kiedy się zebrali, wszystko, co nie było ich prawdziwą naturą Stwórcy zaczęło płonąć, spalać się.
Płomień Przejrzystości otworzył drogę do Nowego Życia jako Nowoczesnego Maga... a wszystko to w fizycznej reprezentacji na tym, co kiedyś było obcym lądem, ale teraz jest ich ukochanym domem: Ziemią.
To są ich historie.
The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species
Volume One: Carbon Altered Through Consciousness
~Magi Sar'h & Kuthumi ~
Published on August 20th, 2022
Recorded January 2021 - June 2022
Audiobook March 2024
German and Spanish Translations Available
When soul energy and spirit consciousness fuse together, a bridge forms between humanity and divinity.
If you chose to stay on Earth beyond Self-Realization and embody consciousness, a new human species is formed as – the energy of biology and consciousness of light – combine into a singular expression: That of the I Am Consciousness incarnate.
The result is the alteration of the carbon of the standardized human form – through the light of awareness rather than through automation or technological enhancement.
A body augmented and altered by technology is simply one of the defining characteristics of the Time of the Machines – the modern era that is upon Earth right now.
Those who chose consciousness – over automation – in the creation of the New Human Species will create lasting impacts woven into Classic Earth reality as it inevitably folds into an increasing technocratic global society.
The New Human Species – altered through consciousness – is not out to change the outcome of the Earth’s trajectory – yet will inspire and illuminate potentials, possibilities, probabilities, and passageways for the end of human suffering.
The Magi Sar’h – embodied – and Kuthumi – ascended – come together in The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species to create a database of all they have shared in the last three years working together.
In this first volume, they cover completely how carbon is altered through the light of awareness, and how you can choose and allow this for yourself – first and foremost.
This book includes full coverage of the topics: Ancient Integrations for the Free Energy Body of Today, The Magus Effect, Kuthumi's New Soul definition, all five Light Body Sessions, Undefined You!, and Samadhi and the End of Suffering. It picks up where Journey of the Angels left off. It is currently available in hardback book and an e-book form. You can always do a search for it on the Amazon website for your own country.
Living in the Garden of New Life Series with the Magus Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi)
Recorded in 2020 and published in April 2021
Hello, friends! As you are likely aware, at the beginning of the pandemic in February 2020, El Morya left and Koot Hoomi, also known as Kuthumi, came in. Over the course of the next year, we recorded nine channels about what comes after realization while staying in physical form.
While Koot Hoomi and I share a bit about our personal experience, I realized when I was recording the channels that I was also channeling YOU! - and any being who has chosen to allow realization and stick around for a bit - in the age of the machines, no less! The most shockingly delightful awareness I've experienced in the last year, playing with Koot Hoomi and all who gather under the Banyan Tree of the sovereign collective, is truly having an experience of energy and consciousness combining as one, tangibly and with my mind coming into the ability to comprehend the infinite, which is my working definition of the New Human Species. While I still have deep experiences with energy responding directly to consciousness, more and more it has become melded, merged, and souped - for lack of a better description. That's where Koot Hoomi begins and ends his book - our book - starting in chapter one with inner and outer worlds merging together as one - and beautifully ending the book with the Fountain - a place beyond time and space - where energy and consciousness can truly come together as one - bridging the ultimate duality AND the full new energy experience. For anyone who reads this book and gazes upon it's full color images, Koot Hoomi will be right there beside you, curled up in the corner of the couch, or waiting to bing you on the head with his tiny hammer. Namasteee! We are Love with You! ~ Sar'h & Koot Hoomi |