~ The New Energy Glossary ~
Created by Jess B, KH, Morya & Sar'h for the Sovereign Collective
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The 4 P’s— Potentials, possibilities, probabilities, and passageways of your energy. Navigating the Void is simply moving through, sifting through all the P’s of your own energy, which has huge implications not only for you, but all of humanity and all souled beings in all of creation. (Kuthumi).
Absolute — A descriptive term that means having the experience without a lens of perception or belief placed upon it – to view it from different angles or separately from Self. In other words, no longer viewing a divide between energy and consciousness. No longer a divide between subject I and the experience the I is perceiving. Absolute reality is also called BIG R-reality. Absolute reality is Rumi's field: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and righting, there is a field. I'll meet you there."
Active Allowing -- In a state of active allowing, the me identity or little-s self becomes the observer and the God, Also the actor. Roles are reversed and in this dynamic creative tension, transmigration into deeper states of being your True Creator Nature occur. The active part is the me stepping out of the way, and allowing the Creative Intelligence to take over. Once Creative Intelligence is in the "driver's seat" allowing turns to commanding energy.
Age of Aquarius — A New Era on Earth, in which the passageways to All of Creation open up to Christ Consciousness or New Energy. The Age of the Machines and the Age of the Aquarius happen simultaneously on Earth. Yeshua came to bring forth the Piscean Age, where we planted the seeds of the Christ Consciousness or the New Energy. We did it so we could walk through the Garden of New Life in the Age of Aquarius. At the Age of Aquarius, which according to all of us here, the whole crew, occurred at the Grand Conjunction in December of 2020, yet is not pinpointed firmly there. The mustard seed sprouts in the Aquarian Age. It's also the quality of The Fourth Element. Running simultaneous and parallel, here are four eras: Lemurian, Atlantean, Piscean, Aquarian.
Ahkuhn — An Atlantean vibrational language term for beyond time and space, something used by realm walkers to navigate time and space from within themselves. In the absence of time and space, one can experience the totality of their freedom (sovereignty) and true New Energy Creatorship. Ahkuhn is moving fluidly along the vertical axes of your divine blueprint free from the contracts of time and space, but with the ability to dive into time and space constructs without getting stuck.
Anayatron — The Central Communications Network that holds the biological body and old human way of functioning in place. Related to the cord that was severed between Spirit (Big-Y You) and the Order of the Arc, previously used so you would not “get lost”. Part of the ungrouping is allowing the anayatron to dissolve and/or integrate. When you connect to the simplicity of the Light Body, the anaytron or biorhythm begins to dance to the beat or rhythm of I AM consciousness, creating a simple, singular system of light expression-experience. A Crimson Circle term, here Kuthumi and I prefer to play with the biorhythm - it is not the exact same definition but the byproduct here is the same: One Energy of Biology & Light Combined.
Atlantean Dream — Having all of Self here in the infinite now to experience your inimitable, cannot-be-copied, unique consciousness and your humanity combined as one, which opens up the doors to All of Creation and the Infinite Caverns of your Being-ness (perhaps the two are one and the same!)
The Banyan Tree — A place for sovereign beings to gather and take pause, to go beyond the limits of time and space. It is a reality in which you can view your truth outside of the noise and gravity of Earth, a place of clarity and knowingness. The Banyan Tree is a representation of the New Energy experience, of being fully embodied on Earth and staying to experience New Life.
It is a gathering place for ascended and embodied beings who have moved beyond angelic councils and all other hierarchical structures.
Being — (An action verb) A perpetual state of becoming - a never static, always dynamic experience of knowing yourself as God, also, without any perception of a divide between humanity and divinity. The state of further is an extension of this dynamic motion without movement.
Biocentrism —A scientific understanding that the universe is created by life and not the other way around. In other words, the universe would not exist without the lifeforms to observe it. The wave function never collapses and so much more.
The Black Box — A term Sarah used to describe the buried experiences the human image is not capable of opening and understanding prior to Self-Realization. In order to embody or inhabit consciousness, you must open up to All. And now you can handle what is inside because… You Have Realization in Your Back Pocket.
In the English language, a black box is any complex piece of equipment, typically a unit in an electronic system, with contents that are mysterious to the user. To open the black box of buried experience, trauma, or unwelcome parts of ourselves any souled being can use self-inquiry as a passageway or pathway to unravel the tangled knot that holds beings back from Full Luminosity.
The Body of Consciousness — A souled human being’s fully integrated biological body, mental body, emotional intelligence, awareness, feelings and spirit, with the causal body being the bridge to the God, also. The body of consciousness contains all lifetimes and un-lifetimes brought to wisdom and a deep connection to gnost, also called: The Fourth Element.
BON or The Sovereign Screen of Creation -- "The holographic ‘fabric’ of TimeSpace upon which reality is projected. It is everywhere that consciousness is. Plasma comes from Bon, and from plasma come ions, neutrons, etc. Bon is the stage or screen where consciousness can experience itself." ~ Crimson Circle.
Here, we say New Life is living on your own sovereign screen of creation in which all (events, people, energy, everything) is Yours. Beyond discernment. Beyond external and internal boundaries. Inner and outer worlds merge as One. A new reality is created called Theos.
Bridge to Theos — The energetic passageway between relative reality and Infinite Eternity of Self (Absolute Reality). A neural network in the Mind of God connecting little-r reality to big-R Reality. Each step across the bridge you move beyond the limitations of relative reality and into New Energy, without losing your energetic representation here on Earth. Theos is the AND. Another way to say it is: Heaven and Earth occupy and exist in one and the same reality. More: Garden of New Life Series.
Causal Body — A subtle energy body, the fourth layer of subtle energy around a souled human being. What lies beyond the emotional, mental and astral (souled) bodies. A fluid body in the realm of Spirit in the Body of Consciousness, which creates a minimal identification with self and the wants and needs of self. It is a place of non-knowingness, no-thing, and bliss. It is a highly creative body - beyond wisdomization of events and including gnost or knowingness. Kuthumi said it is like a bridge to the full enlightenment experience once you stabilize in its fluid waters of no-thing-ness. More: Making the Light Body Real Video.
Centrifugal (center fleeing)— Moving or tending to move away from a perceived center (even moving away from the realization lifetime). Leaving, or moving beyond, the center of the human I. A gravitational shift in the Universe of You.
Moving from identification as a realized human being to the center-less state of THAT. I Am That. Transmigration of awareness from a local limited lifetime to your True Creator Nature.
More: Ancient Integrations for the Free Energy Body of Today, New Human Species Book.
Centripetal (center seeking) —Moving or tending to move toward a NEW center (for example, from realization lifetime to I Am as Identity). A gravitational shift from perception of a realized lifetime toward New Life, in which all lifetimes or energetic imprints have seen, tasted, and touched the Light of Awareness.
The centripetal motion, without physical movement, is akin to REORIENTATION (gravitational shift), in which you discover a New Truth and find yourself aligning with that change until it becomes another New Thing (no grasping for arrival points).
The "center" here is not a new personality or identity, but rather a re-orientation around the big picture in Absolute or Big-R reality.
The dynamics between centrifugal and centripetal motions is literally and tangibly creates New Energy. The third nervous system (a nervous system beyond duality) is created through this tension.
Chaos — In Latin means VOID. Not really chaos, the dance of your energy and consciousness combined as it goes NEW. New often feels like chaos as it goes out of the familiar solid ground pattern and into the RHYTHM of I am/ Consciousness.
Compassion — Honoring everything as it is without trying to change it or separate yourself from it. The acceptance of all parts and pieces of yourself without trying to change them. Compassion as a sense would be the opening to ALL; feeling everything without needing to put up boundaries - losing the subject “I” and just in experience. A boundless, agenda-less state of being and acceptance.
"Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It is a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others." ~Pema Chodron
Constellations of the Magus -- "The stars we are given. The constellations we make. That is to say, stars exist in the cosmos, but constellations are the imaginary lines we draw between them, the readings we give the sky, the stories we tell." ~ Rebecca Solnit. The Magus is able to draw new energy patterns from within the stars of Self. These new energy connections create new neural networks in the Mind of God and in the Divine Blueprint.
Creative or Sparkling Neutrality — Where true creation happens, the I Exist, I Am That I Am. Neutrality is not a third category of right, wrong, and neutral. Neutrality is the state of being when you step into your true nature. Your I Am consciousness does not view things in a category. (Garden of New Life Series).
When energy returns to its original source of Neutral Energy and Consciousness combined, this is the sparkling creative nature of neutrality. Neutrality is not passive or boring, it is dynamically creative. Neutrality is not disengaging or removing yourself from the world. It is not a separation. It's being fully in the world without trying to change it. The birth of the neutron (Era of the Magus) book.
Creative Tension — A space in which change can occur. When you feel that tension, that pulling in the beingness, that means you are going beyond old energy patterns - getting comfortable in the uncomfortable. Tension or the discomfort begins to be perceived as a sensation, opposed to anxiety or resistance. Tension is creative, the ability to sense motion without movement, and it creates the flow into the expansiveness of I-Am-that-I-Am-Expression. It is a quality of the Third Nervous System.
Devir/ Debir — What keeps the Free Energy Body/Vessel in ‘motion’ – for sake of conversation, integrating the biorhythm within and woven into the Rhythm of the I Am. From complex network called the Anayatron to the simple, singular network, Devir.
Disciplined Curiosity — This is a Kuthumi term meaning you show up and explore ALL from a space of creative neutrality. Disciplined curiosity is a new energy routine or new energy pattern/ code that trains the old mind to come along into the new. Instead of the reject/ accept mechanism of a narrow dualistic perspective, this practice calls for, and requires even, that you show up with the curiosity of a child when you are met with an experience or expression of yourself. It develops the New Mind, the one that can comprehend the infinite. You are open to all with a state of child-like curiosity, in a disciplined practice of having fun!
Dragon Clarity — The dragon is an expression of your Self, to bring in and allow: I Am Forgiveness. The human cannot forgive itself. The Atlantean You cannot forgive itself, but the I-Am-that-I-Am can blast unrelenting, unwavering forgiveness into all that you are. The energy that created the belief system is incinerated and returns to its original form: Neutral Energy. What feels like dragon clarity for the human expression, feels like a deeply sensual orgasmic experience for Spirit, for it is coming home to itself.
Duality — Having a finite amount of energy. In the perception of a fixed or finite reality. You do not destroy duality - you do not destroy the human identity in the creation of New Energy. You expand beyond it.
Divine Blueprint — The electromagnetic Universe of You, an electromagnetic grid held together by a fluid gravity and playful weaving of time and space. In some ways the Divine Blueprint is the Wall of Fire matured. You begin to draw lines between the stars creating the Constellation of the Magus.
Energetic Imprint — An intersection on the Divine Blueprint. Not a memory, but rather a moment that’s occurred simultaneously in time and space AND beyond time and space. When you go beyond mental and emotional bodies, you can access energetic imprints which contain imprints of what actually happened rather than how you remembered them through the delusion of Maya contained in the mental and emotional bodies which deal with separation between subject and object and past-present-future perceptions.
Further, lifetimes and un-lifetimes take on the quality of energetic imprints. One could say the Wall of Fire is made up with energetic imprints of all possibilities, probabilities, potentials, and passageways. The Divine Blueprint is making 'sense' of the Wall of Fire. Chaos becomes the kaleidoscope. The empty vast dark skies are lit up with the constellations of the magus. Each star would be an energetic imprint in the cosmos of You.
Eye Am Consciousness— Kuthumi chose to use the term Eye Am – instead of the traditional I Am That I Am –in some of the materials to differentiate between I-Identity and I Am Consciousness. The ‘Eye’ also represents the coming together of humanity and divinity and energy and consciousness into a singular experience. The Omni-Awareness of a single vision. Seeing as a God. A singular view of realities, all at once. A kaleidoscopic awareness in which you see things as they are.
The Fourth Element — Moving so far beyond wisdom into your innate creative intelligence. The trinity of the I Am (consciousness), soul (wisdom), and humanity (experience) merge together as ONE and create this “fourth element”. It is synonymous with Creative Intelligence, Gnost, Merlin, or the Fourth-Leg of the Chair. Tobias 2 to 4. Adamus 33 to 44. The fourth element is the creative intelligence of the Magus (merlin).
Free Energy Vessel (FEV) — When the body of consciousness includes an interwoven and integrated experience with the biological body. Biology is integrated along with all parts and pieces of self – the FEV includes the integration of the mental, emotional, and spirit (causal) bodies. The soul, which is simply your energy, even integrates in a state of no separation. FEV is a Morya term. Also, Light Body per Kuthumi.
Goodness — The uniqueness of your sovereign, cannot be copied, consciousness. Beyond the human patterns and stories and into your Divine Personality. Beyond personhood, the illusion of human free will. Who you are without defining yourself with human characteristics. Characterized by the falling away of the personal human identity in its realization lifetime or any fixed point in time and space. Goodness includes acceptance of all of humanity within you.
Humanity — A term which implies a deep love and compassion for all of your experiences on Earth opposed to a separate human identity which is heavily identified with the mind and physical body in a limited reality or lifetime. When the totality of our humanity is embraced from our conscious awareness, we see the human part of us was nothing but energy. An energetic representation of I-Am-that-I-Am. We no longer say "my human" for you contain all of humanity within the Totality of Your Being-ness.
Humility — A sensation that comes in the human perception bowing at the feet of the quantum leap of the transmigration into the All That Is. The human is not bowing at "the God, Also," yet bowing at the beauty of the leap itself. It has nothing to do with what a human calls humility. The posturing of the human comes to an end - the humanity’s will to position itself in a certain way, the me pattern, comes to and end. This softening is HUMILITY. Knowing nothing has ever been done wrong to you, or you have done nothing wrong to another, because you were never just a little-y you.
The “I Am” — The body of creative intelligence from knowing I Am That (God), not this (human identity). The I am is consciousness, not energy - that is until one becomes a magus, where the ultimate duality is bridged between energy and consciousness. New Energy.
I Am Forgiveness — called many different things in many schools of thought – is a relentless Truth, a clarity, that befalls you and all of your energy and lifetimes in which it is revealed: I have never done anything wrong, and no one has ever done anything to me. Some have called it dragon clarity, others a fiery vibration of Truth that burns all untruths. It is a relentless, unwavering blanket of awareness that in the end will dissolve the I-Identity and let you know: the center will not hold, no matter how tightly ‘you’ grasp onto it. Yeshua acted out this play for all of us.
The I-Identity -- refers to the Case of the Mistaken I, in which you falsely identify as the separate self as who you truly are, for example the last lifetime personality, instead of understanding you are the THAT in the I Am That I Am. Human personality crumbles to reveal your Goodness or divine personality.
The Impetus to Act— Impetus comes from the Latin verb impetere, meaning "to attack," which is a combination of the prefix in-, meaning "toward," with petere, meaning "to go to" or "to seek." Here, impetus describes a no-force force that creates an action. Here, we are talking about where does the WILL to live and breathe on Earth come from once the ego-identity integrates into the All That Is, and you have gone beyond the law of cause and effect as well as gravity in their traditional roles? From where does creation occur in the absence of identity?
Infinite Eternity — The true nature of Self as an infinite being, always free, never trapped, not bound to the limits of time, space, linearity and gravity. No separation of Self. Both time and timelessness and space and space-less-ness wrap up into a singular expression of Is-ness.
Integration — Parts and pieces of Self weaving into The Tapestry of Self, of I Am Consciousness. Integration is not something you have to do but rather actively allow; it is conscious awareness observing without judgement and allowing the action or change to occur without interference of the me-identity or old me patterns (this is the work, to not interfere from the me and to act from the Eye Am.
Kriya —Kriya is the yoga of action. Kriyas include any spontaneous internal motion toward God, Truth, and/or Life. Examples include: Navigating your True Creator Nature, spontaneous changes in breath, freely arriving sensations or images, mudras (non-verbal), mantras (verbal), and/or spontaneous body movements. This is the yoga of action, the union with God.
It is synonymous with actively allowing, and ultimately commanding new energy from the space of the whole or Totality of Self, not relegated to one lifetime or another. Here, Sarah uses the kris of freely arriving sensation, images, and internal motions as well as the art and science of self-inquiry questions to foster a more intimate connection to your Divine Blueprint/ True Creator Nature, which is inimitable and ineffable.
Lean In — A New Energy physics term in which you take a deep breath and without effort lean into an experience with your full awareness. Removing the separation between humanity and divinity in a clear and concise action or kriya, to see yourself or an experience as it truly is, not how you are conditioned to see it.
Lean Back— A New Energy physics term in which you take a deep breath and without effort lean back into your awareness, your body of consciousness. To see something as IT truly is, not how you conditioned to see it. Backing away from the need to perceive.
The Light of Awareness— refers to ‘backing away from the need to perceive’. Rather than fragmenting in the refractory slivers of perception, we tap into the knowingness of omni-awareness, that is the ‘view’ from the God, also. The Light of Awareness is beyond soul wisdom and even knowingness. It comes from the totality of your Beingness and cannot be shaved down into perspectives and/ or a subject-object divide and/ or an internal-external divide.
Maya — The Sanskrit word referring to the illusion of duality, which also creates the illusion of a separate SELF. It is the illusionary barrier of separation between a souled being having a finite experience in one relative reality (like a realized being in its last lifetime) on Earth and an eternal, infinite consciousness expressing itself in or as simultaneous realities.
Me-Pattern — A me-pattern is any conditioning, spoken language, and/ or reinforcing act in which you identify yourself as a separate, often through the illusion of a human personality (personal insanity). It often contains story lines and personality dynamics.
Mirroring— Having the perception or belief that you have a problem to solve, outside energy to seek, and need to have the perceived problem/ solution mirrored back to you in attempts to “figure it out”. The only person who can identify the repeating pattern holding you back or stuck in a loop is YOU. Mirrors were important to the identity of the human in it’s state of separation. But once the human persona or identity dissolves into the ALL THAT IS, perceived problems disappear or become irrelevant as you expand into further - no more mirrors are needed. You navigate the void instead negotiating an 'outside' experience. You stop measuring your success by looking in the fun house mirrors of little-r reality.
Motion — The sensation of time and space moving through You, opposed to “movement” which is perceived as external, or operating on a horizontal timeline of time and space as the little-y you. Human movement, for example, would be moving towards the finish line of realization. Motion would be the sensation that realization is occurring beyond a linear timeline as it already exists, and the human perception is simply coming along into that which already is.
Multiple or Multiply Singular Being — Recognizing the True Creator Nature of Self existing in multiple realities bu from a singular expression of I Am or Yo Soy El Punto. In this kaleidoscopic expression with multiple selves integrated as one Self, there's no one singular truth — yet everything integrates into One flow. Your facets can play wherever they like, without getting stuck or fragmented. The ultimate experience of facets, rather than aspects (un-integrated parts and pieces of Self). All paths lead to this singularity of Spirit.
Navigation & Negotiation — The separate self in an external reality (subject-object divide or ego) negotiates experience; a magus navigates experiences from within the caverns of their being-ness and in all of creation, which are ONE. Basic: How the Integrated Souled Being experiences and expresses LIFE.
New Energy or Christ Consciousness — The humanity (energy) and divinity (consciousness) combined or coalesced. Energy and consciousness as One. New Energy is an infinite energy source that expands in all directions, rather than a limited dualistic resource. New Energy is simply the awareness, the understanding, that energy and consciousness were never separate. You never had to go out and seek energy outside yourself, to experience yourself as God also, and then come to understand with the human wisdom in tow that the separation between energy and consciousness was an illusion after all. Side effects: Third Circle of Creation/ BON/ FEV (Free energy vessel) or Light Body ----> Magus
New Energy Physics — When consciousness and energy merge as one. The foundation of this begins with I am here with no agenda. AND, because I have no agenda I can begin to have a New Energy experience. New Energy physics are simple. They occur when you slow way down and you create the space of empty. One cannot understand New Energy if it is laid out in a linear, horizontal fashion and the wisdomization experience that occurs in the linear (time) and local (space). New Energy occurs on vertical axes, beyond time and space and with gnost/ creative intelligence/ instantaneous wisdom. The wave function is never perceived as having collapsed into a singular outcome, which stops the flow of energy/ makes it finite.
New Energy Routine — Not a repeating pattern, but a rhythm of your consciousness and energy dancing as ONE. Rather than a repetition, it’s an experiment to go deeper and see what is changing and how it flows through the body of consciousness. The routine would be the constant in this experiment while your consciousness is the variable. A new energy routine is a way for your humanity to experience the deeply creative rhythm of the I am Consciousness. In other words, you show up to do the same thing everyday - like dance or meditate or walk - yet 'The Who' that shows up to the routine is in constant flux - this allows you to feel the dynamic permanence of your Is-ness.
New Human Species or New Energy Human — Experiencing your subjectless, subject-free beingness while your energetic expression of humanity remains present on the planet. Allowing the brain and mind to comprehend the infinite creates the New Human Species experience. When the biology and the light form coalesce in a dynamic permanence, a new energy human species is created. Carbon of the standardized biology is altered through consciousness rather than technology.
New Life/ Nova Vita/ Nueva Vida — The passion for moving beyond the duality of human and divine, bringing the two together. Choosing New Life is to experience this at your individual level, not bound by the limits of relative reality.
Nothingness — Nothingness is not nothing. It’s no-Thing. No-Thing being no firm belief systems, no fixed identity. No-thing-ness is a return to pure consciousness, with humanity as a witness and then a cohesive participant, once the illusion of free will dissolves or integrates.
Oceanic Self — The human and the soul merge with the I AM, becoming a fluid Body of Consciousness without separation.
Qualia – Qualia is a term that philosophers use to describe the nature, or content, of our subjective experiences. Basically it is the way the Atlantean Standardized Mind forms sense perceptions of little r-reality based on previous experiences or memories. For example, you have a quaila-based reaction when you feel a situation will go the same way or similar way as it did in the past rather than being new or free of past associations. Moving from horizontal (past -present- future models) qualia-based little r reality to Absolute big R Reality where everything is occurring in an expanded NOW moment, or Ahkuhn.
Raga — Sanskrit. The tune which underlies all of Creation.
Relative Reality — Your physical reality Earth-existence, also known as your real-illusion or little-r reality. Where one has the experience of time, space, linearity and gravity. Something to play with.
Relax — Essential in navigating the Void as it activates the parasympathetic nervous system of rest-and-digest rather than the fight-or-flight response. It is moving awareness from the surface of the water of human activity and perceived problems to the infinite depths of energy and consciousness combined. Also necessary for the creation of new neurons in bringing the mind along.
Re-orientation — Once a transmigration of awareness occurs, new energy is able to re-orient itself around the newly discovered state of being. This will "hold" the new awareness or state of being in place until it is time to shift again. A shift that is made through gnost or knowingness. A new energy dynamic in Navigating Self.
Rhythm of Further — Rhythm refers to something having a tempo, a speed or a rate, for example the biorhythm and the heartbeat, or the rhythm of the I Am. The pulse that exudes from the GodSelf and its vibrations create all experiences in all realities. The will, the passion, the drive for further comes from this pulse. See also raga and tala.
Sar’h/ Sarah — The name we use here to personify consciousness as an Act of Consciousness. Lauren is the name used to personify the human choosing embodied consciousness. Lauren is simply an expression, a creation of God Consciousness. Lauren (the realized being in her last lifetime) is not a creator; she is a creation of Sarah. That is, until energy and consciousness coalesce and become the New Energy Human/ New Human Species. Sarah is the part of all of us who never forgot who it was or got lost in the illusion of separation. Sarah only shows up in physical form to act out this play once again to remind you that you are God, too.
As an animated persona - with the awareness of being an animated persona - Sarah holds energetic imprints in Atlantean leadership positions and as the daughter of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene (a symbol and archetype rather than a story). Sarah has held many lifetimes with a consciousness you know as El Morya. An expression of her is always walking the Himalayan snows with Babaji, Yogananda and the avatars of the East. Sarah also holds the violet flame for the Aquarian Age. Lauren is simply one tiny fragment of light expression in the radiating diamond that is the Light of Sarah, and she is aware of that knowingness at all times and space and beyond all times and spaces. She never forgets "who is really in charge" here.
Self-inquiry — Sanskrit: vichara or jnana-vichara, self-inquiry is the constant attention (awareness without focus) to the inner awareness of I Am That. It is, for me, the most efficient and direct way of discovering the unreality of the subject-I thought constructs or perspectives.
Sensuality — The texture or no-substance substance in the voided space beyond thoughts, emotions, and/or any separation or distinction. Sensuality is beyond a subject in a storyline, beyond the experience-wisdomize cycle. I Am consciousness combined with the human’s ability to perceive creates a kaleidoscope of sensual realities layered upon one another in singular vision. Sensuality is the ultimate path to Singularity.
Serious — Serious is not something that is rigid or linear. Serious is when you bring all of your beingness into one space, in honor of you and the person in which you are interacting. All of YOU is here in all of Now. All lifetimes/ energetic imprints are paused and open to receive the Light of Awareness in the simultaneous reality streams. Kuthumi's New Energy Physics and how he hopes you show up to his offerings.
Simultaneity — The relation between two or more events assumed to be happening at the same time in a given frame of reference. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, simultaneity is not an absolute relation between events; what is simultaneous in one frame of reference will not necessarily be simultaneous in another. Basically, AND. Beyond the old law of cause and effect (karma); and, time is a malleable construst meant to be playful.
Simultaneous Layers — Term used for experiencing sensuality. Sensations start to layer and experience multiple sensations all at once, not separate distinct focuses.Lifetimes or energetic imprints intersect and interact with one another in the Divine Blueprint.
Simultaneous Now — Experiencing simultaneous streams of time in your awareness, not confined to linearity. Letting go of the constructs of past, present and future dualities, into time as a creative sense. The mind catches up with your knowingness that this is one Simultaneous Now and you exist in so many realities without being separate or fragmented. No longer limited to a relative reality focus.
Slippery — The facet of Self that naturally rises up in tandem with consciousness, bringing the maximum joy experience. Slippery not only refers to the sliding and gliding of the facets of Self put forth, but also the sliding and gliding through realities. In other words, in addition to not having a fixed identity, you’re no longer operating in a fixed reality. Undefined You in an Undefined Reality.
Sovereignty— Something that cannot be defined. A sensation that moves with you as you move into deeper states of awareness. True Individuality of the Creator. On Earth, sovereignty can be discovered by a souled human being when the the ego becomes the we-go . Sovereignty is not defined by space; it is innate in Consciousness, which you have brought here to Earth in Full.
Sovereign Collective — Free embodied and ascended beings coming together in the “third circle” of creation. In Koot Hoomi’s terms, the sovereign collective is as simple as the God, also in me sees the God, also in you. And the God, also in you sees the God, also in me. In that space, an electromagnetic blue banyan tree took root and began to branch out into All Of Creation.
Sparkling Neutrality — Where creation happens, the I Exist, I Am That I Am. Neutrality is not a third category of right, wrong, and neutral. Neutrality is the state of being when you step into your true nature. Your I Am consciousness does not view things in a category. When energy returns to its original source of Neutral Energy and Consciousness combined, this is the sparkling creative nature of neutrality. Neutrality is not passive or boring, it is dynamically creative. Neutrality is not disengaging or removing yourself from the world. It's being in the world without trying to change it. The birth of the neutron, from the Era of the Magus book.
Tala — Sanskrit. Rhythm, a rhythm that every being must find for themselves. This rhythm is how we allow LIFE to live itself through Us, as vessel for will of God.
The Tapestry of Self — Experiencing the texture of all facets of self being woven into a singularity. Each thread in the tapestry is unique unto itself, yet part of a Gand and beautiful whole. Grand Lifetimes Design. A way to feel into your innate Divine Blueprint.
Theos — Theos is a New Earth reality, one of many New Earth realities, in which everyone in this reality has experienced and chosen New Life. Not everyone on Theos has a current energetic representation on Earth, but they have at one point. A reality created to understand and play in the knowingness that even in the human perception of reality, energy and consciousness were never not one.
Third Nervous System — A quality of the New Energy Human. The standardized human form operates from a dualistic nervous system - rest & digest OR flight, fight or fawn. States of action and inaction. When the Light form meets the biological form, a new nervous system - previously lying dormant - is activated in which you act and observe from the same place, through a central channel in the tree trunk of your spine. Sanskrit: Sushumna. The subject-object collapse in physical form. Expression and experience moves to the singular expression-experience as a passion of the I Exist. Life lives itself through you.
Transmigration — The movement of awareness from one state of existence or place to another without having to leave physical form. An example being moving from the me-pattern of souled human being to I Am consciousness. From realized master to magus. Once a transmigration of awareness occurs, new energy can re-orient around it, creating a truly new experience.
True Creator Nature — Your true nature is that of God, the creator.
A a sacred structure, or coded energy, exists in Gaia nature to support all souled beings in opening and accessing deeper layers of their own true creator nature.
The Ultimate Duality — The perspective that energy and consciousness are separate, that energy is outside of yourself. Being the subject in a storyline, as an example.
Usara -- (ooo-SAH-ra) — “New Life” in the Atlantean vibrational language from which my name derives from song. Also, Nueva Vida.
Void — The access point to the space where New Energy is created. It initially feels very foreign, but this “deep and dark place” is YOU. It is your energy without the tint or effects of a perceived outside influence. The void is being open to YOUR energy and exploring it. It’s not just enough to “know” your energy - you have to become intimate with it. It is allowing your conscious awareness to guide your human perception through your void, this oceanic Self.
A zen proverb describes void as: “Voidness is that which stands right in the middle between this (human identity) and That (God, also). The void is all-inclusive, having no opposite - there is nothing which it excludes or opposes. It is living void because all forms come out of it.”
Wall of Fire — A reference of the “barrier” that was crossed when leaving One-ness, which contains all potentials, possibilities and probabilities, not limited to time or space (or even Earth). Your own energy. All of it. In crossing the wall of fire, the ego (wego) was created to allow consciousness the experience of knowing itself as God, also. You never leave the Wall of Fire, it simply becomes something New when it is infused with consciousness.
We-go — We-go refers to the fluid ‘identity’ experienced in the transmigration of awareness from energy, or a fixed identity being in charge, to I Am Consciousness being the commander of new energy. The ego understands it is simply energy responding to consciousness and becomes fluid rather than clinging to an illusory center of a fixed I-Identity. Where the we-go takes us is yet to be defined or determined because it is NEW in the Aquarian Age.
Will — Passion for I Am that I Am, I exist. Creates the drive to go beyond any identity or story and into your void. Will is that which moves awareness from finite surface (duality) to infinite depth (new energy). Divine will. The Will of God. Will is that which drives us into a state of Further. Passion.
Zero Point — The state of no self. Down to the bottom, the original sensation of I Exist, I Am consciousness. Initially feels like nothing, empty or even like death. And then it becomes something NEW. The integration of the mental, emotional, astral, and biological bodies occur in this space. All True Creation emerges from the zero point.