~ Morya & Sar'h ~
The Four Imperatives were Morya's parting gift as he left my side and Kuthumi came to join us in February 2020.
If you work with these four imperatives sincerely , it will be the gift that keeps on giving. It has been for me.
We are LOVE with YOU.
~ Sar'h & Morya ~
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For now, I lay out the basics. Yet, I will dive deeper into each concept in separate articles.
ONE: If you try to manage energy, energy will manage you.
If you try to manage energy as something outside of you, the perception of outside energy will come back like a boomerang and slap you in the face.
Energy responds to your consciousness. What you choose and allow.
What you choose without agenda of the human. Allowing is opening to ALL, without limiting it by dictating a specific outcome. Healing would be an outcome, for example.
If you are trying to direct energy with your perception of human free will (seeped in duality) than energy responds in a dualistic way. If you choose with consciousness (beyond duality) and allow, the energy will serve you beyond a dualistic construct.
If you see energy as all yours - as the song of your soul - as a communication of your consciousness, you are a new energy creator.
Instead of managing energy, experiment navigating within the void of Self.
TWO: Getting real comfortable in the uncomfortable is not just a coping mechanism, it is a creative concept.
As you let go of belief systems and move into multi-perspective simultaneous realities, things will feel very fluid.
This feels foreign or inorganic because you haven't lived in freedom like this in a very long time. The depths of this - eons of programming, especially spiritual concept programming - will be beyond imagination. Be compassionate with yourself here, please.
There will be a temptation to go back to old, familiar ways. Like an old karmic lover. If you try to go back, you will find big YOU not only shut the door, it barred it shut, and then nailed it closed. There is no going back. You get comfortable in the uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable is just another word for NEW. New energy!
Belief systems are fixed in place so it makes you feel like you are standing on solid ground. That solid ground is an illusion. But it feels real when the bottom drops out. Remember safety is an illusion.
Realization takes place when the bottom drops out (that firm floor of belief systems) and you do not replace the floor with another - you free float instead. Relax. There is no such thing as gravity in the Universe of You!
Realization is knowing there is no firm ground to stand on. Ever. Again. That was an old way.
Being uncomfortable is a "sign" that all the stories you have ever told yourself about mastery and how energy works are dissolving and you are not creating something else to grasp onto.
Uncomfortable is going NEW.
New is beyond linearity, duality, gravity, hierarchy, frequency and vibration. New is new.
Creation is a fluid, free fall with no bottom.
Being God, also is dancing with no dance floor.
THIRD: Un-grouping or leaving your tribe is essential to stepping into a place where there is only one energy and its all yours. If you are part of a group or tribe, you will always be taking on things that are not yours.
You can make a lot of complicated steps and processes to discern yours from theirs. What's mine and not mine. Or, you can ungroup. This is a choice: will I be the creator of my own reality or will the group I am in dictate that for me?
Once you ungroup and de-tribe, discernment is obsolete. It served and now its no longer needed. Discernment was so key in awakening and in embodied realization, it's null and void.
In the "be still and know you are God, also" experience - everything is YOURS. This is the only place creation can take place - for right now -
This will change when more and more beings step into embodiment. This is fluid statement, a perspective appropriate for now. Not a firm and fixed belief system. New doors always open up. We dance in fluidity (perspective) not rigidity (belief).
Ungrouping from the Order of the Arc is also essential for integrating your biological body into the Free Energy Vessel (FEV).
FOUR: Wisdom is instantaneous. Now.
Before you had an experience - withdrew from the experience - pondered what it was about, the lesson learned and then went and created another experience to examine and bring wisdom to it. Never ending cycle. Reincarnation cycle. That now ends.
In embodied realization, you have the wisdom simultaneously as you create the experience as expression of being God, also.
In other words, your limitless wisdom (already in place from all your experiences) meets and dances with your creative intelligence (gnost). Creative intelligence does not live in the mind but in your consciousness of the I am God, also.
For now, I lay out the basics. Yet, I will dive deeper into each concept in separate articles.
ONE: If you try to manage energy, energy will manage you.
If you try to manage energy as something outside of you, the perception of outside energy will come back like a boomerang and slap you in the face.
Energy responds to your consciousness. What you choose and allow.
What you choose without agenda of the human. Allowing is opening to ALL, without limiting it by dictating a specific outcome. Healing would be an outcome, for example.
If you are trying to direct energy with your perception of human free will (seeped in duality) than energy responds in a dualistic way. If you choose with consciousness (beyond duality) and allow, the energy will serve you beyond a dualistic construct.
If you see energy as all yours - as the song of your soul - as a communication of your consciousness, you are a new energy creator.
Instead of managing energy, experiment navigating within the void of Self.
TWO: Getting real comfortable in the uncomfortable is not just a coping mechanism, it is a creative concept.
As you let go of belief systems and move into multi-perspective simultaneous realities, things will feel very fluid.
This feels foreign or inorganic because you haven't lived in freedom like this in a very long time. The depths of this - eons of programming, especially spiritual concept programming - will be beyond imagination. Be compassionate with yourself here, please.
There will be a temptation to go back to old, familiar ways. Like an old karmic lover. If you try to go back, you will find big YOU not only shut the door, it barred it shut, and then nailed it closed. There is no going back. You get comfortable in the uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable is just another word for NEW. New energy!
Belief systems are fixed in place so it makes you feel like you are standing on solid ground. That solid ground is an illusion. But it feels real when the bottom drops out. Remember safety is an illusion.
Realization takes place when the bottom drops out (that firm floor of belief systems) and you do not replace the floor with another - you free float instead. Relax. There is no such thing as gravity in the Universe of You!
Realization is knowing there is no firm ground to stand on. Ever. Again. That was an old way.
Being uncomfortable is a "sign" that all the stories you have ever told yourself about mastery and how energy works are dissolving and you are not creating something else to grasp onto.
Uncomfortable is going NEW.
New is beyond linearity, duality, gravity, hierarchy, frequency and vibration. New is new.
Creation is a fluid, free fall with no bottom.
Being God, also is dancing with no dance floor.
THIRD: Un-grouping or leaving your tribe is essential to stepping into a place where there is only one energy and its all yours. If you are part of a group or tribe, you will always be taking on things that are not yours.
You can make a lot of complicated steps and processes to discern yours from theirs. What's mine and not mine. Or, you can ungroup. This is a choice: will I be the creator of my own reality or will the group I am in dictate that for me?
Once you ungroup and de-tribe, discernment is obsolete. It served and now its no longer needed. Discernment was so key in awakening and in embodied realization, it's null and void.
In the "be still and know you are God, also" experience - everything is YOURS. This is the only place creation can take place - for right now -
This will change when more and more beings step into embodiment. This is fluid statement, a perspective appropriate for now. Not a firm and fixed belief system. New doors always open up. We dance in fluidity (perspective) not rigidity (belief).
Ungrouping from the Order of the Arc is also essential for integrating your biological body into the Free Energy Vessel (FEV).
FOUR: Wisdom is instantaneous. Now.
Before you had an experience - withdrew from the experience - pondered what it was about, the lesson learned and then went and created another experience to examine and bring wisdom to it. Never ending cycle. Reincarnation cycle. That now ends.
In embodied realization, you have the wisdom simultaneously as you create the experience as expression of being God, also.
In other words, your limitless wisdom (already in place from all your experiences) meets and dances with your creative intelligence (gnost). Creative intelligence does not live in the mind but in your consciousness of the I am God, also.
FEBRUARY 9, 2020: The Four Imperatives for Creation - This way to FURTHER
The only way to stay on Earth AND enjoy it, is to become a creator in your creation. Manifestation just won't do it for you anymore. You want the real thing, baby! Also, let's remember linear time is an illusion. One we can play with, and go in and out of with a sense of curious awareness.
Someone asked me recently, "How many realized beings do you know?" It's a funny question and it's not because when I see all of you - each and every ONE of you - I see you as sitting in your realization, some have simply discovered that to varying degrees. It's there and the singular vision adjusts to see it. Here we go with the imperatives and why they are important for where we are going.
ONE: No More Managing Energy
If you try to manage energy, energy will manage you. Allow energy to serve You -- you in a state of no separation, without the illusion of human free will! This truly is about the state of no separation. If the human comes in trying to control things, all you are doing is moving things around in duality.
In the free VOID video, we cover how operating in duality means you are working with a finite energy source. When you as a human try to manage energy, from a space of lack, you bring yourself back into duality.
Which is fine if you are aware of it; yet, on the other side, it feels like a prison, if it happens without the light of awareness. When you reach a state of no separation, energy serves the totality of Self - not just a human need. This is an opportunity to let go of deep rooted beliefs about what it means to be a master of Self. If you are trying to direct energy with your perception of human free will (seeped in duality AND agenda), then energy responds in a dualistic way.
If you choose with consciousness (beyond duality) and allow, the energy will serve you beyond a dualistic construct. If you see energy as all yours - as the song of your soul - as a communication of your consciousness, you are a new energy creator.
Hey, Morya & Sar'h, can we state this in non-crimson circle terms?
Sure, so manifestation is like having a blank canvas with defined edges and all you can do is paint in one color. Let's say it's yellow. You can make the yellow light and you can make it dark. You can make the yellow paint thick or thin. Broad strokes or tiny ones. But it's still all yellow. Further, the yellow paint is outside energy. It came from somewhere else. It came from the place you are trying to leave behind, the state of separation between human and divine. You, the painter, still have to effort to pick up the paint brush and move the energy paint around. It's exhausting.
In contrast, creation is a blank canvas with no edges. The paint that goes on the canvas is yours and yours alone. There are an infinite number of colors to chose from. You don't even have to pick up a paint brush to paint your canvas. It paints itself as a direct representation of your consciousness. In fact, the beautiful creation on your canvas is You.
We have been waiting for an appropriate or divine timing in bringing to you the dynamics of creation in the electromagnetic Universe of YOU! In the coming months, here on Patron, we will be walking through the art (disguised as science) of creation as laid out below. To get there, we must have some depth around these four concepts.
TWO: Getting real comfortable in the uncomfortable. VOID.
As I stated in the last article, getting real comfortable in the uncomfortable is not just a coping mechanism, it is a creative concept. ASG covered this so well in his presentation of the concept of CHAOS in the last Keahak channel. The programming is so heavy here - seeped in systems, fixed beliefs, and patterns. Even reincarnation is a deep rooted pattern you have subscribed to. The programming is so heavy, beings typically begin to freak out (think they are going crazy) because the Universe of You is no longer operating in the familiar and comfortable patterns. Being uncomfortable is a state of being in which you are going NEW - beyond the systems, patterns and programming. It is where actual creation occurs. When you move beyond patterns and systems, things feel chaotic.
Chaos comes from the Greek word khaos - which simply means VOID!!! In Physics, chaos is defined as behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.So that's what chaos is - unpredictable because it doesn't fit into a familiar pattern. The perception of chaos is really a great sign you are moving beyond old programming patterns.
One thing to be real clear about: You do not replace one old pattern and/ or system for another here. That keeps you in the limitation loop.
Thus, getting comfortable in the uncomfortable is an imperative for moving into being a creator in your creation. Trying to holding onto old familiar patterns and systems and create, will not have desirable effects.
Energetic maturity required.
"Surrender to the Void. It is not dying. It is not dying." - John Lennon, from the song tomorrow never knows.
The Void becomes the third circle of creation if you stay in it long enough.
As I said in the last article, un-grouping or leaving your tribe is essential to stepping into a place where there is only one energy and its all yours. If you are part of a group or tribe, you will always be taking on things that are not yours, and spending your energy on discernment.
Patreon is not a tribe or a group - we are a sovereign collective - in which each being here has their own realities, their own Universe of You - that no one else will experience in the same way. We can come together to share sovereignly but we never meld or make a system or hierarchical organization. Something Morya said was essential from the start and a lesson he learned with the Theosophical Society.
Further, Creation can only happen on your individual, sovereign BON screen. If you are grouped - like I was in Colorado Shaumbraland - you are viewing reality through a collective lens. I'm sure you can see that on your facebook groups.
Your ability to create is hindered greatly until you un-group or de-tribe and experience the real illusion of life on your own screen. BON - the sovereign screen of creation.
Energy serves YOU - it responds to your consciousness. If you are grouped, the energy responds to the collective group consciousness.
Emergence is freedom from all groups, families, and ancestral ties - even the Order of the Arc.
You do not have to leave anything but your relationship with it must change before you become a Creator. That's where the deepest compassion - allowing people to be where they are at - is found. Unless they really ask you from all levels, you just let them be. Let them have their experience, which has NOTHING to do with you - at all.
Once you un-group, you no longer have to rely on discernment of the soul to know what is mine and what is not mine. How freeing!!!
Even further... Ungrouping from the Order of the Arc at the point of coming into physical form is essential for the free energy vessel experience. Ungrouping from the archangel family allows the anaytron (communication network holding your physicality together) to dissolve in integration. The devir is now the sovereign mechanism which replaces the bio rhythm with the beat of your own inimitable consciousness.
A very deep form of ungrouping is biological integration into the Free Energy Vessel.
FOUR: WISDOM IS INSTANTANEOUS (Dances with Creational Intelligence to go NEW)
Before, in all your many many lifetimes, you had an experience - withdrew from the experience - pondered what it was about, the lesson learned and then went and created another experience to examine and bring wisdom to it. How cool was that? Now we are done with the never-ending cycle - experience and then wisdomize. Reincarnation cycle. That now ends.
This was part of the creation of the Order of the ARC, in which things were slowed way down (creation of Earth) so we would have time to think about what we were creating. In embodied realization, you have the wisdom simultaneously as you create the experience as an expression of being God, also. You don't have to stop and think about it. In fact, stopping to think about something means your are managing energy again.
Here we go Further!!! Buckle up (or actually take the seat belt off!)
Okay, how do I put this?
In your many many many lifetimes, you reveled in the experience of life on Earth. You pondered your experiences upon leaving the body. The life review with your angelic families, crossing the bridge of flowers...Coming back through the birth tube, to have another experience.... Slow, methodic, excitement to boredom...Even in this life, there were so many experiences to bring wisdom too. Divorce. Bankruptcy. Relationships. Love. Jobs. Awakening.
Wisdom-izing is simply removing duality from an experience.
Then things go real still - which means the distractions dissolved. You stop the experience - wisdomize cycle. You got to know yourself - and your beautiful soul - as it integrated into the God, also - kept all the wisdom from all lifetimes and in between. This is valuable stuff here. Pure Gold.
Wisdom from experience is how you know music, how you know what a hug feels like, what cooking food and enjoying it is like. We don't lose that - we take it with us into creation.
You are now tapped into the creational intelligence of your consciousness. Stay with me here.
This removes the pause and reflect portion. Wisdom comes with us but not in the old way.
Manifestation of experience acts in a linear method. Experience desired - experience manifestation - reflection of the experience to wisdom-ize. Creation flows in what feels like reverse to the human because its is beyond linearity, gravity and duality.
In a "let go, let God (SELF)" state of being .... You bring forth creations you did not even know you desired because they are so far beyond human imagination.
In a reversal into the "chaos" or void, you stumble upon a creation and say "oh wow, I created that."
That's enough here but perhaps ponder wisdom and ponder creational intelligence and how they will dance together in creation.
That's where we are headed, how energy moves in a great dance with your inimitable consciousness in the Universe of You.
Eventually, even energy and consciousness will become one, just like your humanity and divinity merged as one.
That's truly where we are going.
Simply play and dance with the concepts. There's a body of water that wants to flow into NEW.
As you interact with the imperatives it creates the banks of the river that wind and guide like a dream walker.
That river flows into NEW LIFE, USARA.
We sovereignly create the flow with our pure awareness. You lay back in your canoe and float downstream or upstream or in all directions -- IF YOU CHOOSE IT.
You do not have to leave the void to interact with the world. The world is you.
Someone asked me recently, "How many realized beings do you know?" It's a funny question and it's not because when I see all of you - each and every ONE of you - I see you as sitting in your realization, some have simply discovered that to varying degrees. It's there and the singular vision adjusts to see it. Here we go with the imperatives and why they are important for where we are going.
ONE: No More Managing Energy
If you try to manage energy, energy will manage you. Allow energy to serve You -- you in a state of no separation, without the illusion of human free will! This truly is about the state of no separation. If the human comes in trying to control things, all you are doing is moving things around in duality.
In the free VOID video, we cover how operating in duality means you are working with a finite energy source. When you as a human try to manage energy, from a space of lack, you bring yourself back into duality.
Which is fine if you are aware of it; yet, on the other side, it feels like a prison, if it happens without the light of awareness. When you reach a state of no separation, energy serves the totality of Self - not just a human need. This is an opportunity to let go of deep rooted beliefs about what it means to be a master of Self. If you are trying to direct energy with your perception of human free will (seeped in duality AND agenda), then energy responds in a dualistic way.
If you choose with consciousness (beyond duality) and allow, the energy will serve you beyond a dualistic construct. If you see energy as all yours - as the song of your soul - as a communication of your consciousness, you are a new energy creator.
Hey, Morya & Sar'h, can we state this in non-crimson circle terms?
Sure, so manifestation is like having a blank canvas with defined edges and all you can do is paint in one color. Let's say it's yellow. You can make the yellow light and you can make it dark. You can make the yellow paint thick or thin. Broad strokes or tiny ones. But it's still all yellow. Further, the yellow paint is outside energy. It came from somewhere else. It came from the place you are trying to leave behind, the state of separation between human and divine. You, the painter, still have to effort to pick up the paint brush and move the energy paint around. It's exhausting.
In contrast, creation is a blank canvas with no edges. The paint that goes on the canvas is yours and yours alone. There are an infinite number of colors to chose from. You don't even have to pick up a paint brush to paint your canvas. It paints itself as a direct representation of your consciousness. In fact, the beautiful creation on your canvas is You.
We have been waiting for an appropriate or divine timing in bringing to you the dynamics of creation in the electromagnetic Universe of YOU! In the coming months, here on Patron, we will be walking through the art (disguised as science) of creation as laid out below. To get there, we must have some depth around these four concepts.
TWO: Getting real comfortable in the uncomfortable. VOID.
As I stated in the last article, getting real comfortable in the uncomfortable is not just a coping mechanism, it is a creative concept. ASG covered this so well in his presentation of the concept of CHAOS in the last Keahak channel. The programming is so heavy here - seeped in systems, fixed beliefs, and patterns. Even reincarnation is a deep rooted pattern you have subscribed to. The programming is so heavy, beings typically begin to freak out (think they are going crazy) because the Universe of You is no longer operating in the familiar and comfortable patterns. Being uncomfortable is a state of being in which you are going NEW - beyond the systems, patterns and programming. It is where actual creation occurs. When you move beyond patterns and systems, things feel chaotic.
Chaos comes from the Greek word khaos - which simply means VOID!!! In Physics, chaos is defined as behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.So that's what chaos is - unpredictable because it doesn't fit into a familiar pattern. The perception of chaos is really a great sign you are moving beyond old programming patterns.
One thing to be real clear about: You do not replace one old pattern and/ or system for another here. That keeps you in the limitation loop.
Thus, getting comfortable in the uncomfortable is an imperative for moving into being a creator in your creation. Trying to holding onto old familiar patterns and systems and create, will not have desirable effects.
Energetic maturity required.
"Surrender to the Void. It is not dying. It is not dying." - John Lennon, from the song tomorrow never knows.
The Void becomes the third circle of creation if you stay in it long enough.
As I said in the last article, un-grouping or leaving your tribe is essential to stepping into a place where there is only one energy and its all yours. If you are part of a group or tribe, you will always be taking on things that are not yours, and spending your energy on discernment.
Patreon is not a tribe or a group - we are a sovereign collective - in which each being here has their own realities, their own Universe of You - that no one else will experience in the same way. We can come together to share sovereignly but we never meld or make a system or hierarchical organization. Something Morya said was essential from the start and a lesson he learned with the Theosophical Society.
Further, Creation can only happen on your individual, sovereign BON screen. If you are grouped - like I was in Colorado Shaumbraland - you are viewing reality through a collective lens. I'm sure you can see that on your facebook groups.
Your ability to create is hindered greatly until you un-group or de-tribe and experience the real illusion of life on your own screen. BON - the sovereign screen of creation.
Energy serves YOU - it responds to your consciousness. If you are grouped, the energy responds to the collective group consciousness.
Emergence is freedom from all groups, families, and ancestral ties - even the Order of the Arc.
You do not have to leave anything but your relationship with it must change before you become a Creator. That's where the deepest compassion - allowing people to be where they are at - is found. Unless they really ask you from all levels, you just let them be. Let them have their experience, which has NOTHING to do with you - at all.
Once you un-group, you no longer have to rely on discernment of the soul to know what is mine and what is not mine. How freeing!!!
Even further... Ungrouping from the Order of the Arc at the point of coming into physical form is essential for the free energy vessel experience. Ungrouping from the archangel family allows the anaytron (communication network holding your physicality together) to dissolve in integration. The devir is now the sovereign mechanism which replaces the bio rhythm with the beat of your own inimitable consciousness.
A very deep form of ungrouping is biological integration into the Free Energy Vessel.
FOUR: WISDOM IS INSTANTANEOUS (Dances with Creational Intelligence to go NEW)
Before, in all your many many lifetimes, you had an experience - withdrew from the experience - pondered what it was about, the lesson learned and then went and created another experience to examine and bring wisdom to it. How cool was that? Now we are done with the never-ending cycle - experience and then wisdomize. Reincarnation cycle. That now ends.
This was part of the creation of the Order of the ARC, in which things were slowed way down (creation of Earth) so we would have time to think about what we were creating. In embodied realization, you have the wisdom simultaneously as you create the experience as an expression of being God, also. You don't have to stop and think about it. In fact, stopping to think about something means your are managing energy again.
Here we go Further!!! Buckle up (or actually take the seat belt off!)
Okay, how do I put this?
In your many many many lifetimes, you reveled in the experience of life on Earth. You pondered your experiences upon leaving the body. The life review with your angelic families, crossing the bridge of flowers...Coming back through the birth tube, to have another experience.... Slow, methodic, excitement to boredom...Even in this life, there were so many experiences to bring wisdom too. Divorce. Bankruptcy. Relationships. Love. Jobs. Awakening.
Wisdom-izing is simply removing duality from an experience.
Then things go real still - which means the distractions dissolved. You stop the experience - wisdomize cycle. You got to know yourself - and your beautiful soul - as it integrated into the God, also - kept all the wisdom from all lifetimes and in between. This is valuable stuff here. Pure Gold.
Wisdom from experience is how you know music, how you know what a hug feels like, what cooking food and enjoying it is like. We don't lose that - we take it with us into creation.
You are now tapped into the creational intelligence of your consciousness. Stay with me here.
This removes the pause and reflect portion. Wisdom comes with us but not in the old way.
Manifestation of experience acts in a linear method. Experience desired - experience manifestation - reflection of the experience to wisdom-ize. Creation flows in what feels like reverse to the human because its is beyond linearity, gravity and duality.
In a "let go, let God (SELF)" state of being .... You bring forth creations you did not even know you desired because they are so far beyond human imagination.
In a reversal into the "chaos" or void, you stumble upon a creation and say "oh wow, I created that."
That's enough here but perhaps ponder wisdom and ponder creational intelligence and how they will dance together in creation.
That's where we are headed, how energy moves in a great dance with your inimitable consciousness in the Universe of You.
Eventually, even energy and consciousness will become one, just like your humanity and divinity merged as one.
That's truly where we are going.
Simply play and dance with the concepts. There's a body of water that wants to flow into NEW.
As you interact with the imperatives it creates the banks of the river that wind and guide like a dream walker.
That river flows into NEW LIFE, USARA.
We sovereignly create the flow with our pure awareness. You lay back in your canoe and float downstream or upstream or in all directions -- IF YOU CHOOSE IT.
You do not have to leave the void to interact with the world. The world is you.
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