BENEFACTORS: Kuthumi's New Human Database: January -June 2024
"Good morning, friends! Being in this absolute reality with Lauren and K and Sovereign Collective for almost 3 years HAAA truly life changing to actually do the work and ground the new codes of new human species into All Reality. Step by step diving quata into unlimited YOU truly opening up into intimate zoom calls. No suffering ice cream called Magi you are so welcome to fully taste it together with Kuthumi Sar’h & Love" ~ Alice
The $700 exchange is for returning Rhythm of Further Folks Only.
The $800 exchange is for new folks or those returning from Patreon.
The $1000 exchange is for those who want to support us at the Benefactor level, helping us fund the position of a staff member.
From January 2024 - June 2024, Kuthumi and Sarah and most importantly, YOU, will create the New (Energy) Human database.
Through this experiential (rather than conceptual) offering, we will write together - The Magi's Definitive Guide to the New Human Species Volume II.
Your exchange includes access to more than 40 videos, including 10-12 on the intricacies Light Body Expression-Experience & Kuthumi's new 4 -part series..... drum roll.... MPPING THE INFINITE MIND OF GOD 101.
And we will dive deeply into what we are calling the Third Nervous System, an essential component to living and walking on a new earth called THEOS.
Your exchange also includes access to one intimate ZOOM call with Sarah and Kuthumi and YOUR peers in consciousness per month (6 calls total) and the replay of all the calls, which people find exciting, supportive and intensively awakening at the sub-cellular level.
One call per month with times offered in Central Standard Time (Houston,Texas).
Calls occur the last week of the month January to June 2024 unless otherwise noted. In June the calls will be held earlier in the month.
Existing times are listed below but can be modified for participants:
Monday 6 pm
Wednesday 11 am
Friday 4 pm
Saturday 12 pm
*You can attend one call per month. Replays will be posted. *
This intense and personal deep dive into the New Energy Human Expression-Experience is limited to 40 people to ensure maximum personalized support from Koot, Lauren/Sarah, and the Sovereign Collective.
We currently have 22 people signed up and more on the way. Everything Kuthumi and I create always sells out/ fills upon quickly. He finds YOU. So if you have been wanting to come play in an intimate way (no way to hide here), do not hesitate.
Once you sign up, we will get you into the database. First, you register on the website and then we add your access to the private pages. Easy stuff!
Please watch the whole video about the topics of the database and the logistics before signing up.
I understand that this event may be energetically and emotionally impactful to myself and other attendees, and also that there are no representations or guarantee of results.
I understand that I alone am responsible for my well-being - physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.
I understand that given the small size of this business no refunds will be given so we can continue to pay our contractors and substantial costs of running this business.
I understand this content, classes, calls and all information given is simply for informational and entertainment purposes and is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice.
I understand this information is not for those who have taken mood altering drugs - including but not limited to the following SSRIs, ADHD medication, anti-anxiety prescriptions - in the last 18 months. Something that is best supervised by a medical or mental health professional, which we are NOT.
I understand that if I am disrespectful, aggressive, or threatening toward the facilitator, contract employees, or other participants, I will be removed from the database without refund, permanently.
I agree to these disclaimers, and that I fully read and understood them, upon purchase.
Questions: [email protected]