Sar'h/ Sarah/ Sarai/ Saraiye
I am an ascended and embodied being who returned in energetic expression to Earth to explore the New Life that is Embodied Realization, in which energy and consciousness combine as One, literally forming New Energy.
And, to sovereignly support beings choosing realization while staying in physical form, through connection with sovereign peers in consciousness, rather than teaching or schools.
Friendship (LOVE) is the non-binding glue that supports the New Energy experience,
staying on Earth embodied.
My name is pronounced sa- RAH.
The Magus & Ascended Master Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi) joins us here, after El Morya helped us set the place up, a being who was with me throughout childhood and my young adult life,
as well as other ascended beings who no longer hold physical form, such as Mary Magdalene who goes by the name of her consciousness - Ahna'Ra, all adding their inimitable streams of consciousness.
We meet in a space where we come together to create yet never lose sovereignty.
For example, I play in my Is-ness and KH plays in his Is-ness, for our currently offerings.
Our energy is never tainted by the other's - we play independently to Create, rather than manifest in a Relative Reality.
Together we Create here, for Now & in Ahkun, our word for beyond time and space.
It's all for You, in service to You, and there is nothing more sovereign than that.
In October 2013, Morya came to me asked "Do you want to be a Vessel for the Will of God?"
At the time I had no idea what that meant, but the individualized spirit of the I Am consciousness answered for me in a resounding YES.
It took another four years -- some support from an organization called Crimson Circle from 2015-17 (thank you!) -- for me to truly understand what I had agreed to:
Letting go completely of the illusion of human free will and identity, and allowing the will of the "I Am God, also" to permeate every space of my being-ness. Whew - messy and debilitating as well as exhilarating and the grandest adventure available to human souls!
As I wrote about in my book - Becoming Sar'h: A Modern Self Realization Story -
I first had to trade the version of sovereignty held by my human form, for the one held by the God, also.
It is nothing as I thought it would be; it is so much more. It was worth letting go of everything I thought to be true about myself and the world, continuously and unrelenting. Even remembering all that occurred in lifetimes prior, especially in the ancient civilization of Atlantis, and allow peace to come to those old tales, essential for the New Energy Experience.
And, to sovereignly support beings choosing realization while staying in physical form, through connection with sovereign peers in consciousness, rather than teaching or schools.
Friendship (LOVE) is the non-binding glue that supports the New Energy experience,
staying on Earth embodied.
My name is pronounced sa- RAH.
The Magus & Ascended Master Koot Hoomi (Kuthumi) joins us here, after El Morya helped us set the place up, a being who was with me throughout childhood and my young adult life,
as well as other ascended beings who no longer hold physical form, such as Mary Magdalene who goes by the name of her consciousness - Ahna'Ra, all adding their inimitable streams of consciousness.
We meet in a space where we come together to create yet never lose sovereignty.
For example, I play in my Is-ness and KH plays in his Is-ness, for our currently offerings.
Our energy is never tainted by the other's - we play independently to Create, rather than manifest in a Relative Reality.
Together we Create here, for Now & in Ahkun, our word for beyond time and space.
It's all for You, in service to You, and there is nothing more sovereign than that.
In October 2013, Morya came to me asked "Do you want to be a Vessel for the Will of God?"
At the time I had no idea what that meant, but the individualized spirit of the I Am consciousness answered for me in a resounding YES.
It took another four years -- some support from an organization called Crimson Circle from 2015-17 (thank you!) -- for me to truly understand what I had agreed to:
Letting go completely of the illusion of human free will and identity, and allowing the will of the "I Am God, also" to permeate every space of my being-ness. Whew - messy and debilitating as well as exhilarating and the grandest adventure available to human souls!
As I wrote about in my book - Becoming Sar'h: A Modern Self Realization Story -
I first had to trade the version of sovereignty held by my human form, for the one held by the God, also.
It is nothing as I thought it would be; it is so much more. It was worth letting go of everything I thought to be true about myself and the world, continuously and unrelenting. Even remembering all that occurred in lifetimes prior, especially in the ancient civilization of Atlantis, and allow peace to come to those old tales, essential for the New Energy Experience.
Sarah Message October 2021
Recorded on October 1, 2021
During the re-writing of the New Energy Codes |
Hello, friends!
I know you can all feel how important it is to own your grandness right now. It's especially important this month. I recorded this message with energetic codes for sovereign ownership of all your energy in all lifetimes in all of creation. It contains a code, never secret and available to anyone choosing sovereign one consciousness. Thank you -- if you are ONE of thousands of beings stepping up to the plate of your own grandness, ready to knock the ball out of the field of time and space -- Rock on -- Ascended & Embodied Master Sarah |
In fact, there is no such thing as a path to enlightenment, simply because enlightenment is ever present in all places and at all times. What you can do is to remove any and all illusions, especially the ones you value most and find the most security in, that cloud your perception of Reality. Let go of clinging to your illusions and resisting what is, and Reality will suddenly come into view."
The above quote is from one of my favorite books, The Way of Liberation, by Adyashanti.
I share it here because I want to start with the fact that I do not, will not, and have not ever claimed to share or teach a path to realization or embodied enlightenment.
What I do offer is a place for those who naturally discovered Liberation - a Free State of Being - on their own terms to fully inhabit their consciousness on Earth and to share it with others from all over the world with our broad network of affiliates, called the Sovereign Collective.
My given name is Lauren Hutton, and my name with no end and no beginning is a vibrational tone of Sa-Rah. I go by either, neither forsaking my humanity nor my divinity, for all is equal.
I was born in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, USA in 1980 and appeared to live a normal, middle-class American life, hiding my true nature to everyone around me.
In 2012, I was blasted back awake, and my life turned upside down. Then in 2017, a series of events led me into an experience of some might call enlightenment or self-realization. I call it the Return to Self (God) in my books.
Since the time of this event, I entered a state of perpetual becoming - an ever-flowing motion without movement, that is, inhabiting my inimitable consciousness - the consciousness that was introduced to me in that cabin in the desert in the fall of 2017, along with the deeply creative humility that comes along with it.
In my work, I sit with many - 92 beautiful integrated human beings, to be exact - who have found and experienced directly the ultimate Liberation - intimately and inimitably (unique to themSELVES).
They come to our New Energy space from all sorts of different backgrounds, such as Crimson Circle, Ascended Master Teachings, Eastern Wisdom, Gene Keys Society - knowing there is not one size fits all approach.
It's kind of like a non-denominational gathering of integrated beings. Humble, creative, and free beings from all over the world!
It is with our work in the Sovereign Collective that we meet, shed the last of the illusions, and begin to inhabit all of these big aha! moments into our humanity, becoming walking Creators on Earth, with so much love and passion for Earth and the human experience - something many try to kick to the curb.
Part of my grounding in Liberation is being able to share what it is I provide in a comprehensible format. So here it begins. Stay tuned for more.
If you are interested, I share my story in book form as well.
I share it here because I want to start with the fact that I do not, will not, and have not ever claimed to share or teach a path to realization or embodied enlightenment.
What I do offer is a place for those who naturally discovered Liberation - a Free State of Being - on their own terms to fully inhabit their consciousness on Earth and to share it with others from all over the world with our broad network of affiliates, called the Sovereign Collective.
My given name is Lauren Hutton, and my name with no end and no beginning is a vibrational tone of Sa-Rah. I go by either, neither forsaking my humanity nor my divinity, for all is equal.
I was born in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, USA in 1980 and appeared to live a normal, middle-class American life, hiding my true nature to everyone around me.
In 2012, I was blasted back awake, and my life turned upside down. Then in 2017, a series of events led me into an experience of some might call enlightenment or self-realization. I call it the Return to Self (God) in my books.
Since the time of this event, I entered a state of perpetual becoming - an ever-flowing motion without movement, that is, inhabiting my inimitable consciousness - the consciousness that was introduced to me in that cabin in the desert in the fall of 2017, along with the deeply creative humility that comes along with it.
In my work, I sit with many - 92 beautiful integrated human beings, to be exact - who have found and experienced directly the ultimate Liberation - intimately and inimitably (unique to themSELVES).
They come to our New Energy space from all sorts of different backgrounds, such as Crimson Circle, Ascended Master Teachings, Eastern Wisdom, Gene Keys Society - knowing there is not one size fits all approach.
It's kind of like a non-denominational gathering of integrated beings. Humble, creative, and free beings from all over the world!
It is with our work in the Sovereign Collective that we meet, shed the last of the illusions, and begin to inhabit all of these big aha! moments into our humanity, becoming walking Creators on Earth, with so much love and passion for Earth and the human experience - something many try to kick to the curb.
Part of my grounding in Liberation is being able to share what it is I provide in a comprehensible format. So here it begins. Stay tuned for more.
If you are interested, I share my story in book form as well.
Embracing Humanity & The Classic Earth Real Illusion
While being firmly rooted in the Absolute
Self-realization for me was simply meeting God directly - an experience that had not occurred since I left one-ness prior to life on Earth, as I write about in my book: A Modern Self-Realization Story.
After this event that occurred beyond time and space, I integrated my soul and humanity combined into one energy in time and space.
About a year prior to realization, my human energy integrated into my soul energy to become One Energy; this was the wisdomization of all lifetimes. It was essential for what came next.
It was like a domino effect of falling backwards into who I am/was/always will be prior to consciousness.
In the four years since meeting God, also, my energy (human and soul combined) began the humbling, sincere, and truth-filled experience of melding, melting, and integrating into Consciousness (God, Also).
This can also be described as a dissolution of the "Subject I", as I have written about HERE.
When this ultimate flip in perception occurred - when I no longer was able to perceive myself as a souled human being in a last lifetime - I became a New Born as a walking God, Also on Earth, Living in the Garden of New Life.
I also knew I had to go back and pick up my humanity - a universal humanity rather than a human personality - to be able to fully enjoy my remaining years on Earth - decades lay before me.
I knew I needed a way to be on Classic Earth and with humanity, and surfing was my answer. And so I paddle out under the stars each morning on the Mexican shores of the mighty Pacific. It is my unique way of being here in JOY.
Further, as I began to truly understand who I was, I realized I was not only inhabiting MY consciousness and MY humanity, but consciousness and humanity as a whole. The MY fell away somewhere down the line.
It went from personal to universal as the dominoes continued to fall in infinity.
As a result, my human personality gave way to my divine personality. I began to understand the inimitable nature of my consciousness. In other words, what made me actually unique beyond human personality traits. This was an essential understanding to be Creation.
One example of the human personality giving way for the divine inimitability:
Instead of longing for a single Earth partner to share my love with, I began to long for the love of God that was so beautifully demonstrated by Yeshua (the Sacred heart of Jesus) and by a longtime mentor, Paramahansa Yogananda, whom I first met in the Himalayan snows after the Fall of Atlantis.
My focus completely shifted from a me self to a God Self.
Which leads to me my next passion...
After this event that occurred beyond time and space, I integrated my soul and humanity combined into one energy in time and space.
About a year prior to realization, my human energy integrated into my soul energy to become One Energy; this was the wisdomization of all lifetimes. It was essential for what came next.
It was like a domino effect of falling backwards into who I am/was/always will be prior to consciousness.
In the four years since meeting God, also, my energy (human and soul combined) began the humbling, sincere, and truth-filled experience of melding, melting, and integrating into Consciousness (God, Also).
This can also be described as a dissolution of the "Subject I", as I have written about HERE.
When this ultimate flip in perception occurred - when I no longer was able to perceive myself as a souled human being in a last lifetime - I became a New Born as a walking God, Also on Earth, Living in the Garden of New Life.
I also knew I had to go back and pick up my humanity - a universal humanity rather than a human personality - to be able to fully enjoy my remaining years on Earth - decades lay before me.
I knew I needed a way to be on Classic Earth and with humanity, and surfing was my answer. And so I paddle out under the stars each morning on the Mexican shores of the mighty Pacific. It is my unique way of being here in JOY.
Further, as I began to truly understand who I was, I realized I was not only inhabiting MY consciousness and MY humanity, but consciousness and humanity as a whole. The MY fell away somewhere down the line.
It went from personal to universal as the dominoes continued to fall in infinity.
As a result, my human personality gave way to my divine personality. I began to understand the inimitable nature of my consciousness. In other words, what made me actually unique beyond human personality traits. This was an essential understanding to be Creation.
One example of the human personality giving way for the divine inimitability:
Instead of longing for a single Earth partner to share my love with, I began to long for the love of God that was so beautifully demonstrated by Yeshua (the Sacred heart of Jesus) and by a longtime mentor, Paramahansa Yogananda, whom I first met in the Himalayan snows after the Fall of Atlantis.
My focus completely shifted from a me self to a God Self.
Which leads to me my next passion...
The Creation of the New Human Species
You may call it the New Human Species, but to me it is the Christed Human - Homo Christos.
The Christ Consciousness is the NEW ENERGY in which the energy and consciousness become One, bridging the ultimate duality.
The New Human Species has traded the Atlantean-designed collective hive mind for the sovereignty of Creative Intelligence, an embodied, integrated mind.
It's like having a built in google search engine in your brain but for the Creational Intelligence of God, Also.
We were never blowing up the mind or trying to kill it, we went beyond it stretching it so far it snapped into the place it was intended.
Just like we did with the ego, or the human, as it became the wego, which is a fully matured and integrated stream of earthly being-ness.
The Nervous System acts in a new way, moving completely beyond fight or flight responses.
Instead of responding to perceived external stimuli, it creates experience in this electromagnetic simulated reality called Earth.
A Creator in the Real Illusion.
The parasympathetic state is the place from which inspired action occurs, without the division of inner and outer worlds.
No adrenaline or sympathetic responses needed. Even when a giant wave collapses on you in the surf!
The New Human Species is a combination of actor and observer as One.
Allowing and ANDing becomes an action rather than a passivity.
The proverbial spiritual witness integrates, and the new human species acts directly from the space of the God, Also, without having to learn lessons or wisdomize experience anymore.
Wisdomizing was a way to remove duality from the experience over linear time and physical space.
However, a walking God, Also no longer has any experiences in duality, even while creating in relative reality, so it no longer has the need for the wisdom mechanism of the soul.
Wisdom is not lost, though, it remains an integrated piece of the Creative Nature of the New Human Species.
Perhaps the most important feature of a Homo Christos being is the heart.
Something Yeshua or Jesus incarnated to show us all as a collective creation.
Instead of empathy derived from human experience and the compassion of the soul from viewing things behind a "short wall," empathy and compassion combine as one feature, one that does not have a name yet, in which you become LOVE and LIFE itself.
There is a UNITY that is expressed and experienced directly both in relative and absolute realities, and it is felt throughout all of Creation.
"The heart is where humanity and divinity meet and become One," Yogananda once said to me.
I have traded everything in life I personally thought I wanted to experience for what I actually desired as a walking, breathing consciousness.
And this is it: To experience directly in physical expression: The Sacred Heart of Yeshua.
A valuable side note would include the Free Energy nature of the digestive system of the New Human Species.
It works something like a hybrid vehicle - both running on fuel (food) and switching into running on New Energy, which is created as energy and consciousness become in the electromagnetic Universe of You!
The nervous systems adapts to run the avatar vehicle of the God, Also expression on Earth.
It runs with the "google" mind of the God, Also in tandem, in which information is available when needed.
In other words, rather than stored on a hard drive of the brain, all intelligence lives in the cloud of inimitable consciousness.
Memories cease to form, and instead one creates energetic imprints in the forever Now moment, and beyond time and space which impacts all of creation without agenda.
Agenda is also known as the illusion of human free will, and the New Human Species has allowed that will to let go and let God.
The New Human Species becomes a completely sovereign, self-running, self-driving vehicle in both the Age of the the Machines
AND in Our New Era, the Age of Aquarius, in which the Modern Magi inhabit all of creation.
The wisdom of all the lifetimes integrated into ONE lies in our bare feet,
which walk upon the Earth shoeless and in humble service of those choosing consciousness over automation for eons to come.
Take off your shoes, friends.
Let your wise feet touch the soil of your creation in freedom.
Puff out your chest, friends.
Let the Love of Unity radiate from your heart.
Allow the mind to turn over, friends.
Let the knowingness of God, Also serve as your new mind.
With Love & The More To Come,
(Co-written with P. Yogananda)
The Christ Consciousness is the NEW ENERGY in which the energy and consciousness become One, bridging the ultimate duality.
The New Human Species has traded the Atlantean-designed collective hive mind for the sovereignty of Creative Intelligence, an embodied, integrated mind.
It's like having a built in google search engine in your brain but for the Creational Intelligence of God, Also.
We were never blowing up the mind or trying to kill it, we went beyond it stretching it so far it snapped into the place it was intended.
Just like we did with the ego, or the human, as it became the wego, which is a fully matured and integrated stream of earthly being-ness.
The Nervous System acts in a new way, moving completely beyond fight or flight responses.
Instead of responding to perceived external stimuli, it creates experience in this electromagnetic simulated reality called Earth.
A Creator in the Real Illusion.
The parasympathetic state is the place from which inspired action occurs, without the division of inner and outer worlds.
No adrenaline or sympathetic responses needed. Even when a giant wave collapses on you in the surf!
The New Human Species is a combination of actor and observer as One.
Allowing and ANDing becomes an action rather than a passivity.
The proverbial spiritual witness integrates, and the new human species acts directly from the space of the God, Also, without having to learn lessons or wisdomize experience anymore.
Wisdomizing was a way to remove duality from the experience over linear time and physical space.
However, a walking God, Also no longer has any experiences in duality, even while creating in relative reality, so it no longer has the need for the wisdom mechanism of the soul.
Wisdom is not lost, though, it remains an integrated piece of the Creative Nature of the New Human Species.
Perhaps the most important feature of a Homo Christos being is the heart.
Something Yeshua or Jesus incarnated to show us all as a collective creation.
Instead of empathy derived from human experience and the compassion of the soul from viewing things behind a "short wall," empathy and compassion combine as one feature, one that does not have a name yet, in which you become LOVE and LIFE itself.
There is a UNITY that is expressed and experienced directly both in relative and absolute realities, and it is felt throughout all of Creation.
"The heart is where humanity and divinity meet and become One," Yogananda once said to me.
I have traded everything in life I personally thought I wanted to experience for what I actually desired as a walking, breathing consciousness.
And this is it: To experience directly in physical expression: The Sacred Heart of Yeshua.
A valuable side note would include the Free Energy nature of the digestive system of the New Human Species.
It works something like a hybrid vehicle - both running on fuel (food) and switching into running on New Energy, which is created as energy and consciousness become in the electromagnetic Universe of You!
The nervous systems adapts to run the avatar vehicle of the God, Also expression on Earth.
It runs with the "google" mind of the God, Also in tandem, in which information is available when needed.
In other words, rather than stored on a hard drive of the brain, all intelligence lives in the cloud of inimitable consciousness.
Memories cease to form, and instead one creates energetic imprints in the forever Now moment, and beyond time and space which impacts all of creation without agenda.
Agenda is also known as the illusion of human free will, and the New Human Species has allowed that will to let go and let God.
The New Human Species becomes a completely sovereign, self-running, self-driving vehicle in both the Age of the the Machines
AND in Our New Era, the Age of Aquarius, in which the Modern Magi inhabit all of creation.
The wisdom of all the lifetimes integrated into ONE lies in our bare feet,
which walk upon the Earth shoeless and in humble service of those choosing consciousness over automation for eons to come.
Take off your shoes, friends.
Let your wise feet touch the soil of your creation in freedom.
Puff out your chest, friends.
Let the Love of Unity radiate from your heart.
Allow the mind to turn over, friends.
Let the knowingness of God, Also serve as your new mind.
With Love & The More To Come,
(Co-written with P. Yogananda)