There’s something brewing that I want to talk about.
Isn’t there always? The next waves of whatever and what have you are always washing over us. Mass consciousness is redirecting itself elsewhere. People are waking up and scrambling for methods, techniques, and the next magical plant sold on Instagram to ingest for clarity. Yet, what I want to share is something else that’s going on among those with the will and the passion for the State of Further. Beings who have said, I am realized, and it doesn’t matter, and that word actually meant nothing in the end. What’s brewing out there (in here, really) is something I have only dreamed about until now, yet I knew the day would come to this physical relative reality – when others began to step into absolute reality without leaving physical form. Beings – beautiful beings like you – are moving beyond the old – for me – belief system that they are a souled being having an Earthly experience. How long, and how many lifetimes did we hold ourselves in this belief system (BS): I am a souled being, having an experience on Earth, learning lessons until the reincarnation cycle is over in my last lifetime in which I experience realization. Go further, whispers the rhythm of the I Am Consciousness. Go further. Beings – beautiful beings like you – are moving beyond this belief system, that this souled being is or was stuck in a loop of a reincarnation cycle, in which lives are spread out along a linear timeline. Instead – in a state of further – the quantum shift in perception – is lighting up the night sky under the dark blanket of the New Moon. It goes like this: A motion, in a state of further, from the concept of a soul having an earthly experience to (giant leap) an I Am consciousness coming together as ONE with the energy of the soul and human. Transcending perceptions and diving with no self into subject-less sensations, With Earth, right now, as but one single simultaneous reality within the Universes of You. In other words, there’s an understanding now that the soul was simply energy –energy responding to your consciousness of the God, also. Of the I Am. And in this realization, the“I”in play moves from the human identity –even beyond an individualized soul identity - into knowing I Am God, also. I am Universes of Self. I will not get lost this time. I will not fragment this time. I go back to the Wall of Fire, a souled being. I reach across the Fire and know it was always me, and I pull that Consciousness of the God, also, across that illusory wall. And become One, once again. Time folds upon itself yet again. The two points meet in its loop. The being who initially crossed the Wall of Fire, meets the one who came back to witness it Anew. They are the same being. Nothing has changed and everything has changed. All those lifetimes, are but simultaneous streams of awareness and experiences that run through me – a Consciousness. And in this wild revelation, energy no longer responds to I Am Consciousness, yet instead becomes ONE with it. All while continuing to hold an expression in this finite reality in linear year 2021. An in this experience – the soul even – trades one concept, or perception, of sovereignty for another – becoming the I Am Consciousness, rather than responding to it. This is enough prose, so I will switch to poetry. A song of the soul that NOW folds into and creates a symphony with the rhythm of the I Am. The following was written in September 2018 –the month I lost my mind – or went beyond it – into the great beyond the beyond. “You have the gift of consciousness. Consciousness centered in the flame of life anchored in the heart knows itself as God - as limitless potential, as being infinite though tethered to a matrix which is finite. The flame that you are is the flowing stream of consciousness that ever was, that ever shall be, that even now as the fulfillment of the law of your Being. The flame is your consciousness of continuity; it is the proportion of Spirit that is deathless, birthless, and eternal.” - El Morya, channeled through Mark Prophet, linear year 1975 The ever-flowing stream of infinite consciousness cascades through each of us, inimitably, and yet can only be sensed fully when we have sifted through the finite tethers of the matrix that makes up life. Life is but a soul-filled bouncing ball that touches down onto the surface of the Earth and shoots back up again, returning to the true nature of existence only to glide back down into blindness. Infinite consciousness. Finite physicality. Infinite consciousness. Finite physicality. It is not so much that we disconnect from the matrix now. No, that’s not the thing. Though pure consciousness, we step into awareness of the relation between finite and infinite and realize who we are beyond roles of repeating and looping timelines, beyond the bouncing ball of the reincarnation cycle, believing it will contain a linear end. This awareness, and in the natural fulfillment of the law of your Being, the roles in the finite transfigure into destinies of the infinite. Destiny comes from the Latin 'to make firm, or to establish.' To come firmly into Spirited Self, is the destiny of the soul. Through the experience of the infinite state of Being, we begin to understand, to know without thought, how to operate in the finite existence in an everlasting, ever-knowing state of Being. Without losing ourselves in the matrix. Without becoming blind, yet again. We will not lose our singular sight this time. Without becoming deaf, yet again. We will not lose our divine ears this time. Instead, it is the matrix that is altered - without agenda and through pure awareness - by our infinite existence; rather than the matrix altering our finite existence. On but not of Earth. This dichotomy or paradox dissolves and becomes a state of interwoven infinite possibilities and potentials in finite webs of current relative reality. Choosing consciousness over automation, again and again and again and again…. This knowing, this ability to move through the finite as an infinite being, is the dance of absolute existence. I hope you will take a moment to pause beyond space and time to dance in the timelessness of your infinite being-ness, in all that already is, was, and ever will be. With the sensation beyond love, Sar’h If you would like to join us in a state of further, you are invited to a subject-less sensuality CALL with Koot Hoomi and me. Or join us on Patreon, with others who have made the leap into the New Energy – consciousness and energy combined as One.
Jennifer King
1/23/2021 06:10:03 am
This is so deeply moving for me. Words escape me but the heartfelt glow is deep.
1/31/2021 10:28:48 am
Thank You Sar'h, there is no words for me in this moment to convey so much sensations I felt in this beyond love message. ❤️
2/6/2021 07:58:54 am
Thanks so much J-P! When people understand this bridging of the ultimate duality, it is felt anywhere consciousness is found. So grateful for all you who truly understand the New Energy.
2/6/2021 07:57:51 am
Thank you, Jennifer!!
Keiko Niwa
2/2/2021 08:11:25 am
Every time I read this I feel more and more deeply into it and all I can do is just sit, eyes closed, feeling, yeeeesssss. Soo good.
2/6/2021 07:59:53 am
Keiko, thank you for all you add to this space. It is felt and appreciated. We get it for ourselves, but the ripple it creates in the world is for everyone.
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AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023