Feeling into the contrasting textures of energy and consciousness does not imply separation. It allows one to fully explore the nature of creation and its inherent interconnectivity. There is an invisible, malleable glue that holds both the material worlds and the non-material worlds together. That glue is conscious awareness." ~ The Magus Kuthumi This week I had the honor and the pleasure of meeting with about twenty grand beings who have recently finished the six-month Light Body Sessions experience, which began in October of last year.
So much has come from those adding their energy and consciousness to the calls and materials, I could create another presentation around their Self-discoveries alone. One of the moments that really stuck out was something Kuthumi said with the utmost compassion. He said: "Around 90 percent of those choosing embodied enlightenment do not yet understand the the difference between energy and consciousness. When they declare out loud: energy is all mine and it serves me, these beautiful beings still think energy is serving their human facet who has declared realization - that energy serves the person sitting on the park bench. They do not yet understand that energy serves something much, much grander than this person walking around on Earth." It was not an insult. If anyone knows how hard it is to move beyond the human-centric existence - even the human who chose realization - it is him. Twenty-four long years - after realization - he spent walking the Earth to truly understand and examine fully the nature of energy and its dynamic play with consciousness. We all know consciousness does not care about our bank account, body aches and pains, relationships, or where we are going to live. Consciousness seeks to know itself as God, also and express and experience from that knowingness. That's all. No matter what it looks like in the material world. One beautiful being on this week's calls was describing how she began to understand this woman she is today is simply energy. That the realized being is simply energy responding to consciousness. And not the other way around. She was vulnerably open about how hard it was for the human mind to wrap its pretty little head around the fact: it (the realized human) was not the central sun in creation, but rather simply one single planet spinning around the central sun in the Universe of Self. The way I have described it before is: The realization lifetime is simply one grain of sand on the beach of full enlightenment. Why is this concept so hard even for self-declared realized beings? Why is it so hard to not just know it but live it? The Atlantean designed mind was literally conditioned to believe that this single lifetime identity was the center of it all. It was a beautiful design that allowed the human race to survive for so many generations and incarnations. With no sense of little s self, we would not last long on a hungry, hungry planet. But now that the place of the human race on Earth is secure, a new type of evolution - or more so a quantum leap - can take place. We can know - and more so become - the big S Self without losing our physical representation. The Transmigration of the sense of self moves from the human identity to the Divine Personality, which sounds so lovely, but in reality feels like one has been put in an incinerator without the relief of an end in sight. That - Kuthumi says - is why people would rather choose to stop at the proverbial park bench in a false sense of arrival, playing only in energy and not fully understanding consciousness. "It's not a judgement, " he adds. "It is with deep compassion that I understand why you would be so hesitant to walk your human identity off the biggest cliff of all." Before the calls this week, I - Lauren: who is only energy responding to consciousness - was asking myself what had changed since I recorded the Light Body Sessions. Prior to recording them, I really thought I knew the difference between energy and consciousness. It's laughable. Yet, Sarah - my consciousness - provided little me with a multitude of experiences over the past few months to show Lauren - in fact - she had no actual clue how energy really worked - nor did Lauren me have any lasting experience with consciousness. One of the most telling experiences of this was my dog, Ollie. To Lauren, the human, the idea of Ollie dying was THE worst thing that could ever happen to her - the only thing in life she could not handle. Then on a sunny day on March 16th, Ollie, Arjuna, and I were coming back from the dog park. Ollie ran up the stairs, looked me in the eye and he simply left his body. It was absolutely beautiful. A graceful departure. And a massive shock. He had not been sick or anything like that. Being that my human needed to feel like she did everything to "save him," I drove him a couple blocks over to the vet's office. He still had a slight pulse and a shallow breath. The vet was going to see if she could do anything to save him - I knew she could not but had to check that box for my human - and sent me to the waiting room. It was in the waiting room of the vet's office that I truly had the experience of energy and consciousness - ENTERING THE SAME ROOM. Lauren - fully grounded in her body with no eject button - sat, tears rolling out of her eyes. She was actually really confused that she did not feel sad. The tears were of gratitude and total honor of Ollie but there was also the full shock in the biology. I like to describe this as feeling things from the neck down because I do not have human emotion or the capacity for mental stories anymore. It's funny how this is really how the grief separation plays out for humans. Beyond fascinating to observe the shift! Next as the human part felt around the room, the grandness had entered. Something that is unlike energy in anyway is there. It is God....Also.... It's something I have felt before but muted - a reach across an isle of some sort. But here the energy stood in the middle of the consciousness. Lauren bowed in humility once again. "No, we are not there yet." Let's make that former insulting sentence a mantra. Nope, I am not there yet, dear wego. There is so much more to explore. So much more becoming to behold! I could see really - once again - that the human is just one tiny room in the infinite-room mansion of who I truly am. Consciousness keep showing me over and over again. In the April Satsang, Kuthumi so patiently walks us through the transmigration of awareness flow (not process or steps). It took us three recordings to get out the information, because to do so, we had to tap into the 10 percent of those walking their realization identity off the cliff. We had to tap into the Copernican revolution - magnitude shift in awareness. The planets to not revolve around the central sun of the park bench. The park bench is one of an infinite number of planets revolving around the central sun of your inimitable consciousness. If the human sits still long enough, this discovery comes naturally, Kuthumi adds. A consciousness that feels nothing like energy - but like a blank canvas that rolls out in an absolute reality where there are no laws or limits. I open to so much more. I am teachable in the eyes (I's) of my own inimitable consciousness. Thanks to Kuthumi for providing a framework for the New Energy physics being felt any where a spark of consciousness exists both in the last Satsang and in the MAGI(C) event where we come to understand the wall of fire is found in the brain's neural networks!! Na-Ma-STAY-on-Earth!
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023