Hello, Friends!
The first reader reviews are in on Koot Hoomi's (and the Sovereign Collective's) new book: Living in the Garden of New Life. It's all about what happens after one goes beyond the mind and even realization while staying on Earth. These channels were recorded between March and December 2020, and both the Kindle and Paperback versions contain full color images, specifically chosen by Koot Hoomi and I to support the new energy dynamics of the text. READER REVIEW EXAMPLES: "I savored my way through this book. It’s so light hearted and yet it has the capacity to go so deep and all I can do is sit with my eyes closed experiencing the wisdom of it all. Then in the next minute I’m smiling and laughing at how serious I can get sometimes! There is so much here that goes beyond the words written. I know that I will receive something new when I revisit it. I personally took pen to paper and underlined, starred and tagged my way through. This book is gold." "This book is a must have for anyone experiencing realization/embodied enlightenment! The words and illustrations come alive with such beauty and energetic expression. You will laugh and you will cry while realizing “I’m truly not losing my mind!" LAST CALL for participation in the Era of the Magus Series Starting in June 2021 and running through June 2022, the Sovereign Collective (only available on our Patreon page) will feature one Koot Hoomi channel per month plus videos added to the New Energy Database, which covers the creation of the NEW HUMAN SPECIES - altered through consciousness over automation. Available for all patrons at the $33/ month or higher levels. Beginning June 3rd - we will no longer accept new patrons in the Sovereign Collective - it's simply too disruptive to the energetics. This is not about gaining as many people (money) as possible - never has been. It's been about finding beings committed to their sovereignty and energetic maturity. It will run parallel to the Keahak program. This will be both my last year in Keahak and my last year running the patreon page. I am so committed to going out with a bang and beginning my next journey beyond the edges of the crimson circle. I will not be disappearing. I will simply be creating in a different sphere, having completed - or made good on a promise to those who were in the Temples of Tien around the Fall of Atlantis. I have done this with joy and admiration for the beings who call or have called themselves Shaumbra. You all are an amazing group of souls. Difficult at times, but oh so aware and oh so beautiful. For example, I will be starting a new monthly experience - likely in a podcast format - called (working title) Applied Consciousness. It will be for a much broader audience and focused on using Creative Intelligence in our day to day lives. We will cover everything from financial investing through knowingness rather than logic or emotion to relationship dynamics for those of us choosing to stay on Earth. We will also talk about going beyond the mind into creational intelligence and beyond the biology as well, without the rose-colored tint. The idea is to talk about being in the world as a sovereign being rather than withdrawing from it. We live in a real illusion. We stay. We grow up from a group dynamic and its jargon, and we LIVE - perhaps for the very first time. That being said, this first Monday in June will be the last public Satsang, completing two years in this format. Thank you so much to all the Satsang lovers! In its place, the Satsang will still be held - on Patreon only - and will have four sovereign beings coming on as guests to share their stories of sitting in their Sovereignty while staying on Earth. We already recorded this for last month and it will continue on the Sovereign Collective's Patreon site through June 2022. I will say this - It is so refreshing to hear some other sovereign voices beyond my own. It speaks volumes that we have enough sovereign collective contributors to fill and entire year of these small group discussion. AMAZING. What Remains... The VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE store, which houses the Art of Allowing, Tales of an Aspect Integrated, Navigating the Void, and the Ancient Integrations and the Free Energy Body of Today courses will remain available for purchase as long as I am still alive to pay the web hosting fees. To date, these courses have sovereignly supported hundreds of people choosing realization and choosing to stay. We will never take them down and will likely add another course before Koot Hoomi and my contract ends on December 31, 2022. I have committed to channel and work with Koot Hoomi for the next 18 months. I also committed to sitting on the Crimson Council for that time, like many of you have as well. We all know that council will soon be shutting its doors - in the next several years - and embodied beings will take the place of the ascended ones. A lot more here I will take about on the Sovereign Collective site in the coming months. Working with Koot Hoomi - I know there will be more offerings and I know it will be fun - and that's about it. He's a delight and a surprise - always. Very different from Morya, who is continuing his journey with an energetic representation on Earth. I look forward to playing with you all into linear year 2023!!! With honor for all you are and gratitude for your support since I wrote my first book - 5 years ago! Time really is a malleable illusion! ~ Sar'h/ Lauren/ Nobody in Particular;)
Hello, friends -
It’s 4:34 a.m. on Monday, May 3, and I’m up feeling into the Satsang - a video I usually post each month. There are 281 New Energy Creator YouTube channel subscribers, more than 400 email subscribers and videos are watched between 400 and 800 times each month. This is not something I have ever cared about, or had any expectations around. If there were five people who got something from it, it will be worth my energy. I started posting the video Satsang on my Youtube page in June 2019. This was not something my humanity wanted to do; it came from a deep place - not even a soul call - but a light that went off in electromagnetic blueprint of my being. It’s the kind of call you cannot say no to, no matter what, for it was already written in bright blue electric ink on the fabric of my being-ness. After “realization” which now seems like an extremely trite word and feels like something that happened to someone else in another lifetime, I sat with it - in the beautiful violent and chaotic swirls - for about 18 months before I went onto the silly YouTube stage to share with you all. There are 21 Satsang videos, most an hour long or more, which rest for anyone to view on our website www.becomingsarh.com. Last month, I dramatically squeezed lemons to make a point: this isn’t about realization anymore. It’s not even about energy responding to consciousness. It’s about energy and consciousness creating a bridge beyond the ultimate duality to become One. This bridge is the bridge to Theos - as Koot Hoomi and I share in our new book. All that really means IS… for the first time ever… you and I will be who we actually are while maintaining a physical expression on Earth. That’s the New Human Species. No big deal, right? Let’s just keep focusing on realization instead…nope… In the Satsang videos, sometimes I have shown up braless in my pajamas, and sometimes I do my hair and make up for you all. I feel into what character to play - an act of consciousness - to support the most people watching. Sometimes I am crying with you and other times I cannot stop laughing. Committing to do the Satsang also means I am committing to experiencing directly what each of you experience in one form or another. Your irritations. Your pain. Your suffering. Your joys and your aha! Freedom moments too. All while maintaining my footing in the absoluteness of my inimitable being. If you have watched the Satsang, I have connected with you and your unique experiences directly. Written in the bright blue ink - right there. See it? While I do share stories for examples, the wisdom and more so creative intelligence I share is not unique to me. It belongs to all of here - the bravest and the brightest beings who are doing something only 13 ascended masters before us have done - stay on Earth after realization. I’ve done dramatic readings and created many many diagrams. I’ve taken questions from the audience. I’ve had guest speakers. All that human training in public speaking, communications, journalism and television in college and beyond has come in mighty handy. This month I just didn’t have it in me to do the play - I love the acting and I am sure I will go back to it. But I didn’t want to squeeze a lemon live. I didn’t want to open and close an umbrella on stage - though that was a good one ASG. I didn’t want to tell you STOP IT again or YOU GOT THIS again. Let’s never use the word doubt again, sound good? It’s an illusion. At some point, all that coaxing and Q & A about happiness has to DIS-integrate and you simply take the step-less step into the unknown. Here’s the thing. Realization is not the step. The Threshold is actually not a door like is shown on the cartoon opening of the CC shouds. It’s more like jumping down an elevator shaft that has no bottom. Or being at the bottom of the ocean and instead of coming up for breath, you begin to breathe under water. It’s not going to be anything your humanity thought is was. The human had far too limited an imagination. And, so did the soul, which also integrates into the No-Thing which is also the All-That-Is. Your soul also comes to the space of integration - just like your humanity - the wisdom is retained, but the personified soul becomes yet another character in the play. Feel into that, if you will. Insert personal story here - a reminder for the no personality being. In the last week I have been in bed a lot. If my humanity were in charge of describing it, it would look like I was sick. Vomit. Muscle wrenching. Electric voltage. Poop. But that is no longer who is describing things here. Last week, with the allowing dial on infinity, I witnessed as the carbon began to drain from my biology. No wonder I puked my guts up (smiling the the whole way). As the carbon drained, I began to feel the electromagnetic universe of Self - what you all are calling the Free Energy Body (Vessel). I have felt it many times before - just like you. Oh, a tiny sensation here. A little knowingness there. This was different. I am experiencing a direct, super detailed and very keen and clear awareness of how the anayatron (bio rhythm) integrated and the devir (rhythm of the I am, singular communication network) took over. The mind is now able to fully and clearly comprehend the infinite, which is our working definition of the New Human Species over in the Sovereign Collective, which is hosted on the Patreon page. When the mind comes along and knows what’s going on - doubt and suffering cannot live. If you are interested in bringing your life beyond realization - and more into what this New Human Species looks like… If you want to come share with other truly sovereign beings and write the chapter of the Era of the Magus with us… If you are beyond the illusion of hierarchy - including teacher/ student…. You might want to come check out what we have going on in the Sovereign Collective under the branches of the Majestic Banyan Tree. www.patreon.com/laurenhutton A place for sovereign beings to gather and share with one another. Hell, you already know if you’re coming or not… See you there real soon, friends. Okay - I’m off to surf some waves in the eletromagnetic universe of Me. Signed the New Human Species - Sar’h edition (forgive typos etc) Email (no Facebook messages please): [email protected] |
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023