Yesterday something occurred that I noticed far into the edge-less edges of my being. I’ve seen it before, but I hadn’t noticed how it’s tied to a bigger picture until today.
I’ve seen it in myself many times, and I have seen it in friends. The only way I can see is it – is because I know it deeply from personal experience. You’re cruising along, allowing deeply your realization – or post-realization allowing your embodiment. You’re really starting to understand your relationship with energy. You understand you are energy. It’s all you and it’s all one. You start to understand what New Energy is. It’s you as energy meeting the I AM consciousness and coming into one – in a state of no separation – removing the illusory boundary between energy (human + master body of wisdom combined) and the inimitable consciousness of the I AM THAT. The concepts you read about don’t just sit on a page on the web, or a voice in a channeled recording, they are set in motion within you – let’s call that application. When I started facilitating groups of people choosing embodied realization, I started to notice a pattern of sorts. A beautiful being – an individual – would have a massive expanded breakthrough in conscious awareness, and then it would be followed by a shrinking. A normal occurrence and no judgment, but a replication of a pattern to bring the most creative of senses to – observational compassion. The ‘when you stop trying to change things, they change, just by adding a dash of awareness.’ Observational compassion. For Self. When you become aware of something, it dissolves in the integration experience without having to do anything – if you get out of your own way. The shrinking is often represented by a small voice, a doubting, wavering voice and more so completely forgetting that you are not this (image/ identity/ doubter), you are THAT (God/ source/ Pure Awareness with an energetic vehicle). Nothing new, right? Well, yesterday, I saw how this operates in a collective. I saw it like a wave of amnesia descended upon the Earth, and anyone who doesn’t have a real clear grasp on the I AM THAT, affected. I’m sure everyone here can feel when they move from speaking from the I AM consciousness, back into the voice of the little human who forgot everything they knew deep down. Before crossing the Threshold, this occurred a lot, for me. The bigger the aha! breakthrough, the further back I would be bolted into the amnesia. Exhausting and depleting. I tended to think this happened on an individual level, and then I realized yesterday watching it, how masters before me, before us, had to grapple with this. As teachers, they would push their students, first, locating where they were at, and then seeing how far they could open the door for the person to stretch their awareness. Sometimes the amnesia snap back was done deliberately to shake up a deeply rooted pattern. Other times they chugged along at a slow and steady pace. The rhythm varied and was discerned by the enlightened teacher. No one ever thought about what this does to the teacher, they are far to consumed in reaching out for enlightenment, and that’s appropriate, until they realize enlightenment was a sign taped to the back of their shirt, and they just needed to reach back and claim it. I won’t call myself a teacher – facilitator is politically correct in this world. Oh, screw it, as a teacher, I would say this fine line of how fast to go, what doors to open at what time, is a learning curve. There’s so much I want to put in Patreon, and I take a deep breath and discern with Morya by my side, what I should dive into and what I need to save for later. What must be understood by a majority, before I can add to it. Like allowing – it’s an art, not a science. Sometimes there is enough qualia, or a reference point, and sometimes there’s not. Eventually qualia is not going to be a thing – you don’t need an analogy, a reference point, or an image, but until then I spend my days dreaming them up and testing them out with Morya, sometimes all day and night long. That’s where your exchange goes. Yesterday I felt I was a cowboy on a cattle drive. My job is to allow the sovereign steers to roam in a broad direction toward, or reversing into, expanded awareness. It’s a hands-off approach. A beyond respectful honoring of individual sovereignty. I ride in the back. However, if a sovereign steer wanders off and gets it leg caught in a wire, or another floats down a bustling river out of sight, it’s also my job to help it out, with its permission, of course. Perhaps they chose to float down the river? That’s rarely the case. Usually, there’s an energetic hand sticking out of the water saying, “Can you give me a lift?” Sometimes that person is simultaneously cussing at me while I’m helping them out. Sometimes they say thank you. It doesn’t matter. That’s okay. I understand. The steer wants the person with a map to light the way when things get really dark and scary, and then their ego gets pissed at the cowgirl on her horse and says, "I have this, back off." I can take it, I’m Texan, remember? So, most of the time in my voided energetic world, there’s two or three people who need a little reminder of the I AM THAT, not this. Yet, yesterday, I looked out and there were hundreds of sovereign steers – far beyond patron and the Facebook group. I looked out over the desert everyone must cross to step into the embodied state, and it was in total chaos. El Morya was forced to put on a cowboy hat (my requirement) and ride by my side. Usually, he lets me figure things out on my own. He only steps in when something shocks me or I need a bit of extra support. Sound familiar? I’m the steer and he’s the cowboy sometimes, but I’m grateful, not bitter. “What’s going on, Maourya?” (That’s his Sanskrit name, it comes off as a sensation, a vibration) “Amnesia wave,” he said, talking to me in my own terms. So, energetically and sensationally he showed me how I could address the matter as a whole – without having to go to each individual steer. “Go beyond the perception of chaos and look at the pattern. Now create a doorway to go beyond the pattern,” he said in sensation. Now, I know that the doorway doesn’t mean all individuals will go through the passageway we opened, yet the few who choose to do will lessen the gravity of this blanket of amnesia that fell upon the desert for the others but choosing it for themselves. Somehow, I knew how to do just that. Morya let me do it for myself, rather than doing it for me. Doorway created. Now, I know many of you reading this are wondering what the cure is for this amnesia. And you know what I am going to say – awareness. Consciousness. Developing your relationship with energy. Opening to the sensations and rhythms of the I AM. The simple words I chose for the passageway are my favorite. These words create. “Be Still and Know that You are God.” That’s it. The mind wants some amazing steps and complicated and dramatic moves to attach onto but in the end – the master enters the temple with no effort. You don’t need to surf this amnesia wave anymore. There’s the Rumi poem: Half of Life is lost in charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play, you have played enough. Here’s my version: Half of life is lost in forgetting who you are. The other half is lost in going through anxieties of failing to remember what you are here to do. Leave this amnesia wave, you have surfed it enough. An invitation to drag your surfboard over to the break called, “Be still and know you are God,” should you wish for a change of scenery. PREPARING CHILDREN FOR THE FUTURE
I know what you’re thinking, she doesn’t even have any kids. That’s true but I am a seer, and when I look into the future, I see kids who have been taught about science, how to vote, and live eco-friendly lives. All great things but something is missing. Peering into the future, which is already here, I can see the greatest decisions your children will make will not be whether to use plastic, bamboo or metal straws, who to vote for, or even to place science and facts over rhetoric. Sure, those are great things to teach kids about – the environment, political activism, and how to discern fact over fiction – yet what’s to come will require wisdom beyond any textbook and any civics lesson. Soon, if not already, the world will not be ruled by politicians but by private companies, which have been storing data on your children since their conception – because you posted it on social media or entered it into an app on your phone. Never wrong or bad – it’s pretty unavoidable – yet still has major implications for their futures. Yet, this is the first generation that has a virtual footprint before they learn to walk or before they are even born! We do not yet know the implications of this. Kids grow up with technology glued into their hands. We already have our phones waking us up, telling us when to eat, and where to be at a certain time. Our phones know every single step we’ve taken and predicts with great accuracy the steps we will take, the products we will by. Our phones – with direct lines to the companies in charge – know our health issues, what medicines we take, and our likeliness for rebellion or conformity into an increasing technocratic world. Conformity rewarded; conscious rebellion punished. These companies, gathering your information – that know your kid is allergic to peanuts and that they have hyper-sensitives – will be the ones ruling the world – not the governments and not even climate change, which is real and also a major distraction from sweeping technological advances that will play a central role in your children’s lives. Children today will be making decisions, for example, about whether to have an implant placed into their brain to replace holding a phone or tablet in their hands. Agreeing to a Google-sponsored brain, a chip implanted into their head or worn as a virtual reality device, will have major implications for their lives and for society as a whole. It will be – and already is – a data filled world sponsored by Coca Cola, who will sell water for more than the price or oil, to your kids – if they can afford to buy it. Medicine of the future will look like something from what you thought was science fiction. Your kids will have to determine the line between what is a medical advancement and what is turning them into a machine, reducing them to nothing more than a commodity with a barcode to be scanned by the companies who keep them in a modern version of slavery. In this case, a vote won’t matter. Artificial intelligence will have gained the right to rule with every piece of data they have collected from you, down to the DNA sample you willingly placed into the system. Scary? Yes! But there is something you can do about it – by doing it for yourself. You can remind your children they are not only a product consumer and a bar code to be scanned or a chip implanted to connect into a massive database. You can remind them they are a souled being, and within their souls lies all the wisdom and intuition needed to navigate this new world. You can tell them about following their gut, their deep knowingness that technology and science are not God, but they are God (the creators and decision-makers of their reality) and the future will be created through each decision they make. That every time they don’t conform to the standardization of the human body and technological advancements that strip them of their humanity, it is a vote for consciousness – for rebellion, for non-conformity, for living in a world in which human souled consciousness is king, not the computer databases that are taking over the collective intelligence in an increasingly-technocratic world. You remind them of this – of the true nature of what it means to be a souled being – by discovering it for yourself. No longer placing our heads in the sand or being blinded in mass distraction by the next mass shooting or climate change rally, we can see that those with the most sophisticated artificial intelligence systems will be the ones running our world. And there’s not a single thing we can do about it except to know our own soul, our own divinity. Instead of voting in the ballot box, we are voting with our consciousness, saying no to automation and yes to our own knowingness – not allowing the phone and soon the Google brain implant to make our decisions for us because we are too lazy to feel into it and decide for ourselves what is best for our world, not theirs, not the machine's world. In the end it’s a choice, one that is always yours. Will I choose conscious awareness or will I let technology rule my life in the most subtle of ways until I have given up every liberty or freedom that I thought I was given in the illusion of all illusions? Thanks for your consideration. |
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023