Hi friends,
Instead of just talking into the computer screen, I found I created a free event in which you can tune into the monthly Satsang. Satsang / Satsanga / Satsangam is a word which comes from Sanskrit, meaning to associate with true people, or to be in the company of true people. In other words, it is a gathering of like- consciousness folks like yourselves. This month I will talk about diving into being the creator in your own creation, upcoming and events and, well, a lot more. If there is a specific question you have or a topic to address, I will take a few questions live on the call. Come add your consciousness and I Am presence to the call! The recording of the video will be made public for later viewing. You must register to attend... Hi there, You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jul 1, 2019 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Topic: Monthly Satsang with Sar'h (Lauren) Register in advance for this webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/b92e757d9020f2c6c5b9141539e44ee6 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. I hope to see you there! I AM SA-RA (New Life)
FAQHere are some common questions I get in my inbox and some general answers. Should I or shouldn’t I (fill in the blank)? Sometimes it is about what to eat. Other times a relationship. Sometimes it is about paying taxes. The answer to all of these questions is… The energy you spend on the internal debate of should I or shouldn’t I question is being directed toward the experience of the unintegrated brain thoughts – thoughts that are not actually yours. Energy shows up in service to consciousness. Consciousness is awareness. If you place your awareness in the dualistic brain, energy shows up to reflect that duality. It will pull you in multiple directions and make you feel like you are being torn apart, creating an experience that is not actually your because your thoughts are not yours, they are from a collective. If your awareness is in the I Am consciousness, energy shows up to support that experience of knowing yourself as God, also. Of truly having the sovereign experience. You say you do not have internal debates or hear internal voices, yet we are multiple beings. How does that work? More on the I AM. Yes! I’ll give you an image for something that is image-less. Perceive the I AM as a body of consciousness. A consciousness that speaks. An oceanic Self in which waves rise up to meet various occasions and then the waves fold back into the oceanic Self when an experience is met. This is not a soul voice because it has all been integrated into a song of silence. This is not my humanity speaking for it has been integrated into being-ness. Once the brain aspect integrates, it lives in the body of consciousness as the integrated mind. If I need to organize things in my physical life, that mind consciousness comes up to the surface to bring wisdom forth to make choices like where to invest money, or, for example, notifying that my car tires need to be rotated and serviced. That voice comes in with no words but with gnost instead – a deep knowingness. It is not a debate. I do not have a should I or shouldn’t I experience. Knowingness is clear and is acted upon. It’s the same in my writing and what I share. The pillar of wisdom-filled consciousness is the I AM body of consciousness (lives in my spinal column and expands in all directions outward). This is its first time on earth in a physical form. The I Am, the I Exist was always there, yet I have never brought it into physical form before Now. The facet of Self (the wave of wisdom in the Oceanic Self) rises up and the words and energetics responding to the I AM consciousness show up and I allow them to come forth while typing to share with you all – lovely beings that you are. The words/ message already exists in this body of I AM consciousness and flow forth. I do not debate what to share and what not to share internally. I know distinctly some things I write are for now and others are for another Now moment. I am not given a plan but only use the gnost in the continuous string of Now moments that do not follow a linear pattern but exist in what a human might perceive as chaos. Then the wave rises up, it folds back into the Oceanic self. The ocean may be calm for some Now moments until the next wave (facet) arises perfectly appropriate for the next Now experience. Have you integrated the light body? Do you know anyone who has? No, I have not integrated the full light body. However, about a year after realization, I began to know deeply “someone” was following me around. It was a huge shadow that was behind my back. If I turned around to look at it, I couldn’t see it because it was always behind my back. Instead of trying to look at it, I tapped into the gnost, the knowing. And I answered myself back. It was my I AM THAT, the I Exist. At this time, I still had multiple voices. They did not debate but they did take a question and answer format for a bit. A peaceful one. Once my humanity and divinity were woven into the tapestry of Self – once I became a vessel for the Oceanic Self to attune to the biological structure, which is now my home – then and only then was it appropriate (divine timing) for my I Am-ness to enter this vessel. The I Am – over the course of several months or a longer string of Now moments – came in into my physical vessel for the very first time ever. I know deeply this is the “beginning” of the light body coming into physical form – vessel. I know I am right in this moment a 63% biological being. I will not teach or write about the light body integration until it has completed within myself. I do not know anyone who has done this yet. But there is this. When I was not in my realization I did not know any realized beings. Once it happened, I began to know many. When my light body was not yet fully bloomed, I do not know any fully embodied beings. Once it occurs in a Now moment, I will come to know more. The more I bloom into embodiment, the more beings no longer in physical form (Like El Morya) come around to chat/ commune with me about it. I will know when it is complete, and I will take some time to really enjoy it alone before I ever write about it. Just like I did stepping into realization. MURIEL AND I SPEAKING ABOUT OUR BOOKS...In case you missed it, here is our conscious coffee talk held on June 6, 2016. Hello friends! June is upon us, and it feels like yesterday that this new year began. Life on Mustang Island feels like summer and looks like spring. It's sea turtle egg laying season, and last year's releases are dining daily on the greens that grow on the jetty rocks by my house. My new morning routine is walking Ollie before the sun gets too hot, checking on the turtle babies, looking for eggs that will be transported to the sea life center for incubation, and then jumping in the ocean for a surf or stand up paddle board session. I never dreamed I would love living back in Texas so much. Perhaps I finally found home, not on the island, but within myself, and it goes with me every where I find myself. Just like the turtle always has its shell, my home and my 'safe' have entered in permanent residence, woven into the tapestry of Self, the place where the trinity merged as One. Speaking of which, there is a NEW VIDEO on my website that describes the trinity, and add the missing link - the I Am, the I Exist. When you really feel into it, perhaps this is the very first time the I Am That has incarnated in physical form. And what beauty that beholds. I find myself more and more feeling into the state of being beyond senses. What is pure consciousness and how do I experience it as I AM incarnate? This is what fuels my passion for existence in staying in physical form right now. Allowing something new, I recorded what will be the monthly Satsang by Sar'h. Satsang / Satsanga / Satsangam is a word which comes from Sanskrit, meaning to associate with true people, or to be in the company of true people. In other words, it is a gathering of like- consciousness folks gathering together. This month's was specifically recorded for the Facebook group: Surfing the Waves of Realization. Never a spin off of crimson consciousness, you are invited to join as yourself, a sovereign being. We are not looking to recreate the wheel, but render it inoperable in a new way of communing with one another. If you would like to add your consciousness to the space, I am happy to buzz you in the door. Also, this Thursday, June 6th, Muriel Shickman, author of 'Soul Ship: A Personal Account of Embodied Enlightenment' and I will be hosting a free casual conversation about our new books. You do not have to have read the books to join. If interested, here are the details.... Topic: Coffee Talk with Writers, Muriel Shickman and Lauren Hutton Time: Jun 6, 2019 1:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada - THIS IS CHICAGO TIME FOR THOSE OF YOU CONVERTING) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/479671000 Please be in a quiet place without distraction should you wish to join. Thank you for honoring the space. Loads more offered below and many new articles on the website, including a lovely ARTICLE by Morya. I encourage you to check it out and many other offerings. All three June calls are sold out. The July and August schedule will be released at the end of June via this email service. In deep gratitude, Lauren * Sar'h * Morya SAR'H SATSANG FOR JUNEThe sound quality of the song is not so great, so you can always find the song "Maybe I'm Amazed" - a song from human to soul - and listen on your own.
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023