Hello, friends! Kuthumi and I are about to go on “vacation,” so I felt to share a little bit about where we have been, where we are now, and what we have going in the future now. On June 28th we wrapped up The Rhythm of Further series with 28 luminous beings, in which we opened up six passageways within the caverns of our innate beingness and all of creation – which as Kuthumi likes to say are ‘one and the same’. The best part of this journey was the co-creators’ willingness to go beyond the human identity’s addiction to arriving at some sort of finish line in time and space (horizontal). Who are you TRULY has no birth and no death, so how in the heck could you be on some sort of journey that comes to any firm conclusion? Instead, we explored widening rings of being in the vertical axes that are beyond time and space – for energy and consciousness cannot coalesce in time and space on that horizontal timeline where the illusions of birth and death reside – it can only happen beyond time and space, which is where we resided throughout the six-month experience-expression. The result was a shattering of the glass ceiling on God for many of the co-creators joining us in this series that culminated in energy and consciousness coming together as New or Christos Energy. We were really able to explore how New Energy works. How New Energy responds to New Energy rather than energy responding to consciousness (the old way). Over the summer, we will be organizing and editing a book with The Rhythm of Further materials. I will be working with Yeshua and MM on the Divine Blueprint Book, and I am excited to be camping all over the USA with Kuthumi in my time away from Mexico. In September, we will work more intimately with beings in exploration of their inimitable divine blueprints, diving deeper into the passageways in order to foster a deeper connection or more so, receptivity of I Am Consciousness. That event is sold out. We thought of life by analogy with a journey, a pilgrimage, which had a serious purpose at the end, and the thing was to get to that end, success or whatever it is, maybe heaven after you’re dead. But we missed the point the whole way along. It was a musical thing and you were supposed to sing or to dance while the music was being played.” ― Alan Watts In January 2024, Kuthumi and I will continue to arrival-point free experience with two options. Unraveling Realization: Exploring the Infinite Mystery of the I Am (4 of 8 spaces left) Sign up or read more here: https://iamelleyah.com/unraveling-realization/ Or join us for the New Human Database Experience (19 of 40 spaces left) Sign up or read more here: https://www.becomingsarh.com/meet-with-s--k.html We have two spaces left for our Mexico – THEOS experience in December as well. Two of the guests who signed up are repeat guests so that should tell you something. When I chose to go to Mexico for Sarah and Kuthumi’s Accessing Deeper Layers of Your True Nature event I knew it would be a life changing choice. It required that I do a deep dive into passageways that bring energy and consciousness together, to live in these passageways for months before the trip. I was challenged and felt so many old stories and beliefs come up. Being that I have been facilitating calls (since 2018), writing books (since 2016), and creating so much content (since 2019), with only a little break for a deep deep realization in 2017, you can imagine I am overjoyed to have some time to simply wander with no technology for a bit.
There is not really a whole lot of me left, so it will be very nice to be untethered in nature for a while. If you feel called to, there's so many free online courses on our website. If you choose to give us your greatest resource - YOUR ATTENTION - they are free just waiting for you. https://www.becomingsarh.com/free-core-courses.html With love and so much gratitude for all the support you have provided this space with over the last six years, Lauren
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023