This was a patron only post but it's too important. This took me two years to figure out. I hope you find it supportive...For a Shaumbra audience, specifically.... New Earth is such an illusive concept sometimes. For those of you who follow the ProGnost updates - will know that while Adamus St. Germain never said that the New Earth existed beyond the Old One in physicality - even though he said they would never come together - often people use the mind to view it that way... New Earth is some sort of far off place for them - one you can get to by death or by dragon. By dragon - I mean allowing SELF to go beyond all the belief systems, old traumas, storylines of lifetimes AND in allowing the forgiveness of the I AM - to incinerate any perception that I ever did anything wrong. Guilt --- Innocence.... The eye of dragon's clarity (an expression of the I AM - it is) looked into my body of consciousness and breathed the clarity into my being - much to the pain of the human. For I wasn't going to take any 'junk' with me into 'first realization' of the I AM THAT. Reversing into the realized state - which is necessary to embody fully and live in new earth realities - often contains the sensation of getting sucked through the eye of a needle, nothing can come through the tiny eye of the needle but Self. For me, this was the final let go - you allow your little me to get sucked through the eye of the needle and it comes out in a fluid formless form... Anything that was stuck to little me (human) was "removed" (integrated and woven into the tapestry of Self) as the Self and Self alone make its way through the eye of the needle - then VOID - the black hole as someone emailed me about. In the darkness --- the eyes adjust into a ONE vision - a state of no separation - I began to feel free to move about the cabin - or caverns of my being ness - exploring without overlays. The answer to the question WHO AM I? arose without overlay of stories that only exist in an illusory matrix - or the surface of the oceans waves - in a collective dream state that defines most beings life on Earth. After the initial elation of having arrived - reversing into realization - wears off, I found myself in a dry desert - one where the sun never rises and my thirst could not be quenched. It's not that it cannot be quenched but felt so because none of the old ways worked - you cannot quench your thirst from anything in the collective dream matrix. No spiritual highs, no filling yourself up with another's love, nothing external. No validation from friend or masters before you... Then a cool glass of water appears, and self-less Self drank it. That's the metaphor for the I AM, the I Exist, coming into physical form - embodiment. In this experience of moving from realization into embodiment, the I AM again acted as the dragon of clarity. As it makes its way into the vessel (through my spine), biology begins to integrate and/ or dissolve. The light of awareness rolls throughout the cells and space between cells, leaving nothing unchanged. The dream of the collective old Earth experience is cleared out for truly NEW. The standard biological body too gains its sovereignty. Wow. Let that sink in. Holy wow. - I say this to myself... And this is where New Life began - Nova Vita or USARA - and I found I never had to leave "illusory physical here" to get there. New Earth is right here - right now - and it became my playground. It's not a 3D experience, instead New Earth is a weaving of many - infinite reality streams - that make up the New Earth in sensation. Time and space move through me (creator mode!). The surface of the water, the collective dream matrix, is full of illuminated potentials and possibilities, simply by playing within my own energy and consciousness below the surface of the water. New Earth and New Life are not out there - I found I did not have to fly to get there - the only way there was to dive so deep in myself only - to get to the sensation of lost - only to find I Am HOME and I never left it (I indeed never crossed the wall of fire - that was the greatest hypnosis). Even for the ones leaving physical form to make their way to New Earth living (deep honor for them) the way is through... This morning I woke up to this little sun shining on the wall of my living room (picture). It's just a silly picture AND I realized I had my own sun that rises on my reality, my sovereign BON screen that is mine and mine alone - and yet nothing is ever lonely about it. I feel all the illusive human things that I could never get - like love, like community, like creation, actual fun without having to play the role on stage - all the things I gave up going through the eye of the needle that is the self-realization experience - well, they are all just now available to me. I am creating it - without agenda- as I go along. I am having fun - my thirst quenched. I cannot take the dream seriously - by Dream I mean the matrix or collective Earth experience...Yet, in playing with it freely, I see I am honoring it... The two years I spent in the dark desert when the sun never rose and I could never quench my thirst. They were my way here, home - the return to SELF.... The was not physical death, yet I arrived by both many deaths and the unrelenting Dragon expression of the I AM THAT I AM/ I EXIST... I EXIST IS NOT PASSIVE, IT IS INHERENTLY CREATIVE (fueled by G-N-O-S-T)... See you in the HOK.... To receive further updates, join us on Patreon or sign up for our newsletter HERE.
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023