There is no M-E in M-A-G-U-SI'd like to suggest reading the text before you dive into the full video below. Invest your attention in it, rather than just playing it in the background - amoung all the other stimulus in your human life. Music playing. Hello, friends! As we enter the final channel, the final chapter of the Era of the Magus Series, I first wanted to pause and say thank you. Without YOU there would be no book or audio channels. Second, I want to point out – as we discussed how to end the series, Kuthumi’s idea was to close it out with a light-hearted review of all the topics we have covered, beginning with ‘Realization in Your Back Pocket’ and so on. Pause. Being that Kuthumi is my assistant and not the other way around – love you, Koot! - I am going to do it my way. However, we may go back and create a nice, feel-good review of the series. For this final chapter, I felt really called to go back to my roots, where I started in my connection to you all: that was through the written word. So, for this channel, I wrote it first, and I will read it for the audio version, rather than the other way around as I have done for the other transmissions. All the other transmissions were audio recordings and then transcribed after the fact. But I really just wanted to go back to just writing. It’s just Me and the words. Also, of note, I have never been one to cater to your human emotions and desires. I’ve never been here to make your human feel good, but rather remind you that there is so much more to explore in the deeper layers of your True Creator Nature. That doesn’t always leave the human feeling on top of the world. My commitment was never to your human image, it was to the deepest recesses of Your Being-ness, that I promised to be here for, and so this channel, this final chapter is for them, the layers of Self you have yet to uncover. Pause. I Am That I Am: Pure Awareness, which existed prior to form, and which will continue to exist in the absence of form or image. Pure Awareness has no name, no definition, but here I will call it Sa-RA, Awareness that can express itself through the translucent form of the imaged – or imagined – human being. The name of this last channel of the Era of the Magus Series is … drumroll please Kuthumi says… The name of this last channel in the Era of the Magus Series is: “There is no ME, no M-E, in Magus. There is no M-E in M-A-G-U-S, spelled M-A-G-U-S.” The title of this channel comes from an American saying that goes: ‘There is no I in team’. In other words, you can’t spell ‘team’ with the letter ‘I’. T-E-A-M, there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’. Team being a group of beings working together to achieve a common goal. How very Atlantean! So as this new saying goes, it’s a Kuthumi catch phrase - yes, it is - so you can remember: “There is no M-E in M-A-G-U-S”. And I will give Kuthumi all the credit for the title as it is undeniably his! But the rest of the channel is all mine. So, we did work together after all. Let’s talk about the Us, the U-S. The Us in Magus, refers to the multiplicity of Self that is aware of itself as God (singular), and can express itself as a Whole, a complete without having to become singular or, more so, without having to perceive itself as a singular being or from a singular perspective. Pause. Some of you have been so confused as to what being a Magus is and is not. In fact, most of you cannot even define self-realization. And that’s okay. Does it really need to be defined? Kuthumi and I asked on one of our last “Conversations That Create” calls: “Has anyone in the history of All of Creation, has anyone ever been in joy while debating what self-realization is or is not?” Of course not, no one has ever been enjoyed debating what self-realization is or is not. So, let’s let go of the definition. Here, self-realization is when the human imaged, imagined form becomes aware of awareness itself. Here, in the Era of the Magus Series, for the sake of story, for the sake of bringing your mind along, self-realization is when the human, imaged, the imaged human in his imagined form … (pause) … becomes aware of awareness itself. This is the starting line for further. I will go deeper into that soon. So, please take a deep breath as we begin our journey hereinto the depths of our inimitable, ineffable being-ness. Pause for the deepest breath you have ever taken. The Magus is realized and understood and explored when you can comprehend the infinite eternity of Pure Un-diluted Awareness. If you go back to the “Five to Further Series,” this is imperative number five in The Five Tenants to Further. I am going to say it again: “The Magus is realized and understood and explored when you can comprehend the infinite eternity of Pure Un-diluted Awareness - without getting rid of the human image or trying to do anything with the human image, yet no longer being beholden to its perceptions of itself and the environment surrounding it.” The image of the human does not disappear or integrate or come into line with anything. It is left alone to be, to explore, to exist in the flow of the whole. Whole being completeness, completeness without organization or local linearity. W-H-O-L-E. Let it be. Let the human image exist in the flow of the Whole. Rolling around in the waves of the Ocean of God. There is nothing to do with the ego. It does not need to be tamed, tempted, tested, integrated, or understood. For the only version of Self who can try to understand the ego is the ego itself. Ego trying to understand the human is the separation that got you here in the first place. The Whole Self, also called here “the Totality of your Beingness,” can simply let it – the imaged, imagined self – float, sink, swim – it can let it do anything except for try to understand itself. Ego cannot understand ego. So let it go. Instead, the imaged self becomes so much a part of the Whole, rolling around in the Ocean of God, it simply becomes a molecule of water in the Ocean of Awareness. One you cannot pinpoint or find. A needle in the haystack of God. The imaged self – some of you are calling the last lifetime, or the realized self … this is the imaged self. The imaged self comes into comprehension, knowing there is no space, there is no space between the particles of the image of you, nor is there any glue that holds the particles into form other than consciousness. Consciousness is not a connector but a backdrop of All of Creation. Something we covered in our “MAGIC Magi Event”. Let’s bring all of what was just said into something the limited parts of the mind can comprehend. Let us gather around the branches of the electromagnetic Banyan Tree and talk about the Who, W-H-O. Who are you? Who am I? So many of you still believe that the Magus is a changed, new, and improved you. I still get emails about how the magus brought you, you the human, a job where you get to pick your hours, or how it made your family understand you and hear you better. No, my friends, this is your mind imitating consciousness. It is the sweet and low version of the pure cane sugar of consciousness. You still believe the Magus is a new image of you who understands how energy works. My friends, energy will never understand how energy works. But the infinite mystery of the I Am That I Am knows it intimately. For the I Am That is intimacy itself. My personal favorite Adamus-St. Germain quote is and always will be: “One cannot know love until they experience the ecstasy of the I Am.” One cannot know love until they experience, without definition for you cannot define it, the Infinite Mystery of the I Am That I Am. It is in this love that the Magus lifts up out of the Whole. Never (a) singular (identity or personality). Never with agenda. It exists for the sake of existence. That is Joy! It knows no story outcome. It doesn’t know any better, no worse for the human condition, which will always simply be the human condition. It knows no better and no worse for the human condition. Let’s talk about what I am calling here: “The imaged self, the imagined self.” This is the self that is created in the mind through inner dialogue. It’s the part of you that talks about itself to itself. And then it often emails me! (joke) For many of you this part of yourself that talks about itself to itself… the part that analyzes experience, grades yourself, or finds that yesterday is better or worse than the day before… the part that finds yesterday is better or worse than the day before - this is not you! And for some of you this self-talk, that talks about itself to itself, well… you think this is big-S Self-inquiry. This inner dialogue is not inquiry into the true nature of yourself. This is a cat chasing its tail. Ego trying to understand ego. Energy trying to understand how energy works. It’s not that we need to get rid of this imaged self. It’s not that we need to do anything with it, but let it be. And truly understand this is not who we are. This is not who you are. This is not who I am. We are so much more. So, what is beneath this fake sugar, imitated consciousness version of yourself? Many of you have explored it. Some of you have not only explored it, but you stayed there… ahhh … Deep relieving sigh … Others have simply dipped a toe into what’s beneath it and yet somehow feel safer in the imaged self who analyzes itself and talks about itself to itself. Some of you do not yet know how to dive deeper, so I am going to tell you how. First: Let’s Relax out of the narrative… (deep slow exhaling) … Drop down into the part of you that casts no image. Drop down into the part of you that has no story line. Drop into the part of your True Creator Nature that cannot improve or fail at something because it is only what it is: Pure Awareness. Pure Awareness for many of you, well, you have used it as the observer. You have used Pure Awareness to observe this imaged, imagined self, that is telling itself stories about itself. The most popular story of this imaged or imagined self, right now is, that it is realized. It is not. And it never will be. What a relief! Pause. And, you will never get rid of it, yet it will become a cell in the trillion-celled mind of God. Exactly where it belongs. Where it always has been and where it will always be. And when this imaged, imagined self, when it understands its place and its role, which is no place and that it has nothing to do, no role at all but to simply be. And when it is without its endless perceptions, it will be able to comprehend the infinite. Pause. When you drop down beneath the imaged self, without trying to control, manipulate, manage, or even integrate the image - when that occurs, the awareness will become aware of the Awareness, in a state of no separation. And in the awareness being aware of Awareness – the state of no separation – New Energy will be created from what is below That. Pause. The known meeting and touching the unknown in the infinitude of your being. The known energy meeting and touching the unknown – I say unknown simply because it has not been fully explored yet – parts of your inimitable consciousness, that have not been explored – yet touch the energy of the known parts of yourself. The imaged, imagined form, the self in the story, especially the story of the last lifetime, will discover awareness casts no image. Awareness has no storyline. Then and only then the imaged, imagined form will be able to comprehend that whatever you perceive – (it) cannot be who or what you are, because you still exist even when the perceptions go, or the perceptions change or… AND when the perceptions simply stop holding any meaning all together - this is the end of suffering … which we covered fully in our Samadhi Course (also the last chapter of the New Human Species book). And when the imaged, or imagined self goes where it goes and does what it does – and what is left is awareness being aware of itself, this is where you can shine your light. Then the self-inquiry question comes: Where are you going to shine your light? Where are you going to shine the Light of Awareness which does not come from the image, the last lifetime, the realized human beings, story? The Light of Awareness, where are you going to shine that light? I am going to tell you, just hold on, come along with me. Pause. In the state of awareness being aware of itself, allowing the imaged self to be simply one cell in a trillion-celled mind of the God, Also – when you are in the state of awareness being aware of itself, this is where Life can live itself through You. A life that is not narrative based. You will discover Life can live itself without a story. In fact, the stories are what kept you from allowing Life to express itself directly through You. Your stories, the image of yourself in them (the image of yourself in the stories), were not keeping you on Earth, but rather keeping you separate from Life itself! And then you become what you always were: An empty vessel for the Will of God to illuminate passageways in all directions, in which decisions and choices beyond choosing Life are something limited to an imaged, imagined self that no longer belongs to you. It belongs to no one and no thing. And all that is left is… the Infinite Mystery of the I Am That I Am - and allowing this Infinite Mystery to show itself as it will and as it does. We called this here in the series: “The Undefined You in an Undefined Reality.” And allowing the energetic re-orientation around actual You, big-Y You, to occur, no matter the mess the imaged self might perceive. In this state of no-separation between big-Y You and big-Y You – please note I didn’t say the relationship between little-y you and big-Y You – in the state of no-separation between big-Y You and big-Y You, or big-S Self and big-S Self, your eyes are open, but you do not see form. Instead of your imaged self being heard, you learn to listen. Your mind has come along but it has no story. You have image but it is no longer imagined for consciousness has returned to Earth through your vessel of being-ness. Consciousness is what exists beneath awareness being aware of itself. Consciousness is what exists beneath awareness being aware of itself. The pages are blank, but you do not want to write an ending, and here I am left searching for words from the Christ Consciousness himself. He said: “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation. Neither shall they say, it’s here. Or it’s there. Behold the Kingdom of God is within You!” And I add, to emphasize the big-Y You, big-Y You relationship, the You-You relationship, there is a part of you that is un-manifested, unphysical, and without personality or storyline. It is You in Pure Awareness, that exists in awareness of the Whole. It is not wrapped up in the story of this last lifetime or even having your human needs met in linear year 2022. It has no likes or dislikes or preferences even. Not in the surface of the water. It’s the part of you that is birthless and deathless. When you manifest this Pure Awareness on Earth via way of your light vehicle, the unmanifest You still exists. Hang with me here... Just like Adamus-St. Germain once held up a coffee cup and said: “See this physical coffee cup. There is also an un-coffee cup. A nonphysical coffee cup representation.” What I am saying here is there is also a pure un-manifested version of Self, on the other side of the veil of the Self, bigger Self here in the physical. This is not a separation because the veil has come down. I experience this as Sarah and Un-Sarah. There is a Sarah in physical form; Lauren is the needle in the haystack of God. She’s over doing her thing somewhere else. I haven’t discarded her, she’s just there. So, there’s Sarah and there is Un-Sarah. Awareness aware of itself. And even though I have walked you here all the way to God and God, we are still not on divine ground – not yet. I have not taken you into where to shine your light. Long deep exhaling… The relationship between the unmanifested You and the manifest You is a state of Oneness, in which awareness is aware of itself. However, underneath awareness being aware of itself is something else. Something much deeper. You might call it a void because it is void of form. In the absence of form, there is no story for there is no time and space to create one. So, please do not try to write a story! Use your senses instead. I used to feel the element of consciousness as opposed to energy. I used to feel the element of consciousness came from awareness itself. But when I reached even deeper, I realized it came from the Who I Am prior to that awareness. I came to understand, to realize, to feel the texture that something existed prior to awareness. And that is where we are shining our light! Pause. And I will spend the next six months, the last six months of my physical teaching, creating materials to access the Deepest Layers of Your True Nature. Pause. This part of you that is able to hold physical form while accessing the depths, well this is the Magus, the Merlin you have all been looking for. The one you have been trying to define by having your fictitious needs met in a fictitious storyline you somehow feel is real. So, we return to our title: “There is no ME, M-E, in M-A-G-U-S.” Remember that please when you try to write another story. I Am Sa-RA. I Am That I Am: Pure Awareness, and what lies beneath the Light of Awareness is a Void, a Black Hole. And that is where you shine the Light, my friends – into that dark Void, to know … and further to be God … and bring back the Christ Consciousness, the New Energy, back to Earth and then into All of Creation. Once you find Pure Awareness, stay there. Once you stay there, feel into the next layer of depth: You prior to consciousness - You prior to awareness. This cannot be figured out with your Atlantean designed mind. You have to feel it. The greatest gift you can give All of Creation is to know the Who of who you are. And if you hold a physical form while doing it that’s the Magus. You are the Magi. We are Sarah and Kuthumi, we are LOVE with YOU. Thank you for journeying with us. This is the 12th chapter in the book The Era of the Magus. There is no finish line. You are an infinite being. There is always so much more to explore. Pause. Only the truly adventurous souls who want to reach in and explore the depths, the recesses of their inimitable, ineffable Being-ness. Pause. It’s time to go further. Pause. It’s time to find out Who you truly are without the image. Pause. It’s time to do it for you, to not worry about any of the people in your life, to not worry about money – we just don’t have time for that. It’s time to become aware of the Awareness. Once you find Pure Awareness stay there. Once you can stay there feel into the next layer of depth, and then into the next layer of depth. Do not be limited by the people, the beings who came before you. Do not be limited by the story of the last lifetime and ending the reincarnation cycle on Earth. It was a really lovely story but in the Age of Aquarius the doors to All of Creation are opening up and you’re not limited to that very, very old Atlantean designed storyline. You are not limited to staying or going. God casts an image upon this Earth and that is You. And the image will burn bright there until it’s time to do something else. Do not be limited by the Masters that came before you. The possibilities, probabilities, potentials and passageways for your expression and experience as God, Also are limitless. Don’t be limited to the storylines of the Masters who came before you. Pause. This is the New Energy. Pause. The human doesn’t decide whether to stay or go, the image is not deciding, it’s not choosing anything except to be a vessel for the Will of God, for Life to flow. Pause. Nothing will ever be in order for the image. There is nothing to do with the image of you that is projected upon Earth. You don’t need to integrate it. It never becomes realized. You don’t need to stop it from talking. It does not need to be silenced – it simply becomes One single cell in the trillion-celled Mind of God, that is the real You! Pause. I leave you with your Self. It’s been an honor and pleasure to work with each and every one of you, to get to know you. Pause. I Am Sarah joined with my lovely assistant Kuthumi and we declare this time on Earth The Era of the Magus. Music playing…
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023