Oh friends,
It’s a magical time for me. I allowed my realization to take hold in the fall of 2017. What a glorious two months I experienced before finding myself in what I would call “the gap.” What’s the gap, you say? It’s the space – the adjustment period – that occurs between self-realization and embodiment, for those choosing to stay in physical form. For me, this was the time in which any final energetic imbalances I held within my body of consciousness came to a head. Certain things I had avoided for so many lifetimes presented themselves, and at the right moment, for I needed the level of consciousness realization brings to be able to meet these parts of myself. One way to say it is in the realized state of being, consciousness, or awareness of occurrence, happens in the moment. Prior to reaching that state of being, one experiences the spiral of experience and then understanding the experience with wisdom in hindsight. Realization removes linearity and the law of cause and effect so it all happens in the human perception of ‘real time.’ Thus, wisdom is instant, it occurs simultaneously with experience. Energetic rebalancing is nothing like an aspect integration. Instead, my experience in energetic rebalancing was Me making sure that when I stepped into my full creator potential I wasn’t bringing a single energetic imbalance with me. Another way to put it is the relationship between energy and my sovereign stream of pure consciousness (which contains no energy) was being cleared of any residue or residual build up. One example is marked by moving though the deep sadness of walking through the wall of fire, or the perception of falling from grace as I went form angelic form into a human one. Thinking I had worked out the worthiness and guilt thing prior to allowing my realization – and I did – I saw clearly within myself the energetic imbalance this created, and in seeing it, it seemed to autocorrect itself. That is, after I cried myself into an ocean of tears, which served me so well. The tears were like a white wash flood which flowed between energy and consciousness to remove this residue. Truly a beautiful experience, when the human became aware of what was occurring. I was re-writing my relationship between my own consciousness and the energy that responds to it. A second example of an energetic re-balancing that occurred after realization was walking through the last time I held the God-like creative ability – what I was about to step into in embodiment. The last time I had such ability was during my time in Atlantis where I held a leadership role with my dear friend El Morya. In this experience, I was taken to that parallel time and space, standing next to the being that I now call El Morya, as we watched the fall of Atlantis together, knowing we were, in part, responsible for such a thing ( a flood that killed millions). It was in walking through this, that I came to understand, to know deeply, I was not going to abuse this creative “power” once again. In fact, I realized I could not even if I tried, and the fear of hurting others dissolved once again. The dragon of clarity and forgiveness came back in gentle this time, and instead of breathing fire, this expression of Self, recalibrated my relationship with energy to clear the residual of any perceived use of power or manipulation (any agenda tied to outcome) in a fully creative state of being. I often write about New Energy – it is the basis of my books and everything I share. So what is it really? New Energy is what comes after the New Age. It is an evolution of energetic dynamics that allows the integration of duality, mainly the human and divine parts of self to merge into one. There is no longer a separation between human and soul, or human and the angelic or master self and the I Exist. The New Age was based on frequency and vibration, which is still something that moves in a somewhat linear and somewhat dualistic fashion, with levels. New Energy instead has nothing to do with frequency or vibration. There are no levels or higher or lower. Instead, New Energy is expansional in all directions. This is something I feel I am deeply experienced in, equipped to talk about, and have the ability to sovereignly support in others. Further, the space prior to realization is all about integration of Self, the perception of bringing all parts and pieces home to Self. Once integrated, a being then moves through an experience in understanding its deep and personally unique relationship with energy. You can do this from a not yet entirely integrated space, but I see how it will be so much easier to take on understanding your relationship with energy if you allow your realization. Yet, there is no linear time, so it doesn’t matter. It just makes it easier at a human level to comprehend energetic dynamics and how it responds to consciousness - because in an integrated state you don’t have the ego mind trying to “get it.” Just as the trinity merges to become One fully integrated Self in realization, it is in the gap between realization and embodiment that energy and consciousness, which were separate entities in perception, also merge as one after a period of rebalancing occurs naturally within Self. And that is when the New Energy really comes into play. Just as when the clarity of awareness allowed the soul and human and I AM to merge as one, so too will energy and consciousness when it is appropriate timing for you. Just don't wait too long, you don't want to miss this experience in physical form! And just like in realization, you realize you were never not whole, I have a sneaking suspicion when energy and consciousness merge as one, you and I will realize they were never not combined. What a cool experience of separating things out to truly become aware of them. And it is in the elixir of awareness that we can truly see nothing in separate ever, we were simply having an experience of separation. Come, we know a way, A path from the house You've lived in for so long, To a garden that will take your breath away. ~Rumi~ Breath-taken. If you would like to talk more about this or read more about this, I invite you to our Patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/laurenhutton For me, the small energetic exchange of $3 per month (less than a coffee in the United States), allows me to share in depth. I can only go so far without exchange, which is part of the rebalancing of the relationship between energy and consciousness I went through. Not only articles, I also hold “office hours” on a zoom call frequently to answer questions and create a safe space to share with your peers in consciousness. I hope you will consider meeting us there. My shingle is out if you seek personal one-on-one support as well. This summer I am putting together a few course offerings and writings which will support this New Energy experience to be released at the earliest in the fall. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the costs of ‘doing business’ – this is a 100/ hour a week job that I truly enjoy – not only with their money (energy) but also in adding their unique flavor of consciousness. If you would like to make a donation to support our time and energy that go into these shares and managing our Facebook community, you are welcome to send it via PayPal to [email protected] or via check to PO Box 1838 Rockport, Texas 78381. Thank you so very much! Lauren, Sar'h and El Morya
It might be a bit difficult to explain to someone who does not find themselves in a perpetual state of being, of becoming more and more Self. I experience layers of Me. Here. Always here, right now. The creator in my creation. Words fall short when the sensation takes over. Yet, there is a constant feeling of motion, rather than physical movement, in which I am walking backwards into my creation, and going wow, this is how I created it. And, being in total awe of myself once again. All lifetimes were not leading up to this one life, the one in which I would Return to Self. Instead, I find, in sensation, I expanded so much I absorbed, like a sponge, all the wisdom from those lives that are no longer me, and in doing so the history of Self is re-written. In the experience of absorbing wisdom, I found much to my surprise I went empty not full. For empty created the space in which the New was born, in which I became the sole sovereign designer of the life I had left, the one that lay before me, or perhaps, behind me. From the outside linear perspective, it may look like life post-realization. That is what some might call it. Yet as the creator in my own creation, I realize back in 2011 as my father was taking his last breaths on physical Earth, as I was in an experience that brought me to my knees, I was designing the life of freedom that I have now. Empty. The two points meet as time is like a string that I can bend and touch together, to make it a circle, or to overlap two linear time points that fold into one another. The bending of time and space as it moves within my inimitable consciousness. Six months ago, I packed my belongings once again, stored them in a twelve-foot by fifteen-foot metal box for later, and experienced life in its home-free state of being. No home. I had but one suitcase with a small set of clothing, a jacked borrowed. And, while I was not aware at the human level of experience just yet, what I was creating was the sensation of finding the spaciousness of home within me. As I allowed this spacious home to form inside me, counter-intuitive to the human awareness, I located the spots that felt full. My partner of one and a half years. The consciousness-related group represented by a crimson color that I did not relate to much anymore. Both these things kept me from feeling empty. Yet, in my new state of sovereignty, life was no longer about filling myself up with external energy or streams of consciousness that were not uniquely mine. More so, life was about seeing how empty I could go, creating that home within me, and allowing as much real estate to become available, creating as much space within the infinite void of Self for the New life I was designing outside of time and space - outside of gravity – to come into form. It felt like a twist and turn to the human, there were a couple of houses set thousands of miles apart. One fell through; the other didn’t. To the human, the physical home I moved into last night felt second choice last week. Yet, yesterday when I cut open the moving boxes, there it was again. That sense of motion with no movement that allowed the two linear time points to meet. The woman on her knees in the hospital praying for death met the woman – healthy, strong, happy, and deliciously empty – and we were never not the designer of our lives combined. The awareness rolls backwards once again, and I shimmy down a Hollywood premiere red carpet into the life I created. It had only been six months since I last saw what I had packed in the boxes, but I was another person. Another iteration of Self, more Me this time, was unpacking the boxes of a ghost of a previous lifetime. The ghost was the woman who lived in California right after she experienced realization. Who was this new woman who was standing over the box examining its contents, seemingly unconnected to the woman who had packed it so tightly full six months ago? Well, she was Self EMBODIED. All of me in my physical vessel - a formless form. It was in that moment, as the creator standing in her creation, surrounded by moving boxes, that I realized in deep feeling, not in thought or concept, the shift that occurs from realization, or the initial Return to Self, into the Embodiment of Self. And in finding myself there, I realize in letting go of these last things, unraveling these last strings that tied me to something from outside myself, once again I created the space for myself to return. I created the space needed to allow my creation to bloom in physical form as well as outside of time and space. I noticed the two were no different now. In gravity, outside of gravity, they matched. They were the same. Just as the lines from internal and external had ceased to exist in realization, so too did the lines between linear time and physical space and no time and space in embodiment. Standing in the spaciousness of Self, I also stood in the spaciousness of the beach house I moved into last night. In this experience that wowed the senses, I saw how I perpetually create more room in my life, how I empty it – as empty as I can go - to allow that designer of my life enough space to paint New on the canvas of physical reality. A physical reality that is no different than my etheric world 'out there'. As my humanity was woven into the tapestry of Self, my physical human life was woven into the tapestry of my experiences Embodied. A state of no separation within my beingness, created a state of no separation within the realities in which I create. I saw how I, by shifting my vessel of Self into reverse, backed in, and turned the corner of awareness to arrive at this gorgeous moment of being the creator in her creation as I unpacked moving boxes in my new home. Requiring no effort or energetic expenditure, the experience occurred in a twenty-degree right turn in perception, or awareness, as a new iteration or layer of my consciousness rolled in, or I expanded out to meet it, or both. In the face of Embodiment, or Creation Embodied, I find self-realization is now the tip of the iceberg, instead of being the whole iceberg. What lies ahead is another ocean of awareness. And, it's simply and vastly incredible. Corrected Call-In InformationYesterday, I set out an invite to join us on a Zoom call. The link was incorrect so please use this one. This is a place to share (not learn) among like conscious friends. I have hosted these for a year, and I am now opening them up for a wider group. $5 asked to cover hosting costs and time - energy exchange. PayPal email: [email protected].
When: Feb 20, 2019 10:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/269021abfce4d3b5c5b9141539e44ee6 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. RSVP on Facebook or share with a friend here: https://www.facebook.com/events/304338083774721/ |
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023