Hello, friends!
Before I go into the depths of my next project with Kuthumi - I wanted to touch base with you all and close out the Summer of Softness Series. It was my intent to record a final video and walk you into the Garden of Gethsemane, yet when I felt into it... Well, there simply not enough beings in the identity-free state of being there to warrant such a deeply personal share. I will record it for the Darshan part of the page before the year is out. Thus, I will close out the summer of softness series with a one sentence email sent to me by longtime friend and patron of our work here, Leanne. She wrote: "It can only be an identity picking up the sword." It so beautifully summed up our series. When you lay down your last sword, it will be because you no longer have an identity to hold onto it. That's when you will soften and the passageway to further will open up. Softness is one of an infinite number of Passageways to Further. The sword is not really a symbol of fight but more a representation of the severance of your gnost or knowingness - the fourth leg of the chair - that occurred toward the end of Atlantis. Guilt and shame keep you holding onto that sword. Not survival. Not even the identity. I Am Forgiveness is the only way. It is the unrelenting softness that will fall upon you as well as an infinite number of rays of light. So see hun or dragon clarity is the destroyer on non-truth to reveal the truth that we have never been anything other than God. The identity that clings to its existence by wielding swords and waging imaginary battles is a creation of the standardized human form - a creation of Atlantis - when the connection to God Knowingness or Gnost was severed. We cover that fully in the Light Body Sessions, Volume Two. Further, in 2019, both Ascended Master El Morya and Ascended Master Mary Magdalene - through me - put out two core courses in which the theme was going beyond the realization identity (spiritual facade) and the story lines holding it in place. I would be selling myself short and holding a sword or my own if I kept giving you the same information over and over again. It's only when you hit the bottom of suffering that you are actually willing to do something about it, and go further into the beyond. Some of you will do it in this lifetime and some of you will not. And it does not matter. When you actually need us, Koot and I are here. So see hun holds a certain vibration - you will feel it in your spine and hear it in your ears. Your nervous system will light up and re-wire itself through active allowing. For me this lasted 5 full years, and it still comes back around but in a gentler tone because my nervous system and mind can absorb it without fight or flight now. It will rattle you to your core, shaking the swords from the hands of all your lifetimes. Until you be come one with your True Creator Nature. It's so worth it because you are worthy. Being as that I don't feel much is reaching you all - Kuthumi and I tried the repetition tactic and it simply cannot penetrate the barrier - we are re-directing. Sure some of you tapped in but for the most part it's just been one giant wall of distraction, disconnect and heavy goopy resistance. I'm not mad at it. It is what is. Kuthumi and I are turning inward to the BIG PICTURE of what we are here to do. We (you included!!!) are here to leave behind a database of materials and experiences - your experiences and mine combined - for those choosing consciousness over automation for eons to come. It's not really about you. This life is so much grander than secretly trying to perfect yourself. Many of you say you are not, just trying to make yourself a little more comfortable, but you are and so seen hun is the flame - the fiery vibration of truth - you all will dance with whether the human identity likes it or not. The God Also is in charge. If you do not believe in Divine Will, you will soon. When that happens and the sacred art of surrender is your only "way out" we will be here. Anything you have or will experience, Kuthumi and I have too. And we have created a huge database of support materials just for you. When you add your energy and consciousness to them, they will be perfectly tailored for the people/ beings who come after. In the Age of the Machines. The project we are working on is a NEW HUMAN BOOK that includes:
If you received anything from the free summer of softness series, or you'd like to help us pay an editor and formatter for the book. You can donate below. Not necessary, but there if you feel any sort of call. We would love to recognize those who help with the publishing costs with your name in the book, so please let us know in the notes or via email how you would like your name to appear. The Era of the Magus Series Book in English, Spanish and German is being worked on as we speak and will be available in Spring of 2023. There's only about 400 of you here and I want to thank each and every one of you. Thank you. Sarah & Koot!
Table of Contents for the Summer of Softness Series |
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023