IS IT TIME TO STEP OFF ANGELS' PEAK & RECLAIM (Your) HUMANITY? - WHAT HOLDS US BACK FROM UNITY?8/29/2021 After posting this article a few days ago, I have spent hours revising it, in order to get out what I was really hoping to get across. "You've heard the song of your soul. You have felt the rhythm of the I am, palpably. Yet, have you experienced the melody of humanity, weaving into the kaleidoscopic and symphonic unity AND what's beyond love?" Updated on September 1, 2021... Hi friends, I am writing to you all from my gulf coast home in Texas as I wait for some surf-worthy waves to arrive. They did show up, and the waves were so fun and big, by the way. I have been pulling in all the fishing lines in on something that causes so much suffering from those moving from self-realization - through the gap - into inhabiting your consciousness (embodiment - in the language of many here). "What could I possibly call the article with so many streams?" I asked, as this has been coming together for quite some time. "What is the common theme to this buffer that keeps one from the unity experience?" The first answer: An Addiction To Position. So we'll cover that. I also felt to add some graphics to the article to demonstrate. Hope that helps as well. As always, the content I share is always based on: How can I make this easier and more graceful for someone choosing the same experience? What was a missing point for me - the roadless road from self-realization into fully inhabiting my consciousness? As always, this article is based on direct personal experience - it did not come from an etheric cloud or perceived outside source. Direct personal experience on what made me let go of the following positions. Positions, by definition, are places where something as been put, placed, or arranged. Positions, by definition, also show movement in time and space. In this case, we would indicate movement from where our human has been, like a spiritual awakening, into where our human is going, like self-realization. It truly is a cartoon timeline. And, as you know, eventually none of this happens in time or in a straight line. Of course, you know that. At its basic level, one of the position addictions would be a realized human being killing time on earth, where nothing "out there" belongs to it anymore. Please note I dislike the term realized but we have to have something there to position it, no? I had the experience of a realized human in Classic Earth reality, waiting for the day I could integrate my body and go. This also included a firm stance on angel's peak, watching humanity go by and saying, "This isn't mine!" --- Let's talk about angels' peak. In Crimson Circle language - the Shaumbra entity collective consciousness - it is a place you can go when you leave or reject mass consciousness, to observe it, without agenda. Angels' peak was a brilliant creation. It created a place for cause (agenda) warriors to drop their swords. To let go, and let God. Beautiful. Yet, it was not meant as a place to position yourself for eternity. Stay there until your agenda is gone. Great. Absolutely fucking necessary to stay there until your agenda is gone. I do have a good non-judgmental laugh and those who run off angels' peak with their swords and then run back up the peak, repeating "I am just observing. I am just observing." We need humor, too. Okay, so once the agenda is shaken from you by the dragon clarity, that incarnates the belief systems that create cause mentality, then what? Well, if you are reading this, you are like me - never setting up camp anywhere and always on the further train - angels' peak eventually feels like the fish on the left. Sure, I'm out of mass consciousness, but I am still in the bowl. I am still separate from humanity. The position of observer. An addiction the position of the witness. I'll just sit here and watch. That's the "get your popcorn and peanuts and enjoy the show" spirituality. It's been sold for centuries. Hey, it's a step up from cause warrior. It's brilliant and necessary -- that is -- when the human free will still thinks it is in charge. And, there's the sensation of knowingness: there is something more to explore, it whispers silently. --- At this point, or position of reference, my divine will stopped me in my tracks one day in a dream in 2017 and said: "What IF you trade one form of sovereignty for another?" It took four years for it to occur, the transmigration, and in doing so the glass bowls were blown up, and now I was in the ocean - my own energy in a pool of my own consciousness. Angels' peak served me so well. Thank you (deep bow) and then it became yet another separation from humanity - And I realized that in separating from the humanity of the world, I was denying my own personal humanity as well -- with the help of Kuthumi and Yogananda who shared me where to look, not what to see. (I am forever a student, and that does not bother me in the slightest. Without being open as ever-learning student of those who show up in my field, I do not know how much I would have to share with you. I am so over hierarchy. There's ZERO freedom in it. As Yogananda sometimes shares with me: be teachable. He means be open to NEW.) I will talk more below on what happens when the separation of the glass fish bowls break. Please stay with me. It will be worth it. Let's talk about the addiction to position again. This above photo was me after self-realization trying to bring my consciousness to Earth. It wasn't an intense suffering, though. What I mean by that: it was no longer dramatic because I did not have any stories left to bring to wisdom. It was more a low-grade, irritable suffering caused by the stuck energy of "I don't know." It took me a bit to realize it does not go that way. Consciousness does not flow to the realized human (which is simply energy). The human in her realization (energy) flows to consciousness, becoming it - the God, also. The flow goes the other way. Like you all -- I knew it did not go that way -- DUH! However, that did not stop my human will from trying to do it that way - with the realized human at the center of the play. In other words, the realized human being, trying and failing to bringing the consciousness in. Energy responds to consciousness, not the other way around. That was my own personal addiction to the position. And the title Master was the punctuation point. The title Master was the tack holding me in a position of stickiness and stuck energy. It finally made sense what Morya told me in 2016: "Don't call me a master, the title is far too limiting!" Then "Let Go, Let God" happened. There is no subject that lets go. It's just a let go. And it's never final. We are always in the let go. That's called allowing AND. Or the Sacred Art of Surrender, as Morya called it in our course: The Art of Allowing. The realized souled human being is yet another aspect to integrate. You put the title master under the doormat where you wipe your feet and walk on. Ahh, so much ease and grace there. And, to make it even stranger, Earth - mass consciousness in all its gloopy glory - is inside of me, as well as all of creation. That's God, Also. It's all actually mine. Even mass consciousness. And loving it - with no agenda - is easy from a place of unity and maturity into adulthood. Adulthood is going beyond the realization cartoon, captured in video graphics. Not soul's sitting around trying to wisdomize events. Creative intelligence gives way, wisdom is not lost but is tapped out of being the main source of information. The human souled being becomes a facet of Self, in other words. It did it's job in time and space and now the God, also brings it in for integration. Nothing is lost. Not even the beautiful ego, she comes too. --- Simultaneous to my souled human-centric efforts to bring my consciousness here on Earth: Is-ness was behind the scenes working with energy (human/ soul/ bio body) to create an expansive space beyond time and space (Ahkuhn) that was all mine, no one else's, to allow the consciousness and energy to merge as one. Once that occurs in a position-free float, then its just Unity - the kaleidoscopic experience with no subject I and no view to "out there." Nothing more, nothing less. There is no divide. Ultimate duality transcended. For example, the position of the observational witness, would disintegrate into being a tiny particle in the kaleidoscopic experience (the tiny glass shard of the big picture as part of the whole), yet with no view out and no subject to look out on the view. It won't make sense until it does. So what's the addiction to position here? What's the implication of it? We are infinite beings, our experience has no end or final points to aim for. Only the addiction to position - that implies movement from here to there - would tell you there was some end goal, or place of completion. The paradox (from a human view) is we can only be complete when we stop seeking completion. That is how energy responds to our consciousness. If we are seeking completion, energy responds to that wish and goes into seeking mode trying to fulfill it. Seeking energy wants to keep seeking, so it never actually finds what it is looking for. It's the addiction to position. In other words, I am seeking to move my chess piece from realization to embodiment. The board and the chess piece must dissolve or disintegrate first. The immature ego loves this, because then it can stay in control - with its illusory human will. The unintegrated ego loves to move its pawns across the chess board. The irony is when you know that you are whole and complete - EVEN WITHOUT COMPLETION - energy responds to that, and all can take place. A motion without movement. A transmigration from positioning to float flows. This is when the ego matures - we are calling it the we-go. The mature ego is okay with the in between. It's okay without a completion point or a finish line. Because beyond time and space, it always has been/ is/ will be - without birth, death or any other positions - no need for black dots on timelines to show movement. Because the black dot doesn't have to move. Everything comes to and through and from it. The we-go is energy responding to our consciousness directly, without playing games of hide and seek. The ego matures when we become honest with ourselves. Not humanly honest, but divinely honest. The dragon clarity makes sure that happens. Have you ever tried to flow against that current? Yeah, it doesn't work. I stepped down off of Angels' Peak the other day. I was walking on the beach barefoot. Yeshua was not walking by my side but was walking from within me. Jaw dropping experience. The road to Unity -- as defined as energy and consciousness becoming one, actor and observer becoming one, the subject I having the experience: dissolved -- was paved in honesty, sincerity of Sprit, and most of all humility. I was never not whole. All of this was always mine, and then the "My" drops from the experience. I own everything so that nothing owns me. And then it crumbles. And, all is always well in all of creation. It's no longer MY creation. The MY word doesn't apply. The me patterns have gone. AND, I didn't lose anything, not even my sovereignty. I didn't die. Death is an illusion. So is birth. An egoic personality gave way to my divine one, and I became more interesting when I let go of my addiction to position. When I let go of all title, especially master. When I let go of the souled human being in the central role of my experience. --- I have no title. No master, no merlin. In fact I have no name. IS-ness. I will bow down wash your feet like Yeshua did to show others he was just like them. I am God, also and so are you. And so is the old man living in the trailer on the corner of my street. To get there, I had to completely embrace humanity. Now the collective Earth consciousness flows through me. I do not want to change it - because I have no "I" -- Is-ness only honors it, knowing all is always well in all of creation. Without exception. And in the subjectless sensations (new experiences), I began to feel the love of the Christ Consciousness in a way I never knew possible. I was loving through the sacred heart of Yeshua. If it sounds corny to you, I understand. It did to me too until I allowed it all - embracing most of all my humanity. The song of the soul was easy. The rhythm of the I Am, palpable. But the real missing piece was allowing the medoly of humanity to join in the symphony of UNITY that rings with the deepest layers of my biology sovereign body. This is how actual love is created. I may be God, also. But I am humanity, too. And that's fucking brilliant. Diving DeeperThis written experience only skims the service of the body of work offered here on the website. If you'd like to dive deeper, THE FOUR IMPERATIVES for New Energy Creators is a great place to start. I wrote them with Morya as his final gift before he left in February of 2020. We lowered the rupee (this was a funny autocorrect from 'price' as a rupee is Idian currency) to $22 for the two hours of video, plus 9-page support document, in hopes to make it more accessible to those who might find a big relief in the imperatives as I have. Thank you, Morya!!! SARAH SHORTS: The Four Imperatives for New Energy Creators, Part 1 (Two Hours of Video)
The Four Imperatives for New Energy Creators was the last gift El Morya left us before he began his journey back into physical form. They were first introduced to the Sovereign Collective in February 2020, and have been the gift that keeps on giving. 1) Instant Awareness of Energetic Dynamics (If you try to manage energy, it will manage you!) 2) Becoming Real Comfortable in the Uncomfortable 3) Ungroup/ De-Tribe (essential for bio integration) 4) Wisdom is instantaneous (stopping the experience - wisdomize cycle, beyond time) -> Creative Intelligence Quickly, we realized this created pathways into staying on Earth after realization in joy and freedom. Or even easing right on in. This digital download includes the March 2020 introduction and the November 2020 update which includes two more imperatives: no more decisions and no more mirrors. It also have a nine-page PDF document to support the videos. Come play! The Four Imperatives are the Gifts that Keep on Giving - essential tips for enjoying life post-realization. Or even helping you ease into it as well. Sar'h (the North Star) & The Three Magi Includes two videos totaling two hours. Please do not share without energetic exchange. All other disclaimers apply - this is for entertainment purposes only.
Kuthumi habla español, y tu? Aloha, friends! Living in Mexico - now for more than a year and a half - I have been drawn to learn Spanish. To assimilate to the culture, to speak to the house staff who are like angels dropped straight into my life, and to respect the community in which I now inhabit. Yet, something else occurred, Kuthumi began to speak Spanish to me in the channels and preparing for the channels. Turns out he is quite the communicator in many languages. When there is not a great English word for what he is trying to say, I often get a Hawaiian word, a Sanskrit word (I am also great at recalling Sanskrit), a word used in the vibrational Atlantean language like Ahhh-kuuuhhhhhnnn (beyond time AND space), and German. It's like a tapestry of language drawn from all of my simultaneous lifetimes (previous lifetimes), and my job is to place it into a nice neat, multi-layer package called a channel. Further, I am not just channeling Kuthumi talking down to us from above. He is sitting right there under the branches of the Banyan Tree with me and with you, and all the sovereign beings throughout all of Creation. My second language in life was actually German. In college, I minored in Deutsch and now a large portion of the Sovereign Collective speaks German. A beautiful part of the sovereign collective is always translating perfectly our collective materials into German - including the Navigating the Void course - led by the lovely Christiane. Because of her, our next book, The Era of the Magus, out next year will also be in the German language. Yet, here I am getting ahead of myself. I would like to announce that the Living in The Garden of New Life book, which includes nine channels or chapters, is now available in Spanish. Guilliem Torras, who has been a dear friend to me for many lifetimes and many years in this life, has been a part of the Sovereign Collective from the very beginning. The ways he has contributed to this collective body of work - something I only facilitate not dictate - is indescribable. Yet, I will highlight the latest here. On his website, Guillem has written a bit about the book, how it came about, and how he has interacted with the Sovereign Collective over the years. Sometimes I feel he knows the materials better than I do. Check out his latest article HERE (click for link). It will show up in Spanish but to the right side of the page, you can pick from six other languages. His synopsis of the book is great for anyone considering embarking into their own Sovereign Garden of New Life. Thank you, Guillem, and the entire team of sovereign beings who make this all possible. Charmaine, Juliane, Christiane & everyone adding their inimitable consciousness into the New Energy Database. Sarah & Kuthumi WHAT'S NEW: Ancient Integrations & The Free Energy Body of Today + More Video in the New Energy Database. Now On Sale.Beyond Realization lies embodying it - or more so inhabiting your consciousness in the subjectless sensation of the oceanic consciousness of YOU and more so enjoying your time left on Earth because you didn't come this far into further to suffer, right? Yet, if you were like me I wondered how can I stay here if there is nothing left to experience and living in a place you have come to know as an illusion. After some years, the passion returned and I realized it was about bridging the ultimate duality. Instead of energy responding to my inimitable consciousness (got that really important part down), I began to see in the omni-awareness that it was about allowing and AND-ing into energy and consciousness becoming ONE - the New Energy Experience. The Christ Consciousness. This is Navigating the Void's deeper layer in the infinite... Further - while realization could happen in time and space - I also understood that energy and consciousness combining as one would not and could not occur in time and space. The subject I (a souled human being) had to go out, meet itself as God (consciousness), and not come back out. Integrate. The soul had to integrate - in Aeterna or what we call Ahkuhn - beyond time and space - into the All That Is You! The soul was the vehicle that got you there and now we are walking consciousness. And so, with the lovely support of Koot Hoomi, I made the leap and together we provide you will the same sovereign support for your passion to bridge the ultimate duality, in an easy to understand slide show with many graphics. To allow that, we loop back to where it all began. Leaving One-ness! Your exchange includes the following EIGHT videos:
ALL THESE VIDEOS SUPPORT THE MAIN EVENT... Ancient Integrations and the FEV of Today Full Course + Supplemental Video by Koot Hoomi, Sar'h and the Sovereign Collective (This is THE COURSE and all the other videos help support the application thereof) ~ 2 videos, 1 hour-ish You will also have access to a follow-up zoom call with others who took the course - limited to 6 - conversation create and these calls are energetic sophistication guaranteed. We call the the NEW HUMAN SPECIES calls. ($55 value) |
AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023