Hello, friends, Below you will find the February Satsang. The first thirty-six minutes of it is truly a Satsang. For those who do not know the word Satsang, in its Indian roots, it means being and sharing in the company of highest truth. Beneath all the channels, the courses, the Instagram videos and Facebook posts, isn’t that what we are all after? Truth. Truth is a pathless path. There is no book, monthly meeting, or course that will lead you there. It’s a complete transmigration of awareness in which the human turns “inward” to face eternity – and does not have to look away. In this Satsang, I get back to the basics of how the truth is discovered in oneself, by oneself. I talk about Self-Inquiry as an ART. It’s what is easiest to digest. It’s so simple the mind cannot get ahold of it and dissect it, for there is no truth in a partial view of perspective. But truly self-inquiry is the Science of God-Self Realization. There is a metaphysical transformation or alchemy that takes place when we inquire within Self – within the God Self. Coming into the experience of not just knowing you are God, Also but have a direct experience with it in a lasting way. The Flow as you might call it. Morya used to tell me “Being is a perpetual state of BECOMING”. It has no end and no finish line and no concrete floors will ever be poured here less they become shattered by the Earthquake of Truth. Lately, I have been reconciling or allowing the energy to rearrange itself – with pure awareness and a sovereign mind – where I come from and who I share with. I know you can relate when I say, we are never just one thing. Yogi. Shaumbra. Realized Being. It’s all just aware window dressing on the I Am That I Am. A complete. As I feel into the energetic imprint of this Lauren lifetime, I feel channeling has not been a very big part of my history of Self. I have had many teachers in this life. Morya, Yeshua, St. G, Yogananda, Mary M, Bababji and on and on, and not once have I ever had to hear them through a channel. Coming into the Crimson Circle in 2015, I experienced a giant learning curve in how channeled information can impact people in a meaningful and conscious way. I have respect for it now. I get it. I feel channeled information is especially important for beings of similar backgrounds and consciousness to be able to come together relate to one another and gather for a specific purpose – like realization. I also took the channeling workshop in the Crimson Circle days. I was good at it. Because – guess what – everything has always been communicating with me all the time all day. Just like you, likely. Less like a channeler, I find that I am a good translator. I take energy and put it into words. I have a degree in Journalism and honestly this is what I felt like the school taught me. Go to an event, talk to people, put the damn thing in words. Even though I respect what channeling can do now, what I have experienced in direct communication with my SELF, first -- and directly with sovereignly supportive beings has always held more punch or impact in the Universe of Me than anything else. The Word of God (also), the flow of the divine will river, and knowingness (gnost) is the final say for us all. Once you know something you cannot unknow it. Doesn’t work that way. With Morya I rarely to never channeled him, I placed his teachings in my own words and experience. Then Kuthumi came along. He works with me just like Morya but in the Living in the Garden of New Life and now the Era of the Magus series, I began to channel him. In the last week I have seen -- from the expanded view -- how we came together to share with beings moving beyond the designated ascendee lifetime of realization into the Magi lifetime – without leaving physical form. No big deal, right? Again, I see I am the reporter. The journalist. I go to an event – a Banyan Tree gathering. I talk to people. Ascended and Embodied. I put the damn thing in words. Same shit different day. But better! Anyhow, in seeing the value of a temporary coming together of like- consciousness beings in a channeled stream (super valuable), I have also begun to see the importance of the dissolution of it too. Kuthumi is here through 2023. We will continue to translate and place into the journalistic record, the stories of a master becoming a magus. I will never not be what I am being and “doing” here in the Sovereign Collective and through the Satsang streams. I will always be THAT. However just in the past week, I have begun to see how the space and the information will make a quantum leap in 2023, when channeled information is on its way out if not already completely gone. It’s time. I know you can feel that. What’s next? I guess you get to create it, as my dear friend Morya said to me the week after realization. With love and in honor of you, Sarah of Sovereign Mind
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AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023