There comes a point in this journey, where all the selfies, walks in nature and salt baths in the world won't fix what isn't broken. Your light body already exists. The only thing that keeps you from experiencing it directly is the Atlantean-designed mind's need to perceive. That's where we step in. To remind you what you know." ~ Sarah and Kuthumi Hi friends, My new puppy has been waking me up at 5 a.m. everyday ready to play. What you see in the photos posted online is a really cute dog, and the behind the scenes is that he can be a terrorist....ha! Coming into physical form for him means his body weight doubles in two weeks. His baby teeth are falling out to bring in new ones. Painful. He sees things that are not physical forms that scare him because he is still in between worlds of non-physical and physical. Anyhow, it's a lot to come into physical form. And for us, it's a lot to become free from it without the convenience of physical death. As I was having my coffee in the 5 AM darkness, I felt into how hard choosing embodied realization can be for the human. Hear me out, please. You can yell at us after the article. WHAT'S NEEDED TO EXPERIENCE THE LIGHT BODY "If dropping our baggage (biological programming) was as easy as dropping our baggage (biological programming), we’d all be human adults (light body beings) and I’d be writing a Miss Lonelyhearts column for the Chatanooga Tribune. As it is, detaching (unwinding) from our emotional baggage (biological programming) is about as easy as detaching from our bones, so I get to have this cool job telling you how to do it, and the first thing to know about doing it is that nobody wants to do it. (Truly!!)" -Jedvaita: The Way the World Unfolds (2022) In the past few months, several people have exited from patreon. I never take this personally. When Kuthumi and I began the series in June, we asked one thing. One thing. We commit to bringing you this series for one full year. In Joy and Expression. That is a commitment in and for FREEDOM. We ask you to add your consciousness and energy to it for one full year. A contributor. Rather than a receiver. Maturity. Just like the Keahak program. Except you can't really play games with yourself in the energetics of this space like you can there. It's too intimate - THERE IS NO WHERE TO HIDE FROM SELF - and that was its creative design by Morya and myself when we created it with You. The banyan tree is a place where non-Truths cannot live. A commitment to stay one full year through the series' end in June 2022. Clearly communicated. We said now (last June) was a good time to leave, no problem, before it begins. That's one thing. I DON'T OWE ANYONE ANYTHING. And I so see how others missed that and slid it under a rug. Yet, there's another thing. We all are energetically mature enough to know - no one owes you a thing. You do not owe anybody anything. You always put your own needs first. Always. Yet, that also includes a clear and open energetic stream. Do it for You. No one else. If the human takes that truth on, it often shows up as... ...I can't be on time. I don't have to be present. If it's rough for a bit, I can blackout anything and everything that makes me uncomfortable...mind chatter goes on.... Sure. Totally. You can. Until you can't. Yet, in human/ energetic form that often gets things all twisted up in charged energy. In the natural and creative state, energy is neutral. Being able to show up for something doesn't mean you're a slave to time. You're only a slave to time - if you think that you have to disconnect from it to be free. Instead of time simply being a delivery mechanism for energy, it's something you shun. Alternative. Rest and play. It's the same with spacial reality illusions. Disconnecting from a fixed space and time is an easy exit for the human when it gets uncomfortable. Disconnecting or pushing away time and space is not going beyond it. It's the exact opposite of that. "I'll just transcend it all but not participating in anything." The thing is anything you perceive is actually you. The Atlantean-designed mind is the only thing that actually perceives the time and space. Rejecting it does not make it go away. It's strengthens it's hold on you. And instead of disconnecting from time and space, what you are really doing is....disconnecting from yourself yet again.... You are NOT really disengaging from time/ space/ or patreon/ or whatever.... You are actually disconnecting from your humanity. From Yourself. Time and space aren't the mirror. You are your own mirror. The thing is to be HONEST (not human honesty but as a non-dual sensation) with yourself .. Well it is also understanding that you have to be honest with others for they are You. There are no other people. This is called SINCERE- another non-dual sensation. Something the mind cannot get with its closed-loop categories but can be felt int BEYOND ALL THAT, WHICH IS JUST A BASE LAYER... I was having my coffee, committed as fuck to you all and this space and my contract with Kuthumi to get these materials out.... It requires me stepping up to the plate everyday. That plate is being honest with myself. That can be rough. I faced a hard truth about myself this morning. Lauren faced a hard truth Brough forth by her I Am. And, while not easy (simple not easy), it is what is required of me to get where I am going. In allowing this face the Truth experience, I realized this is why people check out. Not check out of here. Not check out from diving in deep materials like ours or the Crimson Circle's or whatever. They check out with themselves. As I was allowing this experience this morning, I heard these voices in the collective.... "I do not belong." "This is too hard." "There's no point in trying." And the biggest self-convincing story... "I am just floating, just going to be in nature and be by myself." This statement is the most common Shaumbra sentence ever uttered, Kuthumi said. Basic shaumbra, he added. You are far too grand for that. It sounds simple and true enough. I am just floating and I'm just going to go out into nature by myself. And perhaps it truly is where the divine will flows for YOU. Yet, there is something missing here....and I know you can feel that dull voice that says, "Hey, there's something else here for you if you allow it." I hear it all the time. Nature and selfie posts were a great space for me for a moment until I really understood something about what NEW actually is. When I go on my explorations with Kuthumi on his tours where he teaches me many things and I am a humble student, I see what those who have checked out are doing. I am not talking about being checked out of patreon or some other space - nooooo! I am talking about checking out through getting flighty in transcendence. ----- This is where the human says: it's beyond time and space and I am just free floating ---- And perhaps it is in a mind perspective one is not yet aware of... Yet, in actuality, when I am on my tour with Kuthumi he showed me what the eject button into the free float actually is. 1) He said it is just another simulated reality, one that is created so the hard stuff is not faced. Being spacey is not being conscious. It is not feeling your consciousness. 2) It's a construct to perceive yourself as going beyond the mind. The mind actually simulates the floaty beyond the time and space feeling so it's programming can live on. It uses it's connection to nature to perpetuate the programming. YEAH.... wow.... Storylines: "Anything I do is mental, so I'll disconnect completely" "I just want to be in nature" "I'm just here to be a traveler in other realms" Then why, my friends, do you hold onto your body. You aren't even in it. There's no point. +++ Kuthumi and I remind - nothing we ever look at is wrong or bad +++ It's an accepted form of disconnect these days - it's often called #ahmyolife And if you can do it without the dragon coming in, more power to you. Good luck!!! For those who are choosing over and over again the light body experience, that eject button isn't even available. You know who you are. You know Ahmyo is allowing the deepest trust in allowing the biological thought form to integrate into the Light Body. And that trust - that Ahmyo life - has nothing to do with a t-shirt, sunset, flower photos, bottle of wine or cup of coffee. It's a call to grow up. Ahmyo life. First of all, for the Light Body experience, you must create a sovereign relationship with nature. Step One. You can appreciate it, but it no longer fills you up. Because - don't punch us - nature is a simulated reality - and a very beautiful one. I love my ocean experiences. But I do not use it to fill up my cup anymore. The only thing that is truly natural is your consciousness and the light body is a vehicle for experiencing that directly. The biology is not natural. It's a manmade construct. Standardized biology or physical form was created in Atlantis for the sole purpose of being able to convince oneself that it lived in a fixed time and space. What about the brain/ mind designed in Atlantis? Is that natural? Nope, it's actually artificial. In someways, the Atlantean designed mind is artificial intelligence. Because natural intelligence is from the I Am God, Also. It is creative intelligence of the Creator God who is You! This is why many who experienced Atlantis are so fearful of Artificial Intelligence- they helped create it in the first place (another chapter)... For those really wanting to experience classic earth nature and find comfort in it.... Your true passion or desire is actually God's passion for experiencing Itself in its natural state in classic earth reality - which cannot happen if we are floating in a mind-simulated place beyond time and space taking selfies in nature. Deep trust and surrender to the VOID where you won't be distracted by something as silly as a mirror. --- We could go on and on... But in sum, Lauren (energy) was having her coffee this morning, facing a hard truth about herself. No selfie needed. No t-shirt needed. No spiritual quote or picture of food needed. She doesn't eat so much anymore. She has been wondering why people could not see how much she puts into all these materials, knowing what a great big fat story it all was at the same time. It's a real story and it's not. It's funny AND it's difficult. For her, diving into the depths of consciousness was the flow. There was never an eject button into a flighty escape zone. But if there was, would she push it? Probably not, because that desire to have her consciousness inimitably represented here on Earth was her passion - no matter what it took. The view from the cheap seats is that one CANNOT disconnect in a human way to have this experience. The human is essential to the experience. Being here now AND being actually beyond time and space is essential. It's such a nice idea to be able to simply disconnect and drop out. Ah, I'm just going to go into nature by myself now. If that were actually true, it would be great. But it's simply another lie your programming tells itself. The reality is the biology is simply a program and to have it meld into the simplicity of the light body... Well that requires a grand and unrelenting commitment from the human part in the HERE (SPACE) AND NOW (TIME) to continually, and most uncomfortably to look at its own programming with unwavering and unrelenting clarity - again and again and again. THE ACTUAL DRAGON. For the human it's hard, it's terrifying and maddening. As I record the light body sessions - SARAH, KUTHUMI AND YOGANANDA, I - as Lauren - am facing myself in ways unimaginable. Yet, I know I can handle it because - I have "realization in my back pocket." The title of the first channel in the Era of the Magus series. What we truly offer here and now - you have to have one foot in time and space to get it - is a whole lot of sovereign support for those who do not have an eject button. Who do not have a backup plan in place. Who aren't finding any simulated comfort and joy in nature with a selfie stick and a spade tattoo (that's me making fun of myself). Those without an eject button. With no way to space out in flighty simulated reality. You're allowing it anyway, might as well share the ride with those who also have no choice but to stand at the Wall of Fire - Sovereignly together - and let the programming that held our biological form in place - continued to be held in place by a connection/ co-dependence on nature - go ahead and integrate into the Natural State of Being. With love and honor for the hard fucking parts and those willing to face them with open eyes. From one of my favorite shows...and a motto of Ollie and me. CLEAR EYES FULL HEARTS CAN'T LOSE!! Starting in January, we are going to open up the spaces on Patreon - made for those floating in the simulated reality and calling it realization - to those who respect themselves and this space enough to show up free from the illusions or at least willing to face themselves in the unrelenting clarity. Stay tuned for announcements in that regard. Also, in January we will be making Kuthumi's LIGHT BODY SESSIONS - recorded with Sarah and Yogananda - available to the public. They will include more than 4 hours of video and a follow up Zoom call with a small group of your non-dellusional peers in consciousness. This is not for the faint of heart for those seeing themselves as they truly are - beyond the articial simulations of the mind. The HERE and NOW - the freedom of time and space - Calls For It - if that's what you are choosing, allowing and anding.... Lauren/ Sarah, Kuthumi & Yogananda in a way you have never seen him before - we hope to see you in unfamiliar times and spaces offered HERE and NOW - in joy and freedom.
10/30/2021 01:11:49 pm
Dear Lauren
10/31/2021 05:12:36 am
Brigitte - Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. This one has been forming for many months now and it feels really good to get it out. The added bonus is others finding a comfort in this uncomfortable to the human experience and going for it anyway. With love.
10/30/2021 08:12:04 pm
Thank you so much for sharing this information. I appreciate your frankness and humour. I always find a sense of peace within myself by the end of each of your articles. So many “oh, that makes sense moments.” Your words motivate me! Many times when my human has been struggling with the process your words turn things around. When I’m done reading your work I feel ready to face myself in the unrelenting clarity. What an amazing gift that is. I very much appreciate your time, effort and wisdom. Thanks again!
10/31/2021 05:14:09 am
Thanks, Cheryl. Your note is so appreciated and I really didn't know if this article would make sense to anyone at all. I just had to get it out. Cheers to unrelenting clarity and those willing to choose it. It really is what Self-Love is actually all about. Thank you again.
10/31/2021 06:24:47 am
This post should have come with a warning- Dragon entering now. Jeez the discomfort came swooping in as soon as I started reading this and hung out all day. I felt like I was sitting with my 4 year old bratty self stomping her foot arms crossed. She was so pissed and I was simultaneously amused, nauseated with discomfort and in total compassion. I Am front and center.
10/31/2021 06:32:49 pm
Keiko - I enjoy reading your shares too. Totally the little kid stomping their foot. Likely not read by many. The best part of this - besides actually doing what we came here to do is being able to share it with others also discovering their sovereignty in the infinite mystery of the I Am. Thanks for taking the time to write the note. With love --
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AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
November 2023