Hello Friends & Happy 2019! I must admit this is traditionally my favorite part of the year on planet Earth. The majority of people enter the new year rested, hopeful, and with their best foot forward. And while we are not of Earth, we are certainly on it in our varying states of embodiment. Gravity – the force that can keep us looped in sticky situations – can actually work in our creative favor during this time of year, when it comes to the next iteration of our personal evolution. Rather than getting caught up in the never-ending loop of self-improvement efforts, this can be a time to celebrate the perfectly imperfect nature of the human condition – a time to simplify and deepen our connection with Self – and to embrace the perpetual state of becoming more and more us. When I sense into this space and you all here, I sense the deep soul desire to tap into what’s simple, true, and wise – beyond the noise – and for Self and Self alone. Tapping into Simplicity and Ease in 2019 I can’t think of a better way to connect with the flowing stream of simplicity and ease than with a deep and conscious breath. That’s why I am sharing one of my favorite things with you – 21 Conscious Breathing Experiences – with Guillem Torres. Last year, Guillem made a series of 21 conscious breathing videos he shared each week. In these videos, he invites us to expand beyond the human identity with the breath of awareness, allowing us to return to our natural state of being. Each video is about two minutes long, and is especially designed for people in their awakened states through embodied realization. To access the videos, you can go straight to Guillem's YouTube channel and subscribe. Or, find Guillem on Facebook to keep up with the latest offerings. I would also like to introduce a new author here. Rebecca Love released her first book, Psychology Life Hacks: Be Your Own Therapist, late last year. This book is a brilliant and simple how to be in life guide that combines Rebecca’s more than a decade of experience in clinical psychology with New Energy awareness that many of us here are tapped into. It would also make a great gift for those in your life who are ready to make the shift between external seeking and internal knowing. To buy the book or read more, visit Rebecca’s Amazon page HERE. Congrats to Rebecca on her first book and to conscious breathing expert, Guillem, for sharing their gifts with the world and specifically us here! U-S-A-R-ANova Vita – New Life – Or what I would call moving from Self Embodied (Self-Realization) to Creation Embodied (New Life)
Not considering myself a Shaumbra – I am in an identity-free state at all times these days – or a member of any organization, I do enjoy dipping into the Crimson Circle materials from time to time. I find them the most sophisticated of any large group out there to date. By the way, if you know of others, please shoot me a private note. As of late, I felt compelled to purchase the Master’s Life series on Nova Vita. It is something I have been chatting about with El Morya – my ascended master buddy – and my handful of friends who are silently sitting in their self-realized states, way before I even ‘arrived.’ These friends are, in part, my consultants for what I share here and our conversations seem to take on a life of their own. Something to look forward to in realization at this time – you won’t be the only one doing it solo on a mountain top! The Master’s Life 8 channel is the first time I have heard what myself and friends have been calling “the Gap” addressed in any official form and not in a hushed conversation, which is nice because it creates an energetic tipping point that allows me to share more. There has to be a level of consciousness, an energetic doorway, if you will, available to others for me to share certain things. With their broad reach, Crimson Circle and the Crimson Angelic Council do a really nice job of this, though I do not sit on these councils on Earth or otherwise. The GAP, for me, is what occurs between embodied realization - fully allowing your realization to ‘come in’ beyond the spiral of experience and expansion, the end of the reincarnation cycle and recognizing the GodSelf within - and embodied creation, which is called Nova Vita or USARA in this channel. Few talk about this gap. It is often assumed that once you are realized, that’s it, and you just stop there and enjoy. Perhaps that was the case for many of those before us. Realization occurred, final experiences were had, and the physical body integrated. But what if decades lie before us after realization, then what? What is left to experience in physical form?... the answer is: Nova Vita! For those of us in the shadows, it’s been Self navigating Self into creation of a New Life. In this very special channel, Adamus St. Germain recognizes that what we are doing here in Nova Vita or embodied creation has rarely, if ever, been done before by the masters coming before us. My personal ‘buddy’ in the Ascended Master Club –El Morya –and I have discussed this a lot. He and Kuthumi - who were friends who went through their self-realization around the same time in the late 1800s - both chose to stay in their body for some time after realization –something that was rather revolutionary at the time. Yet, even El Morya tells me that what is available to us all here, staying embodied post realization, is NOTHING like what they experienced. The ascended masters are all a bit jealous of us, and that’s why many ascended masters have returned to Earth (including me, not going to hide that any more) at this amazingly special time. Yep, you chose the best lifetime for this! Good decision:) El Morya explains to me – this happened years ago but I am just now sharing – that’s why I never was able to channel him in the traditional way. The masters before us could only get us so far, and now it is up to us to write the book on what Nova Vita looks like for ourselves, and for those who follow the paths we are carving here with each breath. In the next say... ten years, channeled ascended masters will become nearly obsolete in this realm (though still appropriate in awakening-focused groups) and it is us who will be sharing the stories, telling the tales. But where did this concept come from? Close your eyes and open your heart to the Atlantean experience. Shoot back to before things got so very messed up, when you and I had a dream that one day there would be life with no death, that we would know and live with the wisdom that we were the creators of our reality – along with others who knew themselves to be God, also. We would not simply realize it after our death and beyond the veil, but the veil would be lifted while we stayed in physical form. There was a song we sang – the vibrational frequency of the life of a creator embodied – it went oooooo – saaaaaaaah – raaaaaaah, what St. Germain spells as USARA. And, what it meant in simple terms was Spirit embodied and so much more that cannot be put in words. When I named my book and publication series, I was handed the title – Becoming Sar’h – pronounced Saaaaaaa- Raaaaaaa. I knew what it meant deep within the caverns of my being, but I could not tell you in words until now. A tipping point had to be reached. If you have felt drawn to my page, to my books, or just felt curious, it is not that you came to learn something from me, it is that you came to sing oooooo – saaaaaaaah – raaaaaaah along with me. Perhaps, you came to have a gentle nudge into remembering that what you came to sovereignly create. For those of you with the Yeshua and Mary Magdalene connection in addition to Atalntis, this concept was introduced then as well. The mythical and magical child called Sar’h – the holy grail – all the stories and interpretations of this story, which are all true because they are made so by belief – all lead up to what was truly birthed – the potential for New Life, Nova Vita, or Embodied Creation. It matters not whether a biological child was born, if my soul was in that body or not. What matters now is that I allow myself in total JOY to be a vessel for the consciousness of New Life, of Sar’h, to flow through me, in creation of a slip stream for those choosing consciousness over automation for eons to come. This may only make sense to a few, but for those who know, the song of New Life flows un-diluted through your embodied vessel in this very special lifetime in which the experience is beyond Love, beyond Joy, and beyond anything our human parts and pieces can even imagine. For those who would like to energetically add their consciousness to the book on New Life in Embodied Creation, I invite you to join us on Patreon. If that’s not your flavor, I encourage you to write your own book – etheric imprint or hard copy version – on what New Life, USARA, looks like for you. For more information check out the BIOS page. Email questions or comments to [email protected]. In honor of you and your unique journey into realization and beyond, Lauren, Sar’h, Morya What we feel for you is beyond love, beyond honor and in the space with no time or location. To receive this newsletter free in your inbox, please fill out the CONTACT form. You can also download my last book for free by registering. Happy 2019! Cheers to New Life!
12/28/2018 11:11:16 am
So much here and so much to say but this for now: 🥂 to the new! 🥰
Faye Stroo
12/29/2018 12:01:13 pm
Words fail! Thanks for yours. We met at the threshold held at Sparkling Hills here in the Okanagan Valley.
Lauren Hutton
1/1/2019 09:09:23 am
Thank you so much for your comments. You know it is so cool to connect the dots here. The stories do not take on an identity form, and I find as soon as they rise up on a wave to the surface, they move as quickly back into the ocean of Self. Then I find myself in the JOY of the moment, riding on a car ferry to go surf.
Deborah Barto
1/1/2019 05:06:04 pm
Hi Lauren: I am a friend of Ruth Rogers. I would like to join the Patreon before the time limit for newcomers expires. If you approve me, please let me know how I can do this. Yours truly, Deborah Barto.
Lauren Hutton
1/1/2019 05:49:24 pm
Hi Deborah,
Les Montgomery
1/1/2019 05:21:02 pm
I read the words.......And felt the spirit in and through out the words love you as 3D is thinning out the veil that is thinning,
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AuthorLauren Hutton (Sarah) writes adventure novels, how to books, and short stories about embodying the Christ Consciousness on Earth. Archives
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